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Marathon Run

From SRB2 Wiki
The Marathon Run menu.
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Marathon Run is a game mode in SRB2 in which the player replays the Single Player levels, with a timer on the bottom of the screen which shows the overall time which they have been playing through the game. This mode is unlocked along with Record Attack by beating Greenflower Zone Act 3.

Marathon Run allows the player to select which character they want to play as, if they want to have a Live Backup saved should the game crash mid-run (or if they want to do an Ultimate run) and also if they want to use in-game time or realtime to be tracked. If a backup is detected, the player can quickly load the backup in and resume play from the start of the act they were previously on.

An in-game view of Marathon Run using the In Game Timer option.

The timer on the bottom of the screen not only shows the current overall in-game or realtime time, but includes two lines which cross the screen in their own rate, used as splice protection for speedruns which get uploaded.

  Game modes [view]
Game modes CampaignUltimate modeMarathon RunRecord Attack/NiGHTS ModeMultiplayer
Gametypes Single Player/Co-opCompetitionRaceMatch/Team MatchTag/Hide & SeekCapture the Flag
Level types Supplementary: 2D modeMario modeNiGHTS
Other: Special StageEmerald Hunt