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Mystic Realm/Levels/Sunken Plant Zone Act 2

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Single Player levels
MAPAH: Sunken Plant Zone Act 2








Emerald stages
Extra levels

MAPAH, Sunken Plant Zone Act 2, abbreviated as SPZ2, is the second act of Sunken Plant Zone, the sixth zone in Mystic Realm. It is very similar to the first act, but is longer and features longer and more dangerous underwater sections. Air bubbles are fairly rare, so make sure to stop for air when you can. This stage contains the sixth Mystic Shrine, which leads to Sunken Plant's emerald stage, Nitric Citadel Zone.


You start the stage underwater, with some crates in front of you and a trail of rings leading left. Follow it to come to a room where the path splits: You can either take the fans in the left corner to reach the ledge above the water surface or you can take the underwater passage that leads to a conveyor belt.

Path split

Upper path

Walk towards the fans and let them propel you up to the ledge, but do it quickly before the Skims floating on the water manage to catch up with you. Follow the ledge into a room with another pool of water to your right. Jump into the water, but beware of the Skims and the Pop-up Turrets. Once you're in the water, turn around to see the entrance to a corridor with a series of fans above a death pit. Since the fans cancel your jump and put you into your falling animation, you can't simply jump and thok to the other side as Sonic. Instead, carefully maneuver from fan to fan to keep afloat and avoid falling into the pit. The final row of fans leads up to a higher ledge, but there is a small gap in-between, so don't float up to the very edge of the ledge or you will fall into the pit. Instead, stay directly above the fans while they carry you up. As Tails or Knuckles, you can simply fly or glide across the pit, although Knuckles will have to regain some height by climbing on one of the walls midway through.

Once you've reached the other side, drop down into the hole in front of you and use the air bubble patch to your right to refresh your air supply. Then continue forward to enter a large room with a death pit that is spanned by four bridges at two different heights. Cross the room via the bridge you entered on, but move quickly since parts of it will crumble when stood upon. On the other side, take the conveyor belt leading right and use the row of fans to reach a higher ledge. Refresh your air supply with the air bubble patch to your left and continue. After two right turns, you will re-enter the previous room, this time on one of the higher bridges. Again, cross it quickly to avoid the crumbling floors as well as the Skims floating on the water surface. On the other side, jump across two rows of spikes and a hole in the floor to reach a staircase leading above the water surface and to the first Star Post. Should you fall into the hole in the floor, you will end up on the lower path.

From the Star Post, jump into the water in front of you and walk through the underwater passage at the bottom. Avoid the Pop-up Turret in front of you and turn either left or right to find a fan that will lift you up to a higher ledge. Use the air bubble patch in the left corner if necessary and then jump up the staircase made out of conveyor belts to reach the top of the room. Keep going quickly to avoid the Skims chasing you from above. After walking through another passage, you will reach a small room with a Pop-up Turret and two fans leading to a conveyor belt above the water surface. The conveyor belt will take you to a room with another conveyor belt that runs backwards. Run against it and walk up to the edge of a water pool in the following room. You should see a hole in the wall in front of you which is lined with fans. Jump or simply fall into the hole and use the fans to propel yourself across the water to another row of fans that lead up to a safe ledge. Avoid falling into the water at all costs, since it has a death pit at the bottom. On the other side, walk forward to reach the second Star Post.

Drop down into the water to the left and continue going down a series of drops until you reach the bottom. A corridor in front of you leads into a large room covered in a death pit. Several platforms attached to the outer walls lead upwards to the far end of the room. Turn left and make your way up across these platforms, but beware of the Pop-up Turrets and parts of the platforms that crumble when stood upon. The next platforms after the one you entered from has an air bubble patch which you can use to refresh your air supply. Midway through, you must use a row of fans to propel yourself up to a higher ledge. Once you've reached the highest platforms, an exit to your left leads out of the room. Next to the exit is another air bubble patch, but make sure to kill the nearby Pop-up Turret before you use it, or it will hit you while you're waiting for air. Walk through the exit and continue through the following corridor. A series of conveyor belts lead to a row of fans that lead back above the water surface.

After coming out of the water, turn right to reach another pool of water. Jump into it and turn right to find a wide death pit below a low ceiling. Jump and use your special ability to reach the ledge on the other side, but don't jump too high or you will hit the ceiling and fall into the pit. Use the steps on the other side to jump back out of the water. After a right turn, jump over a small pool of water to reach the third Star Post. Here the paths rejoin.

Lower path

Enter the underwater passage and step on the conveyor belt. Run against it and jump across the following conveyor belts, which lead upwards into another underwater room with Skims floating on the water surface. From the entrance, look behind the crates to your left to find a fan which will lead you out of the water. Walk up to it quickly before the Skims catch up with you. Once you're out of the water, turn right and walk across the bridge (parts of which will crumble when stood upon) to exit the room via a staircase which leads back down into the water. After walking through an underwater corridor, you will enter a large room with a death pit that is spanned by four bridges at two different heights. Cross the room via the bridge you entered on, but move quickly since parts of it will crumble when stood upon. On the other side, take the conveyor belt leading left and follow the next conveyor belt to reach a row of fans leading upwards. Directly behind the second conveyor belt is an air bubble patch which you can use to refresh your air supply.

Use the fans and another row of fans to reach a corridor that is only partially submerged in water. The fans will temporarily push you out of the water, allowing you to breathe. After a left turn, you will re-enter the previous room, this time on one of the higher bridges. Again, cross it quickly to avoid the crumbling floors as well as the Skims floating on the water surface. On the other side, use a row of fans to reach a ledge above the water surface. Turn right to enter a corridor that leads to the first Star Post.

From the Star Post, jump into the water in front of you. Use the steps to your right to jump up to a barrier dividing the room in half. Walk into the other half and use another series of steps winding around the right side of the room to reach a ledge above the water surface. Beware of the Pop-up Turret sitting on one of the final steps. Walk around the crates in front of you to find the entrance to another corridor with the second Star Post. After jumping over a row of spikes, you will drop down a hole in the floor and land on an underwater conveyor belt leading left. At the end of the conveyor belt, jump over the crates blocking your way.

You will enter a large room covered in a death pit. Several platforms attached to the outer walls lead around the room. You have two options to traverse the room: You can either take the platforms to your left leading upwards or the ones in front of you leading downwards. In either case, make your way across these platforms, but beware of the Pop-up Turrets and parts of the platforms that crumble when stood upon. If you took the platforms leading downwards, you will eventually reach a row of fans on the lowest platform that lead up to the highest one. If you took the platforms leading upwards, you will eventually reach that platform as well. Use the air bubble patch on the platform to refresh your air supply. Afterwards, turn around and look to your left to see a higher platform attached to the pillar in the center of the room. Jump to it and then to another platform around the corner from the pillar. From there, you can reach an alcove with the exit across the room. In the left corner of the alcove is another air bubble patch, but make sure to kill the nearby Pop-up Turret before you use it, or it will hit you while you're waiting for air.

Jump over the line of spikes on the right side of the alcove to enter a low passage with a conveyor belt. It leads to another conveyor belt going backwards, with a Pop-up Turret in front of it. Dodge or kill it and then continue moving along the conveyor belt. At the end of the corridor, you can use an air bubble patch in the left corner to refresh your air supply. Continue to your right until you reach a row of fans leading back above the water surface and to the third Star Post. Here the paths rejoin.

Final section

After the Star Post, you must use fans to reach the top of a high ledge in front of you. Use the fans on the floor to reach the ledge lined with spikes about halfway up. Between the spikes are three more fans that will push you to the top. Walk forward and drop down the hole in front of you. After a right turn, you will reach a room with a large pool of water to your right. Before you continue, kill the Pop-up Turret next to the crates. Then drop down to the slightly lower ledge extending towards the water. As you can see, a row of pillars in the middle of the water pit separates you from the other side. If you look closely, you should see a small underwater ledge with springs beneath a row of rings leading upwards. To reach it, charge a spindash and release it to bounce across the water to the ledge. Aim precisely towards the ledge to avoid missing it or hitting one of the pillars, which will make you fall into a death pit below. Once you've reached the ledge, the springs will bounce you upwards into a corridor with the Level End Sign at the end, behind two Pop-up Turrets.

Points of interest

Extra lives

  • Before reaching the first Star Post, both paths pass through a large room with a death pit that is spanned by four bridges at two different heights. Between the bridges, a pillar with a red button rises above the water surface. As Tails or Knuckles, you can simply fly or climb up to it. As Sonic, take the lower path and follow it until you reach a ledge above the water surface at the top of this room. From there, turn around to see the pillar with the button in the distance. Reaching it as Sonic is difficult, but possible with a well-aimed spindash-jump. A second, less reliable method is to use a spindash to skip across the water surface and bounce off an approaching Skim. From the pillar with the button, you can reach an alcove with an extra life in the wall in front of you.
  • Take the upper path at the start and follow it until you reach the first Star Post. Here, you should see a closed door in the wall to your right. To reach the button that opens it, continue through the underwater section. In the area that follows, look to your right at the end of the second conveyor belt to find a red button in the corner. After pressing it, backtrack to the door to find it opened, revealing an extra life.
  • In the room before the final corridor at the end of the level, where you have to skip across the water to reach a ledge with yellow springs, look to the left and right of that ledge to find two small pillars in the corners, each holding an extra life. To reach them safely, when bouncing off the yellow springs, steer backwards slightly to land on the part of the ledge without springs. From there you can jump to the pillars with the extra lives, but aim your jump carefully to avoid falling into the pit.
  • Sonic's emblem location contains two extra lives.


  • In the first room, take the fans that lead to the upper path. At the end of the ledge that you land on, you will find a red button. Press it and turn around to find that a door has opened on the other end of the ledge, revealing two Super Ring Monitors and an Armageddon Shield.
  • Take the upper path at the start. After passing through the corridor with a series of fans over a death pit, drop down the hole in front of you and look to your left to find an Elemental Shield in the corner, behind a crate.
  • Before reaching the first Star Post, both paths pass through a large room with a death pit that is spanned by four bridges at two different heights. Between the bridges, a pillar with a red button rises above the water surface. As Tails or Knuckles, you can simply fly or climb up to it. As Sonic, take the lower path and follow it until you reach a ledge above the water surface at the top of this room. From there, turn around to see the pillar with the button in the distance. Reaching it as Sonic is difficult, but possible with a well-aimed spindash-jump. A second, less reliable method is to use a spindash to skip across the water surface and bounce off an approaching Skim. After pressing the button, go back to the exit on other side of the room. In the room after the Star Post, you will notice that a door has opened to the left, revealing a Whirlwind Shield.
  • Take the lower path at the start. In the room after the first Star Post, after reaching the top of the barrier that divides the room in half, jump down on the other side and look in the far right corner of the room for a Whirlwind Shield hidden behind a ledge.
  • Take the upper path at the start. In the large underwater room with the death pit after the second Star Post, instead of turning left and climbing up the platforms, jump across the platforms leading down to your right. You will reach an alcove with a ring monitor and an Armageddon Shield.
  • Take the lower path at the start. After passing the large underwater room with the death pit after the second Star Post, you will exit the room via a conveyor belt. At the end of that conveyor belt, an Armageddon Shield is hidden in the corner to your right.


  • In the corridor with the third Star Post where the paths rejoin, turn around to find an invincibility monitor in the corner behind you.

Super Sneakers

  • Take the lower path at the start. In the room after the first Star Post, look behind the crates to your left from the entrance to find a Super Sneakers monitor.
  • Take the upper path at the start and follow it until you reach the end of the underwater section after the first Star Post. Take the conveyor belt that the fans push you up to. In the following room, a Super Sneakers monitor is in plain sight.

Emblem locations

Emblem Game info/hints Description

See the grey boxes
just before the final jump?
Go around the side.

This Emblem is found in the same location as this level's Mystic Shrine.

On the lower path,
right before the last big room,
look behind the crates.

At the end of the lower path, you'll encounter a Star Post followed by a drop to the conveyor belt. When you jump over the row of crates, turn around to find the Emblem floating in front of them.
File:Emblem-MR2.png On the upper path,

right before the last big room,
look behind the crates.

At the end of the upper path, you'll encounter several Fans as they float you upward. Once you cross the Star Post, jump inside the water, but instead of proceeding normally, jump behind the crate poking out of the corner of the wall to find the Emblem.
File:Emblem-MR3.png Buttons unlock doors;

the last one opens a door
to one more button.

This emblem requires you to press two buttons to open the door housing it. Start by pressing the blue button near the end of the stage, then go into the chute straight ahead of you. In the water, head right and use the Fans to ride up the wall. When you land, look behind you to find a ledge, then cross over to it. After making a right, you'll find that the blue button you pressed has opened a door with a pink button inside it. Press the pink button, then run back to the end of the stage to find that the pink door has opened, containing two extra lives and the Emblem.

Technical data