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A_SetTargetsTarget is an action that changes the actor's target to the Object its current target is itself targeting – i.e. the actor's new target will become the same as its old target's own target. This action can use tracer Objects instead of target Objects where applicable: Var1 determines whether to use the actor's target (Var1 = 0) or tracer (Var1 = 1), while Var2 determines whether to use the target (Var2 = 0) or tracer (Var2 = 1) of the Object determined by Var1. This results in four possible ways this action can function:

Var1 Var2 Effect
0 0 actor's new target = old target's target
1 actor's new target = old target's tracer
1 0 actor's new tracer = old tracer's target
1 actor's new tracer = old tracer's tracer

If the actor doesn't have a target/tracer, or the actor's target/tracer doesn't have a target/tracer of its own, this action will do nothing.

  Actions – Remote actions [view]