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Mystic Realm/Levels/Prismatic Angel Zone Act 2

From SRB2 Wiki
Single Player levels
Emerald stages
Extra levels
MAPAX: Prismatic Angel Zone Act 2


MAPAX, Prismatic Angel Zone Act 2, abbreviated as PAZ2, is the second act of Prismatic Angel Zone, the extra zone in Mystic Realm. It is set inside the castle that the player enters near the end of the first act. Directly in the player's sight are three teleporters that each lead to different areas where the player must complete tricky platforming challenges. This level contains the ninth and final Mystic Shrine that, when activated, sends you to Dimension Warp Zone.

The level was originally meant to be a full-length act similar to PAZ1, albeit set entirely underwater. However, the only copy of the level was lost during development, so it was replaced by a small placeholder stage that consists of a tower with a Level End Sign inside. In earlier versions of PAZ2, the level's short length would grant the player two extra lives from the time bonus.


You start off in a small room with a deactivated teleporter in the center and three small teleporters off to the sides. These lead to difficult platforming challenges, all of which require you to activate a button at the end and teleport back to the main room. If you lose a life, any switch you've pressed will stay activated.

The challenges are as follows:

  • Underwater room: You immediately begin underwater in this room. Ahead of you is a plus-shaped platform with two Golden Elemental Shield Monitors on it. Once you get your shield, build up speed and jump to the platform ahead of you, then jump again to land on another plus-shaped platform. Turn right, jump up the two platforms in front of you, and land on the long platforms. Just past this, run through the three long platforms and jump onto the small platform in the corner. Turn right to find three two platforms in between two pillars and jump your way across to land on a long platform. Just past these two platforms, you'll find two platforms moving up and down. Carefully time your jumps to land on the platforms, and you'll be at the end of this room. Press the switch to activate the torch and jump back into the teleporter to return to the main room.
  • Armageddon Shield room: You start in a corridor with two golden Armageddon Shield Monitors in front of you. Break one, then use the Armageddon Shield to activate the ATZ Target, which will then open the door. Afterwards, you are then tasked with maneuvering your way around platforms that have five Yellow Springs on them. Halfway through, there'll be small platforms with Rings on them. Just past that part, continue making your way through the small platforms, but avoid the plus platform. You will then find more Yellow Springs to your left. Ride them, and you'll come across some platforms guarded by archways with Yellow Springs attached to the ceiling. Inside the small architecture, ride the Yellow Springs up, but be careful not to hit the Red Springs. When you reach the platform with the switch that activates this room's torch, ride the Yellow Springs to the teleporter, but watch your footing.
  • Whirlwind Shield room: When you enter this room, there are two golden Whirlwind Shield Monitors in front of a facade. After you get a Whirlwind Shield, jump off the platform, pass under the facade, and press your Spin button to land on the platform behind it. Just past these two platforms are a series of facades, but some of them have upside down diagonal and regular Yellow Springs that push you into the bottomless pit. At the fifth platform, there are four Yellow Springs that send you to the next series of platforms. However, unlike the first five you encountered, the next four are far apart and require you to build up speed to pass underneath them. At the end, there are four Yellow Springs that led to floating thin platforms. There are Rings that guide you to the platform with the switch that activates this room's torch.

Once all three torches are lit, a teleporter leading to the goal will open up. Step inside and you'll be sent to a long straightaway leading to the Level End Sign, clearing the level.

Emblem locations

Emblem Game info/hints Description

Red springs at the back,
then use the rising platforms.
The last mystic shrine.

The emblem is located on top of the tower. To reach it, you must use one of two springs in the corners of the rear outer wall of the tower. Stand between the columns that make up the wall and look towards either corner to see a small ledge with a red spring at the bottom, just above the pit. Jump to it and use the spring to reach the second floor of the tower. From there, jump to the long rainbow-colored platform behind the tower. On either end, a small platform moves up and down. Stand on either platform and let it carry you up to the top. While you are riding the platform, face towards the tower and charge a spindash. When the moving platform reaches its peak, release the spindash and perform a spindash-jump to reach the top of the tower, where you will find the emblem and the Mystic Shrine.

Springs give extra height
when you are not under water.
Careful not to fall!

Inside the Elemental Shield room, instead of going for the switch, turn around when you're on the second floating platform and you'll see a Yellow Spring on one of the pillars. Jump on it and you'll land on a platform above. Once you're up there, carefully make your way across the small platforms, and you'll find the Emblem sitting on the fourth one.
File:Emblem-MR2.png Bring another nuke,

you might end up needing it
for another switch.

In the Armageddon Shield room, there is an ATZ Target at the end that requires you to use an Armageddon Shield to activate it. Once you reach the end and use the Shield, a small ledge to the left of the switch will open up, revealing the Emblem inside.
File:Emblem-MR3.png The only way in

is a well-timed double jump
Watch out for the blocks!

In the Whirlwind Shield room, there is a platform that you can only enter from below. When you reach the end, turn left from the switch and jump off. With enough height, you'll find yourself inside the platform containing the Emblem.

See image

Technical data