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Category talk:WAD Mods

From SRB2 Wiki

Ezer.Arch, WAD mod =/= Level Pack. See XSRB2, it's a level pack, but not a WAD Mod. WAD Mods are mods without an executable. --SpiritCrusher 14:11, 2 April 2010 (UTC)

I agree with "WAD Mods are mods without an executable", but XSRB2 is an EXE Mod with some few levels included (see http://mb.srb2.org/showthread.php?t=33160 and source code http://trac.srb2.org/browser/SRB2/branches/XMOD). On the other hand, "Wad Mod" is -- in my opinion -- a too wide term that covers anything that can released within a wad file, such as characters wads, graphic replacements, music packs, SOCs and scripts. Once such exemples don't have enough notability to be included in this wiki, "Level Pack" is a better and precise term, it only covers wad files that contain at least more than one level, and "Level Pack" is a section of MB and Modifications page. --Ezer'Arch|עֶזֶר'AρχTalk 14:55, 2 April 2010 (UTC)

Hmm, you're probably right about this. I can't think of any issue that would arise anyway, since all WAD Mods that are featured on the Wiki are also Level Packs. XSRB2 and SRB2Riders would probably just fit into both categories. But before we actually change that, I want to achieve consensus with the other staff members. Once there is a decision, I will re-revert those edits, but for now, please leave it as it is. --SpiritCrusher 15:10, 2 April 2010 (UTC)

No. Source code mods are source code mods. If a source code mod has a level pack included, just use subpages, the way Mystic Realm does. ~RobTalkContribs 14:37, 3 April 2010 (UTC)