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The following is a list of console variables available in SRB2Kart. Variables that have received additions or changes to their original behavior are also listed here.

Some console variables that pertain to the player have a second, third and fourth version for players 2, 3 and 4 in splitscreen mode respectively. In these cases, all variables are listed together, e.g., cam_dist/cam2_dist/cam3_dist/cam4_dist, where cam_dist is for player 1, cam2_dist is for player 2, and so on.

Game options

ghost_besttime <integer/string>

help flags: AUTOSAVE
Menu location: Time Attack → Ghosts... → Best Time
Default value: On

Determines whether ghosts for the "Best Time" records are displayed during Record Attack runs.

Integer String Description
0 Hide Best Time ghosts will not be shown.
1 "Show Character" The Best Time ghost set by the currently selected character will be shown.
2 "Show All" All Best Time ghosts are shown.

ghost_bestlap <integer/string>

help flags: AUTOSAVE
Menu location: Time Attack → Ghosts... → Best Lap
Default value: On

Determines whether ghosts for the "Best Lap" records are displayed during Record Attack runs.

Integer String Description
0 Hide Best Lap ghosts will not be shown.
1 "Show Character" The Best Lap ghost set by the currently selected character will be shown.
2 "Show All" All Best Lap ghosts are shown.

ghost_last <integer/string>

help flags: AUTOSAVE
Menu location: Time Attack → Ghosts... → Last
Default value: On

Determines whether ghosts for the last recorded replay(s) are displayed during Record Attack runs.

Integer String Description
0 Hide Last ghosts will not be shown.
1 "Show Character" The last ghost set by the currently selected character will be shown.
2 "Show All" All last attempt ghosts are shown.

kartcheck <boolean>

help flags: AUTOSAVE
Menu location: Options → HUD Options... → Show "CHECK"
Default value: Yes

Enables/disables the "CHECK" icon shown at the bottom of the screen when another racer is behind the player.

kartdisplayspeed <integer/string>

help flags: AUTOSAVE
Menu location: Options → HUD Options... → Speedometer Display
Default value: Off

Shows the player's speed in single-screen games.

Integer String
0 Off
1 Kilometers
2 Miles
3 Fracunits

kartinvinsfx <integer/string>

help flags: AUTOSAVE
Menu location: Options → Sound Options... → Powerup Warning
Default value: SFX

Alerts the player of other nearby players that are using Invincibility or Grow with either a sound effect or their respective song lumps.

Integer String
0 Music

kartminimap <integer>

help flags: AUTOSAVE
Menu location: Options → HUD Options... → Minimap Visibility
Default value: 4

Sets the transparency of the minimap. 10 makes the minimap opaque, while 0 hides it entirely.

kartvoices <integer/string>

help flags: AUTOSAVE
Menu location: Options → Sound Options... → Character Voices
Default value: Tasteful

Sets how often a character's voice clips are played.

Integer String Description
0 None Characters remain silent.
1 Tasteful Character voices play normally, applying a cooldown when necessary.
2 Meme Character voices play at every given opportunity.

menuhighlight <integer/string>

help flags: AUTOSAVE
Menu location: Options → HUD Options... → Menu Highlights
Default value: Game type

Sets the highlighted text color for all menus.

Integer String Description
0 "Game Type" Changes the color depending on context: blue for Race, red for Battle, orange for Record Attack and yellow for the main menu.
4096 "Always purple" Menus have purple highlights.
8192 "Always yellow" Menus have yellow highlights.
12288 "Always green" Menus have green highlights. Good highlights are sky-blue, warning highlights are red.
16384 "Always blue" Menus have blue highlights.
20480 "Always red" Menus have red highlights. Good highlights are green, warning highlights are orange.
24576 "Always gray" Menus have gray highlights.
28672 "Always orange" Menus have orange highlights.
32768 "Always sky-blue" Menus have sky-blue highlights.
36864 "Always lavender" Menus have lavender highlights.
40960 "Always gold" Menus have gold highlights.
45056 "Always tea-green" Menus have tea-green highlights.
49152 "Always steel-blue" Menus have steel-blue highlights.
53248 "Always pink" Menus have pink highlights.
57344 "Always brown" Menus have brown highlights.
61440 "Always peach" Menus have peach highlights.

netticbuffer <integer>

help flags: AUTOSAVE
Default value: 1

While playing online, attempts to reduce framerate drops caused by connection lag at the cost of minimal input delay. The value set will determine how many tics recieved are prevented from being ran. [confirm? – discuss] Setting this to 0 will revert to connection behavior prior to 1.0.2. Maximum value is 3, minimum value is 0.

pauseifunfocused <boolean>

help flags: AUTOSAVE
Default value: Yes

Sets whether or not the game pauses if the player clicks out the window. This is forced to Off while in an online netgame.

serversort <integer/string>

help flags: ACTION
Menu location: Multiplayer... → Internet Server Browser → Sort By"
Default value: Ping

Sorts the servers on the Master Server by a set option.

Integer String Description
0 Ping Servers with the lowest ping are displayed first.
1 "Modified State" Servers that are unmodified are displayed first, followed by Mod and/or Cheats.
2 "Most Players" Servers with the most players are displayed first.
3 "Least Players" Servers with the least players are displayed first.
4 "Max Player Slots" Servers with the highest maxplayers value are displayed first.
5 Gametype Servers that are currently on Race are displayed first, followed by Battle. Does not take kartspeed into account.

showfocuslost <boolean>

help flags: AUTOSAVE
Menu location: Options → HUD Options... → Show "Focus Lost"
Default value: On

Sets whether or not the "FOCUS LOST" message is displayed when the window is unfocused.

showping <integer/string>

help flags: AUTOSAVE
Menu location: Options → HUD Options... → Online HUD Options... → Local Ping Display
Default value: Always

Shows a ping display at the bottom right corner of the screen when joining an online netgame. This is not displayed if the player is hosting a server, as they are not affected by input delay.

Integer String Description
0 None Hides the ping display.
1 Always Shows the ping and how strong the connection is.
2 Warning The counter is only displayed when the player's connection is above the server's maxping value.

songcredits <boolean>

help flags: AUTOSAVE
Default value: On

Enables or disables the song name shown at the beginning of a Race or Battle game if a MUSICDEF is supplied for the current map.

splitplayers <integer>

help flags: ACTION
Menu location: Multiplayer → Number of Local Players
Default value: One

Sets the number of players for local and online splitscreen games. Splitscreen players cannot be added while already in a game.

televisionsignal <integer/string>

help flags: (none)
Default value: Okay

When activated, the entire screen (except for overlays like showfps and showping) will be distorted in a similar fashion to that of an old CRT television.

Integer String Description
0 Okay The screen displays as normal.
1 Shitty The screen is slightly distorted, the same way as it would appear while the game is paused.
2 "Extra Shitty" The screen is very distorted.

vhspause <boolean>

help flags: AUTOSAVE
Default value: On

Enables/disables the TV effect when the game is paused, as well as rewinding and fast-forwarding replays.


Add-ons menu






Screenshots and movies


Object placement mode



chasecam/chasecam2/chasecam3/chasecam4 <boolean>

help flags: ACTION
Default value: On

Turns the third-person camera on or off. If disabled, the first-person view is used.

flipcam/flipcam2/flipcam3/flipcam4 <boolean>

Default value: No

If enabled, the view of the screen (except for the HUD) flips vertically when the player is in reverse gravity, making the game appear as if in normal gravity.

joyscale/joyscale2/joyscale3/joyscale4 <decimal>

Default value: 1

Sets the range for how far an axis must be pushed in order for it to activate its command. [confirm? – discuss]

use_joystick/use_joystick2/use_joystick3/use_joystick4 <integer>

Menu location: Options → Control Setup... → Player # Controls → Gamepad Options... → Select Gamepad...
Default values: use_joystick – 1; use_joystick2 – 2; use_joystick3 – 3; use_joystick4 – 4

Determines the joystick device number used for the player's joystick controls. If set to 0, no joystick is used.


Joystick axes

See Controls > List of joystick axes for the full list of possible values/names for axis-related variables.

joyaxis_turn/joyaxis2_turn/joyaxis3_turn/joyaxis4_turn <integer>

help flags: AUTOSAVE
Menu location: Options → Control Setup... → Player # Controls → Gamepad Options... → Turn Left/Right
Default value: X-Axis

Sets the joystick axis to use for turning left/right.

joyaxis_aim/joyaxis2_aim/joyaxis3_aim/joyaxis4_aim <integer>

help flags: AUTOSAVE
Menu location: Options → Control Setup... → Player # Controls → Gamepad Options... → Aim Forward/Back
Default value: Y-Axis

Sets the joystick axis to use for deciding where to throw certain items.

joyaxis_brake/joyaxis2_brake/joyaxis3_brake/joyaxis4_brake <integer>

help flags: AUTOSAVE
Menu location: Options → Control Setup... → Player # Controls → Gamepad Options... → Brake
Default value: (none)

Sets the joystick axis to use for braking.

joyaxis_drift/joyaxis2_drift/joyaxis3_drift/joyaxis4_drift <integer>

help flags: AUTOSAVE
Menu location: Options → Control Setup... → Player # Controls → Gamepad Options... → Drift
Default value: Z-Rudder

Sets the joystick axis to use for drifting.

joyaxis_move/joyaxis2_move/joyaxis3_move/joyaxis4_move <integer>

help flags: AUTOSAVE
Menu location: Options → Control Setup... → Player # Controls → Gamepad Options... → Accelerate
Default value: (none)

Sets the joystick axis to use for accelerating.

joyaxis_look/joyaxis2_look/joyaxis3_look/joyaxis4_look <integer>

help flags: AUTOSAVE
Menu location: Options → Control Setup... → Player # Controls → Gamepad Options... → Look Up/Down
Default value: (none)

Sets the joystick axis to use for looking up or down.

joyaxis_fire/joyaxis2_fire/joyaxis3_fire/joyaxis4_fire <integer>

help flags: AUTOSAVE
Menu location: Options → Control Setup... → Player # Controls → Gamepad Options... → Use Item
Default value: Z-Axis

Sets the joystick axis to use for all items.

joy_deadzone/joy2_deadzone/joy3_deadzone/joy4_deadzone <decimal>

help flags: AUTOSAVE;FLOAT
Default value: 0.5

Sets the area around the center of the joystick that does not respond to movement. Maximum value is 1, minimum value is 0.


cam_dist/cam2_dist/cam3_dist/cam4_dist <decimal>

help flags: AUTOSAVE;FLOAT
Default value: 160

Sets the distance of the camera. You cannot use a negative value to zoom in.

cam_still/cam2_still/cam3_still/cam4_still <boolean>

help flags: (none)
Default value: Off

If enabled, the camera angle stays in place instead of rotating with the player.

cam_height/cam2_height/cam3_height/cam4_height <decimal>

help flags: AUTOSAVE;FLOAT
Default value: 50

Sets the height offset of the third-person camera. This is not calculated relative to the bottom of the player, but instead the first-person camera's vertical offset.

cam_speed/cam2_speed/cam3_speed/cam4_speed <decimal>

help flags: AUTOSAVE;FLOAT
Default value: 0.4

Sets the speed of the camera. Maximum value is 1, minimum value is 0.

cam_rotate/cam2_rotate/cam3_rotate/cam4_rotate <integer>

help flags: ACTION
Default value: 0

Sets the angle of the camera's rotation. Maximum value is 720, minimum value is -720.

cam_rotspeed/cam2_rotspeed/cam3_rotspeed/cam4_rotspeed <integer>

help flags: AUTOSAVE
Default value: 10

Sets the rotation speed of the camera when controlled manually by the player. Currently does nothing in-game. Maximum value is 45, minimum value is 1.

fov <decimal>

help flags: FLOAT;ACTION
Menu location: Options → Video Options... → Field of View
Default value: 90

Sets the field of view. It affects the focal length (in degrees) of the camera. For example, smaller values make the camera focus on a smaller portion of the world, similarly to a telescopic sight or scope. Maximum value is 179, minimum value is 0.

Client options

skin/skin2/skin3/skin4 <name>

Menu location: Multiplayer → Player Setup... → Character
Default values: skin – sonic; skin2 – tails; skin3 – knuckles; skin4 – eggman

Sets your player's current character skin. In multiplayer the player's character can be changed freely provided forceskin is not in effect. Regardless of gametype, character skins can only be changed while the player is standing still.

color/color2/color3/color4 <color>

Menu location: Multiplayer → Player Setup... → Color
Default values: color – Blue; color2 – Orange; color3 – Red; color4 – Red

Sets your player's current skin color. This can only be changed in multiplayer, while the player is standing still. Both the colors' names or their number values can be used.

See SRB2Kart/List of skin colors for a full list of skin colors.

name/name2/name3/name4 <name>

Menu location: Multiplayer → Player Setup... → Name
Default values: name – Sonic; name2 – Tails; name3 – Knuckles; name4 – Dr. Eggman

Changes your current name. If you wish to add spaces in your name, you must do so from the Player Setup menu.


Server options

advancemap <integer/string>

Requirements: Server or admins only
help flags: NETVAR
Menu location: Options → Server Options... → Map Progression
Default value: Vote

Sets which map to advance to when a round finishes.

Integer String Description
0 Same Repeats the same map.
1 Next Advances to the next map in the rotation.
2 Random Selects a random map from the rotation.
3 Vote Advances to the voting screen.

http_source <string>

help flags: AUTOSAVE
Default value: (none)

If set to an HTTP link, the game will attempt to download any missing files required to join the server off of the specified source via a direct download. If a file cannot be found through this, the game will fall back to using the internal downloader (provided it has been enabled by the downloading variable).

ingamecap <integer>

Requirements: Server or admins only
help flags: NETVAR
Default value: 0

Limits how many players are able to enter the game. If the limit is reached, other players will be able to join the server as normal but are forced to stay in Spectator mode. Maximum value is 15, minimum value is 0.

kartvoterulechanges <integer/string>

Requirements: Server or admins only
help flags: NETVAR;ACTION
Menu location: Options → Server Options... → Voting Gametype Changes
Default value: Frequent

Determines how often the third entry in the voting screen is replaced by a rule-changing option, like changing between the Race or Battle gametypes and displaying Encore Mode tracks in Race.

Integer String Description
0 Never Rule changes will never occur.
1 Sometimes Gametype changes are shown once every 5 maps. If Encore Mode is unlocked, there will also be a 1/8 chance of displaying an Encore track.
2 Frequent Gametype changes are shown once every 2 maps. If Encore Mode is unlocked, there will also be a 1/2 chance of displaying an Encore track.
3 Always Gametype changes will always be prompted. If Encore Mode is unlocked, it will alternate between a gametype change and an Encore track.

pingtimeout <integer>

help flags: AUTOSAVE
Menu location: Options → Server Options... → Advanced Options... → Ping Timeout (s)
Default value: 10

Determines how long a player's ping needs to stay above the server's maxping value before they are automatically kicked by the server, in seconds. Maximum value is 120, minimum value is 8.

votetime <integer>

Requirements: Server or admins only
help flags: NETVAR
Menu location: Options → Server Options... → Voting Timer
Default value: 20

Sets how long players can vote for a map on the intermission screen, in seconds. Maximum value is 3600, minimum value is 10.


General netgame options


Gametype options

basenumlaps <integer/string>

Requirements: Server or admins only
Menu location: Options → Gameplay Options... → Number of Laps
Default value: Map default

Similarly to numlaps, it sets the number of laps a player needs to complete to finish a course. Maximum value is 50, minimum value is 1. If set to 0, it reverts to "Map default". This takes effect upon changing maps.

kartbumpers <integer>

Requirements: Server or admins only
help flags: NETVAR;CHEAT
Menu location: Options → Gameplay Options... → Starting Bumpers
Default value: 3

Sets the number of bumpers that players start with in Battle mode. Maximum value is 12, minimum value is 1.

kartcomeback <boolean>

Requirements: Server or admins only
Menu location: Options → Gameplay Options... → Karma Comeback
Default value: On

Enables/disables the ability to rejoin a Battle game after the player has been eliminated.

karteliminatelast <boolean>

Requirements: Server or admins only
Default value: Yes

Toggles the automatic "NO CONTEST." explosion for last place when all the other players have finished. Only used in the Race gametype.

kartencore <boolean>

Requirements: Server or admins only, Encore Mode unlocked
help flags: NETVAR;ACTION
Menu location: Options → Gameplay Options... → Encore Mode
Default value: Off

Toggles Encore Mode for all Race tracks on or off. If in-game, changes are applied on next race.

kartfrantic <boolean>

Requirements: Server or admins only
Menu location: Options → Gameplay Options... → Frantic Items
Default value: Off

Sets the probability of powerful items appearing more often.

kartspeed <integer/string>

Requirements: Server or admins only
help flags: NETVAR
Menu location: Options → Gameplay Options... → Game Speed
Default value: Normal

Sets the overall game speed. This is forced to Easy on Battle mode and Hard on Record Attack.

Integer String
0 Easy
1 Normal
2 Hard


Multiplayer cheats


Miscellaneous cheats/Netgame options



playmusicifunfocused <boolean>

Menu location: Options → Sound Options... → Play Music While Unfocused
Default value: No

If enabled, the game will keep playing music even if the window is not currently focused.

playsoundsifunfocused <boolean>

Menu location: Options → Sound Options... → Play SFX While Unfocused
Default value: No

If enabled, the game will keep playing sound effects even if the window is not currently focused.





gr_fakecontrast <integer/string>

Requirements: Using the OpenGL renderer
help flags: AUTOSAVE
Menu location: Options → Video Options... → OpenGL Options... → Wall Contrast Style
Default value: Standard

Enables fake contrast.

Integer String
0 Off
1 Standard
2 Smooth

gr_fallbackplayermodel <boolean>

Requirements: Using the OpenGL renderer
help flags: AUTOSAVE
Menu location: Options → Video Options... → OpenGL Options... → Fallback Player 3D Model
Default value: On

If enabled and while using 3D models, any characters that do not have a corresponding model will fall back to a "default" model specified by the PLAY entry in mdls.dat, rather than using their normal sprites.

gr_mdls <boolean>

Requirements: Using the OpenGL renderer
help flags: AUTOSAVE
Menu location: Options → Video Options... → OpenGL Options... → 3D Models
Default value: On

Determines whether models are rendered.

gr_shearing <boolean>

Requirements: Using the OpenGL renderer
help flags: AUTOSAVE
Menu location: Options → Video Options... → OpenGL Options... → Software Perspective
Default value: On

Enables y-shearing.

gr_shaders <boolean>

Requirements: Using the OpenGL renderer
help flags: AUTOSAVE
Menu location: Options → Video Options... → 3D Models
Default value: On

Toggles shaders on or off, affecting some features like accurate colormap and fog rendering.




Online replays

netdemo_syncquality <integer>

help flags: AUTOSAVE
Menu location: Options → Data Options... → Replay Options... → Sync Check Interval
Default value: 1

Changes how often player position and angle data is saved to online replays to help recover from desyncs, in tics. Higher values decrease replay filesize at the cost of less accurate resync behavior. Maximum value is 35, minimum value is 1.

netdemo_record <integer/string>

help flags: AUTOSAVE
Menu location: Options → Data Options... → Replay Options... → Record Replays
Default value: Manual Save

Determines how online replays are saved.

Integer String Description
0 Disabled Replay saving is disabled.
1 "Manual Save" Display a prompt to save a replay by pressing the Look Backwards key at the end of a match.
2 "Auto Save" All replays are saved automatically, with a prompt to change its title by pressing the Look Backwards key at the end of a match.

Item toggles

sneaker <boolean>

Requirements: Server or admins only
help flags: NETVAR;CHEAT
Menu location: Options → Gameplay Options... → Random Item Toggles... → Sneakers
Default value: On

Toggles the Sneakers item from appearing in Random Item boxes on or off.

rocketsneaker <boolean>

Requirements: Server or admins only
help flags: NETVAR;CHEAT
Menu location: Options → Gameplay Options... → Random Item Toggles... → Rocket Sneakers
Default value: On

Toggles the Rocket Sneakers item from appearing in Random Item boxes on or off.

invincibility <boolean>

Requirements: Server or admins only
help flags: NETVAR;CHEAT
Menu location: Options → Gameplay Options... → Random Item Toggles... → Invincibility
Default value: On

Toggles the Invincibility item from appearing in Random Item boxes on or off.

banana <boolean>

Requirements: Server or admins only
help flags: NETVAR;CHEAT
Menu location: Options → Gameplay Options... → Random Item Toggles... → Banana
Default value: On

Toggles the Banana item from appearing in Random Item boxes on or off.

eggmanmonitor <boolean>

Requirements: Server or admins only
help flags: NETVAR;CHEAT
Menu location: Options → Gameplay Options... → Random Item Toggles... → Eggman Monitors
Default value: On

Toggles the Eggman Monitor item from appearing in Random Item boxes on or off.

orbinaut <boolean>

Requirements: Server or admins only
help flags: NETVAR;CHEAT
Menu location: Options → Gameplay Options... → Random Item Toggles... → Orbinauts
Default value: On

Toggles the Orbinaut item from appearing in Random Item boxes on or off.

jawz <boolean>

Requirements: Server or admins only
help flags: NETVAR;CHEAT
Menu location: Options → Gameplay Options... → Random Item Toggles... → Jawz
Default value: On

Toggles the Jawz item from appearing in Random Item boxes on or off.

mine <boolean>

Requirements: Server or admins only
help flags: NETVAR;CHEAT
Menu location: Options → Gameplay Options... → Random Item Toggles... → Mines
Default value: On

Toggles the Mine item from appearing in Random Item boxes on or off.

ballhog <boolean>

Requirements: Server or admins only
help flags: NETVAR;CHEAT
Menu location: Options → Gameplay Options... → Random Item Toggles... → Ballhogs
Default value: On

Toggles the Ballhog item from appearing in Random Item boxes on or off.

selfpropelledbomb <boolean>

Requirements: Server or admins only
help flags: NETVAR;CHEAT
Menu location: Options → Gameplay Options... → Random Item Toggles... → Self-Propelled Bombs
Default value: On

Toggles the Self-Propelled Bomb item from appearing in Random Item boxes on or off.

grow <boolean>

Requirements: Server or admins only
help flags: NETVAR;CHEAT
Menu location: Options → Gameplay Options... → Random Item Toggles... → Grow
Default value: On

Toggles the Grow item from appearing in Random Item boxes on or off.

shrink <boolean>

Requirements: Server or admins only
help flags: NETVAR;CHEAT
Menu location: Options → Gameplay Options... → Random Item Toggles... → Shrink
Default value: On

Toggles the Shrink item from appearing in Random Item boxes on or off.

thundershield <boolean>

Requirements: Server or admins only
help flags: NETVAR;CHEAT
Menu location: Options → Gameplay Options... → Random Item Toggles... → Thunder Shields
Default value: On

Toggles the Thunder Shield item from appearing in Random Item boxes on or off.

hyudoro <boolean>

Requirements: Server or admins only
help flags: NETVAR;CHEAT
Menu location: Options → Gameplay Options... → Random Item Toggles... → Hyudoros
Default value: On

Toggles the Hyudoro item from appearing in Random Item boxes on or off.

pogospring <boolean>

Requirements: Server or admins only
help flags: NETVAR;CHEAT
Menu location: Options → Gameplay Options... → Random Item Toggles... → Pogo Springs
Default value: On

Toggles the Pogo Spring item from appearing in Random Item boxes on or off.

kitchensink <boolean>

Requirements: Server or admins only
help flags: NETVAR;CHEAT
Menu location: Options → Gameplay Options... → Random Item Toggles... → Kitchen Sinks
Default value: On

Toggles the Kitchen Sink item from appearing via Hyudoro on or off.

triplesneaker <boolean>

Requirements: Server or admins only
help flags: NETVAR;CHEAT
Menu location: Options → Gameplay Options... → Random Item Toggles... → Sneakers x3
Default value: On

Toggles the Sneaker x3 item from appearing in Random Item boxes on or off.

triplebanana <boolean>

Requirements: Server or admins only
help flags: NETVAR;CHEAT
Menu location: Options → Gameplay Options... → Random Item Toggles... → Bananas x3
Default value: On

Toggles the Banana x3 item from appearing in Random Item boxes on or off.

decabanana <boolean>

Requirements: Server or admins only
help flags: NETVAR;CHEAT
Menu location: Options → Gameplay Options... → Random Item Toggles... → Bananas x10
Default value: On

Toggles the Banana x10 item from appearing in Random Item boxes on or off.

tripleorbinaut <boolean>

Requirements: Server or admins only
help flags: NETVAR;CHEAT
Menu location: Options → Gameplay Options... → Random Item Toggles... → Orbinauts x3
Default value: On

Toggles the Orbinaut x3 item from appearing in Random Item boxes on or off.

quadorbinaut <boolean>

Requirements: Server or admins only
help flags: NETVAR;CHEAT
Menu location: Options → Gameplay Options... → Random Item Toggles... → Orbinauts x4
Default value: On

Toggles the Orbinaut x4 item from appearing in Random Item boxes on or off.

dualjawz <boolean>

Requirements: Server or admins only
help flags: NETVAR;CHEAT
Menu location: Options → Gameplay Options... → Random Item Toggles... → Jawz x2
Default value: On

Toggles the Jawz x2 item from appearing in Random Item boxes on or off.

Debug variables

kartdebugamount <integer>

Requirements: Server or admins only
help flags: NETVAR;CHEAT
Default value: 1

If set to a number higher than 1, it will force all item amounts to the specified value. kartdebugitem must be used for this to take effect. Maximum value is 255, minimum value is 1.

kartdebugcheckpoint <boolean>

help flags: (none)
Default value: Off

When enabled, a display at the bottom of the screen displays the current checkpoint, the total amount of checkpoints in the map and how many checkpoints are needed to complete a lap, as well as the player's distance from the previous and next waypoints in fracunits.

kartdebugcolorize <boolean>

help flags: (none)
Default value: Off

Displays the current character's WANT icon at the top half of the screen in all available colors.

kartdebugitem <integer>

Requirements: Server or admins only
help flags: NETVAR;CHEAT
Default value: 0

Forces all item boxes to give out a specified item.

Integer Item
-1 Invalid item
0 Disabled
1 Sneaker
2 Rocket Sneaker
3 Invincibility
4 Banana
5 Eggman
6 Orbinaut
7 Jawz
8 Mine
9 Ballhog
10 Self-Propelled Bomb
11 Grow
12 Shrink
13 Lightning Shield
14 Hyudoro
15 Pogo Spring
16 Kitchen Sink

kartdebugdistribution <boolean>

Requirements: Server or admins only
help flags: NETVAR;CHEAT
Default value: Off

Displays raw item odds values at the top of the screen.

kartdebughuddrop <boolean>

Requirements: Server or admins only
help flags: NETVAR;CHEAT
Default value: Off

If enabled, it will forcibly drop any held or deployed items upon taking damage.

kartdebugnodes <boolean>

help flags: (none)
Default value: Off

Displays information of all 16 nodes on the bottom left corner. Going from left to right, the values shown are the player number, their node, as well as their current cmd.latency value.

kartdebugshrink <boolean>

Requirements: Server or admins only
help flags: NETVAR;CHEAT
Default value: Off

Forces all players to a permanent Shrink state. Changes are applied upon next map load.