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Community Section Notice:

The original author, Author, specifically requests that no person other than themselves edit this page.


Community Section Notice:

The original author, Author, specifically requests that only the following people be allowed to edit this page:

  1. Author 1
  2. Author 2
  3. Author 3
  4. Author 4
  5. ...


Community Section Notice:

The original author, Author, specifically invites others to make edits that positively contribute to this page.


Community Section Notice:

The original author, Author, prefers that only they themselves make edits to this page, however they will tolerate edits by other users, provided their content.


Community Section Notice:

The original author, Author, requires authorization for anyone other than the author themselves wishing to edit this page.

Inquiries as to adding or removing content, among other acts of editing pages, may be directed to this page's Talk page.


Community Section Notice:

The original author, Author, will take from other people suggestions for adding or removing content directed to this page's Talk page. The author, however, still specifically requests that no person other than themselves edit this page.

Inquiries as to adding or removing content, among other acts of editing pages, may be directed to this page's Talk page.

Note: This page does not reflect active and official policy of the SRB2 Wiki at this current time. It is a work in progress. Actions that take place as a part of following these policies, at this current time, are credible for a block.
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