Linedef type 9, the Mace Parameters!
Mace point mapthings
Mace point mapthings have been slightly modified.
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Changes from 2.1
Bigger mace theory (has no effect on custom mace, different effect on spring mace)
Flips the objects, but nothing else - just so it doesn't look out of place in gravflip sections
Keeps it from attempting to play swinging sounds
: tag of controlling linedef
: number of "spokes" minus one - for example, a parameter of 2 results in 3 equidistant maces rotating around the same point.
Mace linedefs
Mace linedefs have been significantly revamped.
Linedef special info
Floor height
Front: Pitch (in degrees; how much it "tilts" over - Yaw influences the axis it's tilting on) Back: Pinch (in degrees; 0 if no backside; essentially makes rotation conical instead of wheel-like)
Ceiling height
Front: Yaw (in degrees; rotation of entire thing on xy plane) Back: Roll (in degrees; 0 if no backside; rotates on the axis of the spinning - identical to Phase for spinning maces, but useful for rotating swinging maces as opposed to just offsetting them)
Linedef X distance
Number of chain links
Linedef Y distance
Speed (in FU)
Front texture X offset
Phase (in degrees; how far it is through the rotation cycle)
Front texture Y offset
"Minimum chainlink distance" setting - if less than zero, the absolute of that many chainlinks will not be spawned from the center outwards, for if you want stuff to not be in a wall. Doesn't affect the head of the chain at all, since otherwise what's the point? :V
Back texture X offset
Number of "antispokes" (0 if no backside; makes that many spokes not exist so you can put another mace/chain type in there instead; for combo mace/chain instead turns them into chains directly)
Back texture Y offset
Width (in number of extra chains per side; 0 if no backside; creates a "skiprope" arrangement)
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For chains and chain-mace combos, allow for player control of yaw through strafe keys
Replacing the seperate mapthings, this makes a mace type swing instead of spin.
For all spokes of the mace wheel ending in maces, make the chains out of the mace type (inverted for firebars)
Spawns a bonus mace type at the center(s) of rotation
Don't clip inside ground
Always think/visible (maces without this have a pop-in distance effect)
Mapthing number |
Represents both spinning and swinging maces from prior versions of SRB2, depending on the presence of ML_EFFECT1.
Went from being a swinging mace variant to a combination of chains and maces in a single unit, provided the number of "spokes" is greater than one.
Went from being a swinging chain variant to a vertical spring-on-a-ball-on-a-chain. Yellow by default, apply MTF_AMBUSH to turn into a red spring.
Represents both spinning and swinging chains from prior versions of SRB2, depending on the presence of ML_EFFECT1.
Hidden sling; completely untouched except to port over 2.1's functionality to the new backend.
A Mario castle-level style firebar (no, 2.2 doesn't have Koopa Garrison, I just wanted to give modders the option). This inverts the functionality of ML_EFFECT2 on the tagged linedef.
A custom mace. Use the linedef's frontside texture slots to identify a macetype mobjtype, then use the backside texture slots to identify a linktype mobjtype (defaults to MT_NULL if no backside).
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Apply to any object. Replaces the indiscriminate spamming of A_MaceRotate each tic.