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Talk:Linedef type 6

From SRB2 Wiki

I just tested the flags "No Sonic", "No Tails" and "No Knuckles" and they don't disable this linedef special... This is because of the way it's programmed. The game first checks all linedefs with this type and only after it does the No Sonic/Tails/Knuckles flag check. --Ricardo 19:01, 2 June 2010 (UTC)

So, what do you want to say with that? Does it not work? Excuse my stupidity, but I don't get what you mean. --SpiritCrusherTalkContribs 19:06, 2 June 2010 (UTC)

Sorry, should have been more explicit. Basically, I'm just saying that what it says on the article about the flags is wrong. It makes sense that they should adjust this linedef to only disable all others with the same tag if a certain character is being played. However, I tested it and it doesn't make a difference whatsoever. It always disables all linedef with the same tag no matter which flag you check. --Ricardo 19:28, 2 June 2010 (UTC)

It didn't work for me when I tested it out either, but I assumed I was doing something wrong. This should probably go to the bug report forum at the MB. --SpiritCrusherTalkContribs 19:34, 2 June 2010 (UTC)