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User talk:Rob/Style Guide What SRB2 Wiki is not

From SRB2 Wiki

Had a quick look, and here are a few thoughts:

  • Users can not register just to spam the Wiki.
    I don't know that this needs to be spelled out. ;)
  • Custom WADs
    Perhaps mention that example wads (e.g. Floor Over Floor) are permitted?

I think the first goes without saying, but yes, I'll add that.
As I said in IRC, though, I want to leave Userpages generally open to the users. Obviously that would include putting their own wads into the page. Though, of course, from an external site, not uploaded here itself. I'll make notes on those now. ~DarkWarrior

Permission to edit example pages? :P I get my points across better by editing the material directly, but in any case:

===A Personal Webspace or File Hosting Service===
SRB2 Wiki is not designed as personal webspace, or free file hosting.  All files deemed unrelated to the SRB2 Wiki and not uploaded to forward its main goal will be deleted by SRB2 Wiki staff.  Note that this does not include example wadfiles for the sake of tutorials or level effects pages, but the restriction does include personal wadfiles or projects for entertainment. Users who repetitively upload such material will be blocked from editing SRB2 Wiki.  Among files that can not be uploaded are:
* Custom WADs
* Custom EXEs
* Images unrelated to SRB2 or SRB2 Wiki
* Any sort of file that is not used in SRB2 or does not forward SRB2 Wiki and its goals.
* Any sort of malicious or otherwise misleading files.
* Any sort of ZIP, RAR, or other compressed folder containing any or all of the above mentioned.

There are many free file hosts that can be used as an alternative.  The following are acceptable for use on userpages:
* [http://imageshack.us Imageshack] or [http://photobucket.com Photobucket] for images
* [http://srb2ffh.supersanctuary.net/ SRB2FFH] for WADs & EXEs.

Basically, I wanted more detail in the opening paragraph on what "to forward its main goal" meant. "Note that this does not include..." Also, I added the item "Any sort of malicious or otherwise misleading files." to the list. I figured it warranted mention. Somebody tried to do it before (but not in malicious intent, I don't think.)

Also, WAD pages say that they must include a download link. Maybe just a forum topic would be fine, for the sake of preview? I'm not entirely sure about that, but it might be okay. If so, there'd have to be a separating line for allowed WADs; how about "forum topics must have three pages of posts to qualify as a valid link" or something?

Other than that, I'm good with both pages. --Digiku 19:41, 8 October 2007 (PDT)

Yes, you may edit the example page. That's the point. :)

Anyways, yeah, that is a good addition, which should be included. I think that wad pages should have a direct download, if for no other reason than it just has a better feel to the pages. I think it's more professional, and more convenient. That's only my opinion and is certainly up for debate. ~DarkWarrior