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User:Scarbo/Analysis of Lucario

From SRB2 Wiki

I'm not really into Pokémon anymore, but I feel like there are these large amounts of crappily designed Pokémon. And then there's Lucario. Even better designed than Pikachu, I want to go and just write why I think Lucario is the best designed Pokémon.


Yeah, the design was based off something existent (well, technically non-existent). However, Lucario is so much nicer looking than Anubis. The jackal face is quite cool, to be honest, and Lucario look quite masculine despite having no defined muscles or anything like that. I also like how, unlike other Pokémon, Lucario have these built-in pants, so they don't look naked, lol.

Probably the only thing I really don't like is 1) they really could stand to be not so skinny, and 2) the fact that the males look like the females. Thankfully, it's not genuinely disturbing like in the case for Machoke, another Pokémon in which the males look very much like the females. I don't exactly like the idea of a female having really large muscles as well as...uh...square pectorals. Yeah.


The concept of Lucario's aura feels like a combination of the Hyuuga clan's Byakugan and Toph's ability to see via Earthbending. Personally, I really like both of those concepts, especially. 360° vision is quite a fascinating concept for me, and it's not overdone in character design. However, what is seemingly original about the aura concept is the ability to see others' aura as a sort of biosignature. The added ability to shoot aura like a power laser or something like that is totally generic, but it also works well, too. Lucario's powers are not overpowered, and they're still rather unique, despite using several established concepts.

Lucario has other rather generic powers, too, but among all of these powers, it's a very nice blend. Lucario's powerful, but there's nothing really overpowered about his design. It's not like LOL LUGIA CAN CAUSE A FORTY DAY STORM WITH ONE FLAP OF ITS WINGS or LOL DIGLETT CAN MOVE THEIR HEAD AT THE SPEED OF LIGHT or LOL MACHAMP CAN DELIVER THOUSANDS OF PUNCHES IN A FEW SECONDS. Those are all really bad, overpowered conceptual failures, and thankfully, Lucario has none of those.


You know, it's really retarded how almost every Pokémon speaks in syllables of their common species name. Very few Pokémon talk, and they're all one-of-a-kind. But the entire species of Lucario can speak normally, which is nice, because of the nice contrast to the conceptual failure of conversations sounding like this:


Also, it's kind of interesting how Lucario don't vocalize when they speak. This presents a few advantages like being able to talk underwater, with your mouth full, or through a soundproof box. However, there are also the disadvantages of not being able to talk on the phone, be a singer, or have a television interview.


This is my favorite thing about Lucario. Other Pokémon feel like they'd be pets, but Lucario feel like actual people, providing yet another large contrast, so if Pokémon were real, I would treat Lucario more as a partner/friend than something I own. Their emotional capacity is greater; they can actually talk with you; and it was highly implicitly explained in Lucario and the Mystery of Mew that they have the ability to make moral decisions, too. A friendship has more potential with these Pokémon.