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User talk:Ezer'Arch

From SRB2 Wiki
Use this User Talk only for SRB2Wiki purposes and material I'm working on in here. If you want to contact me for other reasons, send me a private message on Message Board. I don't give support about SRB2 here either, use Message Board instead

NAO I CAN HAZ A User talk pagj... :D

Feel free to contact me here.

Random comments of my fellows

You know, you can upload screenshots of emerald locations to the Wiki. Not to mention that I can't see those images because the filter blocks embedded images from Imageshack and Photobucket. –SonicMaster 15:04, 12 February 2009 (UTC)

"Thanks for motivating me, Ezer.Arch" -by SonicMaster.

O nice. You're welcome. =)... I consider Acid Missile as 2nd most important level pack of Community, even being kinda short, so I thought it would deserve more attention. It's missing a Slime Silo Zone's page though... I need to play more in SP to get some ideas to start a page. --Ezer'Arch 16:00, 13 February 2009 (UTC)

Hey,but any of all my links,at my UserPage,take a File when i Upload to SRB2 Wiki.Try it!! Seelkadoom,20 September 2009(UTC)

Dimensions for level design

In water, a Yellow Spring reaches about 1100-1200 fracunits. I also don't like to make tunnels narrower than 384 fracunits. –SonicMaster 21:56, 22 February 2009 (UTC)

WAD Character Tutorial in old Pallete

If did you know when the Pallete,why take you the Sprites of Sonic and Tails in WAD Character Tutorial in old Pallete?Seelkadoom,10 Octember 2009(UTC)

Sorry, I don't understand. What I did was to remove the sprites you had posted, they were in wrong palette.

http://wiki.srb2.org/w/images/d/d0/TAILA2A8.PNG http://wiki.srb2.org/w/images/archive/d/d0/20091010185017!TAILA2A8.PNG

Can you see the difference?.

Besides, you replaced .png with .PNG. Let file extensions in lower case.--Ezer'Arch 16:40, 11 October 2009 (UTC)

On the subject of WAD Mods and Level Packs

As you might have seen, we're neither keeping the category as it is, nor are we changing it to "Level Packs". Instead, we're doing something similar that will probably satisfy you as well. There are two subcategories of Mods]] now: Source Code Mods and Addons. The former is for any mod that modifies source code and, as a result, includes an EXE file. There may or may not be WADs attached to it, if it has an EXE, it's a source code mod. Everything else goes under the latter category. They can be run with "srb2win.exe" and usually contain only a WAD file. This way, we won't have trouble with mods like XSRB2 that are both EXE Mods and Level Packs. --SpiritCrusher 14:29, 3 April 2010 (UTC)

Template for Pages to be Renamed

I'm fine with that. I would probably catch all files that have to be renamed without such a template, but that might make my work somewhat easier. Do you know how to make such a template or should I do one myself? --SpiritCrusher 06:15, 6 April 2010 (UTC)

Actually, I changed my mind. We don't really need such a template, since I regularly patrol recent changes and would find and rename such files anyway. Should I miss one out, you can just drop me a note --SpiritCrusherTalkContribs 09:06, 10 April 2010 (UTC)

No problem. --Ezer'Arch|עֶזֶר'AρχTalk 16:19, 10 April 2010 (UTC)

Why do I feel this place isn't empty anymore?

Also, the SkySlots thing is a nice idea, hopefully we can implement that somehow. --SpiritCrusherTalkContribs 16:45, 7 May 2010 (UTC)

Nice. The SkySlots idea came after I got pissed off with trying every skynumber on DEVMODE to pick up a sky for my maps. I have added some new stuff on the page and uploaded all needed thumbnails. It's not "readable" yet, I need to do a rewrite in some descriptions. --Ezer'Arch|עֶזֶר'AρχTalk 04:12, 10 May 2010 (UTC)

As soon as you complete that rewrite, PUT IT ON THERE! I love it! If Texture/Flat pages are ever made, they need to look exactly like that page :) --Digiku talk 04:49, 15 May 2010 (UTC)

YAY, I feel important. Okay, when I see the page is getting decent, I'll move it to the public. >:D --Ezer'Arch|עֶזֶר'AρχTalk 04:57, 15 May 2010 (UTC)

Oh boy, the Flat/Texture pages :( That will be a disaster. --SpiritCrusherTalkContribs 07:07, 15 May 2010 (UTC)

Hai! (Mystic Realm Related!)

Okay, I'm back. About MR, IF you can nag me enough I might take care of the Egg Mobile issue. (SOC broke, dangit!) I will also port those GFX we're still missing. (Jetty-syn Striker and Jetty-syn Cannoneer.) --Henix879, Graphics Expert and Soccer in Training 14:10, 17 August 2010 (UTC)

(you're crazy?!) Heya! Welcome back ^^. You got to have a talk with Glaber, he's porting MR too (http://wiki.srb2.org/wiki/User:Glaber#Mystic_Realm_Legacy and http://mb.srb2.org/showthread.php?p=681787#post681787). --Ezer'Arch|עֶזֶר'AρχTalk 21:29, 17 August 2010 (UTC)

(Yes, I'm crazy. XD) I'm talking about the port you showed me. (My talk page.) --Henix879, Graphics Expert and Soccer in Training 01:51, 18 August 2010 (UTC)

Hai! Mystic Realm is almost done. Just fixing some last-minute things. Mystic Realm's Album. --Ezer'Arch|עֶזֶר'AρχTalk 22:10, 9 October 2010 (UTC)

About your "Needs Images"

Just to let you know, I'm pretty sure we already have all the Flats and Textures images uploaded, we just need the links changed to point to the correct images. Actually, ACZ might still need one or two images uploaded, I'm not sure. But the others are done, and just need the redundant images sorted. ~Katmint TalkContribs 19:38, 19 February 2011 (UTC)

:S ... That I did not know. I placed those notes to not lose the track so I can go back and upload (or do something else) to complete those pages. --Ezer'Arch|עֶזֶר'AρχTalk 22:57, 19 February 2011 (UTC)

Screenshots and Sites (by myself)

  • Mystic Realm Porting Screenshots (broken link)