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User:Dailsthunder/Level Editing Guide

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Welcome to Dails` Level Editing Guide (for beginners)

With this step-by-step guide, you can make simple beginner levels. You can also add extra stuff to test your level.

Step 1: SRB2 2.0 Config

First, go to file, new map, click at the top browse button. Put at the empty space `srb2.srb`. Now that you have the SRB2 original config, follow the next step!

Step 2: Sector and Thok Barrier

Now, press ok, and you should be on the map. Select the linedef option, then create an rectangle, and another one surrounding it. Now we call the first rectangle a sector, and, the surrounding of it, a thok barrier (made to the player to don’t go out the limits).

Step 3: Config before starting

Now that we made the sector and the thok barrier, click on that eye to go to 3D mode (that only works if you have 2 sectors). At the 3D mode, you should see the thok barrier and the sector. Click at the sector`s floor and select a cool floor texture. I`ve chosen that Tidal Palace textures. Now, raise the thok barrier`s floor height. Also, lower the ceiling of the Thok Barrier to the same as the floor`s. Then, do the same as the floor, but with walls. I chosen the purple ice wall from Tidal Palace to be my wall texture.

Optional tip: You can use more textures, so the level would look more realistic.

Step 4: Things

Now we got an cool level with cool textures. But something is still wrong… Your map haves no objects! What about to add some? First, click at that arrow (located at left side of the eye), place the object somewhere INSIDE your map. It should be an player start, you will need that to the level to be playable, so make sure this is not deleted. Then, to add enemies, repeat that object placement thing again, then go enemies section, and select the enemy you want. For rings, do the same as enemies, but go to rings and weapon panels section instead of enemies section. After that, your level will look a colorful array of enemies and rings!

Step 5: FoF`s (optional step)

Want to make floating platforms and translucent water? No problem! This part of the tutorial will tell you how to make these FoF`s!


First, create an small rectangle at your map. Then, create an control sector OUTSIDE your map. Then, click on the little rectangle, and tag it to its sector`s own number. After that, go on the linedef mode, click on one of the control sector`s linedef`s, put linedef type 121, and tag it to the little rectangle`s sector number. Then, go to 3D mode, and you should see an `eruption` of an texture. Go on that eruption texture and go lowering the fof top until you start lowering the ceiling. After that, your water should work.


Repeat the same process with water, but replace linedef type 121 with linedef type 100. Then, do all normally.

Step 6: Level Header

Your training is almost done! You will just need to make an level header to set the level configurations (music, sky, super music etc). First, click at scripts, then select Edit MAINCFG lump. After that, press the make script button.

Let’s say that I want to name my level Purple Airship, I want it to have the Techno Hill Zone`s sky, have the Egg Rock Zone Act 3`s music on it, and have snow. Well, if I want to do so, my level header must be that:

Level 1 LevelName = Purple Airship SkyNum = 4 (THZ sky) MusicSlot = 26 (ERZ3 music (final boss) Weather = 2

It means that the level name will be replaced with Purple Airship Zone 1, the ERZ3 music will be on the place of the other music and the sky will be `technized`.

Step 7: Testing your level

Almost there! Before you finish that process, you need to test the level in order to finish. Make sure your level has an ending if its an coop/single player map, make sure it has weapon rings if it is match, make sure it is huge if it is hide and seek, and make sure it has two teams, weapon rings and flags if it is CTF.

Thanks for reading over 700 words with this tutorial! I hope you make a lot of cool levels like Ezer and people that work on srb2! Bye!

@Dailsthunder (dails for short)