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Talk:Source code

From SRB2 Wiki


This code is used for in w_wad.c to read ZWADs, patch WAD files have compressed lumps

These ZWADs can be made by the wadzip tool LoganA 03:45, 17 February 2011 (UTC)


This has all the strings and object states that can be changed by SOC. LoganA 03:45, 17 February 2011 (UTC)

Everyone please pitch in

This article is obviously designed to give potential coders a quick overview of the structure of SRB2's source code, as well as some general information. But to do that, we need coders who can fill in missing information and tell us what information this article could use? Anyone who might want to help? *glares at Inuyasha* --SpiritCrusherTalkContribs 21:27, 18 February 2011 (UTC)

Neon's suggestions

I dont think splats are unused, but i've never heard of a wall splat before... maybe its something to do with the old bullet holes jetysns used to leave around, i dunno, but now that splats exists and can be placed anywhere im not sure if the thing that says "splats" isnt compiled. Also pretty much everything is in the src/ folder in reality like the player movement stuff, so maybe that might help

But for real i hate c so i probably have no idea what im talking about