SRB2Fun/IRC logs
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This page is used to store logs of #srb2fun discussions as references for the In development article. Any IRC discussion in which an SRB2 developer reveals new information about future versions of the game should be added here, the relevant information summarized in the In development article and the corresponding log linked as a reference. Instructions on adding references can be found in the Manual of Style.
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[03:06] <Mystic> In the meantime, go mess with the contest entries ^_~ [03:06] <Mystic> I entered something from the TUDD into it =P [03:06] <SSNTails> I don't even remember Azure Temple Zone :/ [03:06] <Mystic> It's one of the stages from that massive old list of secret levels Sonikku made =P [03:07] <SSNTails> I was hoping STZ would get make first :D [03:07] <SSNTails> *made [03:07] <Mystic> That is also in progress, actually [03:07] <SSNTails> heh, cool [03:07] <Mystic> Textures are being made, and there's a basic layout already [03:07] <SSNTails> Does Eggman make an appearance? ^_^ [03:07] <Mystic> it's pretty basic right now [03:08] <Mystic> no things at all except for the player 1 start and exit sign [03:09] <SSNTails> heh.. you know what would be funny.. [03:09] <SSNTails> to have a certain 'mini game' in STZ.... ;) [03:10] <SSNTails> could be the boss fight XD [03:10] <Mystic> lol [03:10] <Mystic> Honestly, I'm more being a little conservative with the secret stages, AJ [03:10] <SSNTails> I have a pitching animation for Sonic's A2A8 frames... [03:10] <Mystic> The real resources and effort go into the game proper [03:11] <SSNTails> yeah yeah, i know [03:11] <Mystic> As fun as that would be, I'd rather see a completed game with simple secrets than an unfinished mess with awesome unrelated secrets =P [03:12] <Mystic> but yeah, give Azure Temple a try. Do be careful, though, as it's brutally hard [03:13] <SSNTails> It's also fun to talk about all these things in the public channel ;) [03:13] <Mystic> oh, I know. I do this on a regular basis [03:13] <Mystic> The smug satisfaction lasts for HOURS [...] [03:34] <Tyler52> Damn, I can't believe I missed 2.1 info. [03:34] <Tyler52> What was it? [03:34] <Katmint> nothing special other than there is a zone named STZ in the TUDD [03:35] <Katmint> the 2.1 pipe has been really leaky today [03:35] <Katmint> :p [03:35] <Tyler52> TUDD? [03:35] <Badz> The Ultimate Design Document [03:36] <Tyler52> What is the TUDD? for SP rotation stuff? [03:37] <Blade> Tyler, it's basicly all the plans for the entire game [03:37] <Tyler52> So where does STZ go in there? [03:38] <SpiritCrusher> Under the huge list of secret levels [03:38] <Tyler52> Ah. [03:38] <Tyler52> Loves me some replay value. [03:38] <SpiritCrusher> Which also include Aerial Garden Zone, Azure Temple Zone and a bunch of other stuff that is already in the game [03:38] <Badz> Is it the third hyper level [03:38] <Mystic> No. [03:39] <SpiritCrusher> Is there a third hyper level? (you're so not gonna answer this) [03:39] <Mystic> Yes, there is [03:39] <SpiritCrusher> Is there a fourth hyper level? [03:39] <Mystic> The TUDD contains exactly the same kind of secret stage structure as SRB1 [03:39] <SpiritCrusher> Cool, three super levels [03:39] <Chiru> AGZ is first hyper, ATZ is second hyper? [03:40] <SpiritCrusher> Also, find the hidden exit in the second one to go to the third one [03:40] <Mystic> We aren't likely to do that, SpiritCrusher [03:40] <SpiritCrusher> The hidden exit in ATZ is the nuke blast room [03:40] <Mystic> It didn't work out well in SRB1 [03:40] <SpiritCrusher> I wasn't serious about that part [03:40] <Mystic> but in all seriousness, expect the order of the secret stages to be flexible [03:41] <Mystic> After all, the difficulty order in the TUDD has Azure Temple as easier than Aerial Garden [03:41] <Mystic> That clearly didn't happen [03:41] <SpiritCrusher> Good luck making a third stage that is actually harder [03:42] <Mystic> Honestly, the design for that level is demonic, SpiritCrusher. I'm not worried [03:42] <Mystic> STZ is super level 1 in the TUDD
12:04 MascaraSnake Okay, I really need to clean up the "In development" page on the wiki 12:04 MascaraSnake I have a feeling about half of the stuff on there is no longer true 12:04 MascaraSnake "Additionally, act 1 [of RVZ] will be slightly expanded, on which JEV3 has done some work." [link to a post from four years ago] 12:05 MascaraSnake "Three new weapon rings are being developed, although two are described as "experimental" and may not make the cut." [link to that news post from four years ago] 12:05 Nek0r it's all true 12:05 Nek0r it just didn't happen! 12:05 Mystic Actually, both of those are still true 12:06 MascaraSnake Well, the general sentiment is still true 12:06 Mystic although JEV3's work is already in the stage as it exists now 12:07 Mystic and there are still two serious plans for new weapons 12:09 MascaraSnake Mostly what's weird is that the article makes stuff from years ago sound like it's still totally happening right now 12:09 MascaraSnake I mean, there's still plans to add new weapon rings, but I don't think anyone is implementing them right now 12:10 Mystic Actually...we even have most of the sprites for one of them 12:10 Mystic so yeah, it's not as remote as you may think 12:10 Nek0r the semi rail? 12:10 MascaraSnake "Act 3 will be inspired by the Wile E. Coyote and Road Runner shorts from Looney Tunes. Sonic will run along a NiGHTS track with a rear view. Eggman will either race against Sonic on an ACME rocket or lay traps on Sonic's path." 12:10 Mystic yeah 12:10 Mystic That is totally out of date and incorrect 12:10 RedEnchilada acz3 is probably gonna be pretty standard as bosses go 12:11 MascaraSnake "The missile that were used in the old Brak Eggman boss fight from 2.0 will be used in the first two acts as standalone objects." [talking about DCZ of course] 12:11 Mystic yeah, I'd like to keep our boss gimmicks to more sane things that our engine can actually handle well 12:11 Mystic Also probably not at this point, MascaraSnake 12:12 MascaraSnake "The original plan for DCZ (which might or might not apply today) was that act 1 would be a short chase by Brak Eggman and act 2 would be a full-fledged level containing subway and sewer elements." 12:12 MascaraSnake I really doubt this still applies 12:12 MascaraSnake Like, I really doubt it even still applied when it was first said 12:12 Nek0r MascaraSnake, it could apply 12:12 Nek0r There's no "real" concept for DCZ yet 12:12 MascaraSnake Except for subway and sewer elements maybe 12:13 Mystic yeah, also out of date 12:14 Mystic There was a lot of rather impractical planning about massive OVA references for DCZ in the old design documentation 12:15 MascaraSnake "Arid Canyon Zone: Several started attempts for act 2 exist, which are probably going to be compiled with new parts added.[1] It will feature Sonic riding along minecart tracks, and while it has both above ground and underground areas, there are more of the latter than in act 1." 12:15 Mystic All still accurate, MascaraSnake 12:15 RedEnchilada all true 12:15 RedEnchilada the first bit of that statement is especially true 12:15 RedEnchilada god the current alpha looks like a shitty mishmash of stuff 12:16 Nek0r have you added the skybox yet 12:16 RedEnchilada not yet 12:16 Mystic visual passes can come later, RedEnchilada =P 12:16 Mystic although yeah, adding the skybox would help immensely 12:16 RedEnchilada I uh haven't touched it in three weeks or so 12:16 Nek0r You should build the stage around the skybox 12:16 Nek0r it helps you get a better environment 12:16 MascaraSnake RVZ2 being volcano-themed probably doesn't need fact-checking 12:16 Mystic still accurate, although it hasn't been touched in years 12:18 MascaraSnake DCZ and GEZ being low priority is also obviously still true 12:18 Mystic yep 12:18 Nek0r new stages? fuck them, let's remake shit 12:18 MascaraSnake Although the full sentence goes even further: 12:18 MascaraSnake "Dark City Zone is currently low-priority, and will be made after ACZ and RVZ are complete[6], if at all[3], due to a lack of gameplay ideas.[7]" 12:18 RedEnchilada lmao fuck DCZ, when's the castle eggman 1 remake Nek0r? 12:19 Mystic still all true, MascaraSnake 12:19 RedEnchilada (seriously) 12:19 Nek0r always 12:19 RedEnchilada (that stage needs remade) 12:19 Nek0r I began making the geometry for the castle 12:19 MascaraSnake "ERZ1 is currently unfinished and is supposed to be expanded in the future, although this is currently not a priority." 12:19 Nek0r and thinking of how to adapt it to the current facade 12:20 Mystic ERZ1 still could use a bit of expansion, MascaraSnake, but the reworking of the paths worked better than expected 12:23 MascaraSnake Mystic: Wasn't there an idea floating around to maybe cut out a bit of ERZ2 and paste it into ERZ1? 12:24 Mystic there was, but at this point I think it's more practical to do a bigger split and try to create three non-boss acts out of the content 12:24 Mystic because ERZ2 is too long and the boss gauntlet is bad enough if you don't get thrown back to ERZ1 if you lose at Metal Sonic 12:25 MascaraSnake Boss gauntlet? 12:25 Nek0r yeah boss gauntlet 12:25 Nek0r race / metal sonic / brak 12:26 Mystic but yeah, I figure the proper solution is to excise some of ERZ2 into ERZ3 and fill in the rest with a bit of new content 12:26 MascaraSnake "If Dark City Zone is made, a new boss level will be created to replace the current one." [ERZ] 12:27 Mystic True but irrelevant =P 12:27 Nek0r ERZ2 needs to be cut where the teleports are 12:27 Nek0r and compensate the short path with 1 extra room 2:28 Nek0r ERZ1 needs to be less overkill IMO 12:28 Nek0r less hardcore I mean 12:28 MascaraSnake ERZ1 needs less shitty upside-down staircase :V 12:28 Nek0r yeah, things like that 12:28 Mystic ERZ1 just needs a bit of cleanup, IMO 12:28 Mystic I think the core experience is pretty good 12:28 Mystic Just fuck that upside-down staircase, I agree 12:32 MascaraSnake "Additionally, it has been revealed that Sweet Tooth Zone, the first super level, is already in progress and has a basic layout and new textures made for it." 12:33 Mystic True, but nothing really has come of it, MascaraSnake 12:38 MascaraSnake Okay, that's all the stuff in that article 12:38 MascaraSnake I wonder if there's anything else to add to it 12:38 MascaraSnake Oh right, DSZ is being redone (or at least revamped), right? 12:38 Mystic Plans exist and some betas exist 12:38 Mystic but nothing major yet 12:41 MascaraSnake Oh right, there was talk about adding a gimmick to GFZ or something 12:42 MascaraSnake That's more of a "sometime in the future" thing though, right? 12:42 Mystic Also on the books, but nothing beyond design 12:42 Mystic The concept is fully thought out, but not at implementation [...] 13:35 MascaraSnake Wait, so that ACZ-styled level you posted screenshots of in your thread 13:35 MascaraSnake ...that was the actual ACZ? 13:37 RedEnchilada ...I thought everyone saw past that awful lie 13:37 RedEnchilada (those screenshots are stupidly early in development) 13:39 MascaraSnake Anyway, I think it's funny how that section is pretty much the same idea as that one room in CEZ2 13:40 MascaraSnake Except better 13:42 RedEnchilada that room's one of like 13:42 RedEnchilada three or four rooms in the current acz2 that I actually made 13:43 RedEnchilada I think a good 60-70% of the current map is rehashed from old nev3r/shadowhog betas 13:43 RedEnchilada (the stuff I showed screenshots of was mine) 13:44 MascaraSnake That actually sounds like ACZ2 is farther along than I thought 13:44 MascaraSnake Unless most of that stuff is garbage that somebody strung together in a hopeless attempt to get something playable going 13:45 RedEnchilada well uh 13:45 RedEnchilada I did try to only pick the good stuff from the old betas 13:45 RedEnchilada but I make no claims of quality on stuff I made 13:46 RedEnchilada but yeah, what I'd call the "main part" of the map is something like 60% laid out geometrically 13:46 RedEnchilada object placement is uhh 13:46 RedEnchilada and visuals are uhhhhhhhhhhhh 13:46 RedEnchilada ...visuals are my standard, let's put it that way 13:46 RedEnchilada except the part I stole from nev3r 13:47 RedEnchilada that actually looks pretty good (no surprise)