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Mystic Realm/Levels/Prismatic Angel Zone Act 3

From SRB2 Wiki
Single Player levels
Emerald stages
Extra levels
MAPAY: Prismatic Angel Zone Act 3


MAPAY, Prismatic Angel Zone Act 3, abbreviated as PAZ3, is the third act of Prismatic Angel Zone, the secret eighth zone in Mystic Realm. It consists of only a room with a teleporter that leads to a corridor with the exit. After completing this level, Prismatic Angel Zone will be accessible from the Secrets menu.


You start in a large room with only a few rings and a teleporter in the middle. Enter the teleporter to be sent to a corridor similar to the one seen at the end of the second act. Walk down the corridor to exit the level in a small, portal-like room to be sent to Mystic Realm Zone, or jump to a small platform behind the exit to get this level's sole emblem.

Technical data