Linedef type 62

Linedef type 62, Crusher (Floor to Ceiling), is a type of linedef special which makes the ceiling of a sector continuously retract upwards from the floor until it is even with the ceiling of the bordering sectors, and then crush down from the ceiling to the floor at twice the speed. If a player is caught beneath the sector when it crushes, they will be killed instantly. It starts in a different place than crushers made with linedef type 61, which allows you to create unsychronized crushers. This is the easiest way to make a crusher, but there are several other types of linedefs which will allow you to create more specialized crushers.
The control linedef should be tagged directly to the specified target sector. If you want, you can actually put the control linedef on the target sector itself, but this isn't necessary; you can also use a control sector. The length of the linedef determines the crusher's speed. One fracunit of length equals 1/16 of a fracunit per tic.
Checking Flag [9] / Solid Midtexture / Effect 4 makes the crusher move at twice the provided speed, keeping a constant speed while crushing or retracting. With this flag checked, the speed is determined by the linedef X distance.
- Example file: ex_ld062_crusher_floortoceiling.wad (MAP01)
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