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1.09.4:Meadow Match Zone

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Match stages
MAP99: Meadow Match Zone



MAP99, Meadow Match Zone, is the tenth and final Match level in Sonic Robo Blast 2 v1.09.4. It is the first level ever designed for Match mode and has been in almost every version of SRB2 since the gametype was introduced. As the first Match level ever made, it is extremely simple and small, consisting of only one flat and rectangular GFZ-themed room with some very basic water pools and platforms. The stage is controversial in the SRB2 community: While frequently derided for its extreme simplicity, it remains one of the most-played Match stages on the Master Server.


Weapon rings

There are two Rail Rings, at opposite corners of the map.

Random Monitor

The random monitor is one of the three monitors on the floating platform in the sky. Use the springs to reach it.


There are 5 platforms. 2 are connected, 1 sends you up to the floating platform in the sky, and one moves up and down near the one in the sky.


Control the Rail Rings

The key to being a dominating force on this map is to keep all Rail Rings under one's control. This effectively gives a single player a huge advantage at attacking from a range over all other players. If another player gains control of a Rail Ring, steal it. If a Rail Ring spawns, grab it, even if there is more than enough time left on the weapon. Denying opponents the use of weapon rings will make them much easier to score points against.

Springs are deadly

Never hit a spring without modifying one's direction in midair. Otherwise, the player using the spring becomes an easy target for anyone with a Rail Ring in the entire level.

On the other hand, take advantage of players using the spring by hitting them while in midair. If a player uses a spring, track that players progress and fire! The player in midair will not be able to react, nor recover very many rings if this strategy is used against them.

On camping

Camping on this level is rarely effective. The only place that can be camped effectively is the topmost platform, but even then, other players will be making their way up there to use the random monitor. Rail-sniping from the top platform is usually not recommended, because as soon as the camper opens fire, any other player with a Rail Ring will immediately shift their attention to the camper, and most likely hit him, or at least drive him back where he cannot fire at the players on the ground below...

Technical data