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User talk:Chaos Zero 64

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I can see two things. There is a reason to have SRB2Riders and Sonic Riders. Both of them have advantages and disadvantages. This is good. SRB2Riders uses the exact digital music from Sonic Riders. In my mind, this is bad. There should, in my mind, still be a reason to buy the Sonic Riders soundtrack, even if such a soundtrack isn't that popular. The game is similar, but not the same as, Sonic Riders. Therefore, I think the music should reflect that as well, by having it be remixed. Having the exact digital music for "authenticity" isn't really a good enough reason, I think. Remixing makes it different, like the game. And as far as levels go, that's not an issue, since once again, there's obviously a reason to have both games. But there should also be a reason to have the official soundtrack, too. VGMusic has this philosophy (or at least a similar one).

And if you were wondering, I know there is most certainly a reason to get the other Sonic games, even though SRB2 is better than all of them.

SonicMaster 19:54, 28 January 2008 (PST)

If you can find all the music remixed, then I'll add it. I've already tried looking in VGMusic before, and all they have is the Digital Dimension midi. There hasn't been a single remix for the game that I know of. As for the SRB2Riders game, it's being turned more and more into Sonic Riders every day or so. The first 7 levels have a bit more resemblance to their originals, and I used the Player's Score as the Air System, so your rings won't get depleted. Aside from levels and the engine, the game is still far different from Sonic Riders.

User:Chaos Zero 64 12:05, 29 January 2008 (EST)

I think there are at least a few in the SRB2 community capable of remixing tunes. I would personally enjoy variations of the Sonic Riders music that is more reminiscent of the old games' tunes. And as far as Sonic R goes, I would be surprised if anyone wanted to keep it totally intact from the original.

As for differences in authenticity, I would personally like to see some more focus on completely custom levels. These, in my opinion, reflect one of the strengths of SRB2 as well as anything else that is open source which is open customization. Anyone who is skilled enough can make their own content for the game. I'd actually like to know what some of the differences in the SRB2Riders design elements (exclusive sectors, executors, things, etc) myself.

This probably would be more helpful in the topic, so I'll probably post it later today, but there's my two cents. JEV3 04:16, 29 January 2008 (PST)

I myself can remix. I just need to buy one little thing to turn it into an MP3 (why won't I buy it yet?!) because I have remixed Dark Palisades Zone and Frigid Peak Zone to...much better quality. Dark Palisades sounds quite orchestral, while Frigid Peak sounds quite bluesy.

EDIT: The thing is, as for remixing, I don't even know if they have all the regular MIDIs, and I may not have enough motivation to do it all...SonicMaster 07:49, 29 January 2008 (PST)

The music was turned from an MP3 to an OGG. Turning it back to an MP3 might just lower the quality. Besides, you can easily find it on the internet. I've seen a couple of sites, but to narrow it down, search for Shadow of a Hedgehog and go into the Music section.

User:Chaos Zero 64 06:31, 29 January 2008 (EST)

No, no, I meant I want to turn my Dark Palisades and Frigid Peak remixes into MP3's. Not the Sonic Riders music. –SonicMaster 16:23, 29 January 2008 (PST)

That should be easy enough. You can find a free one by using Google.

And if that's the case, then there's no point in trying to remix the Sonic Riders music if it's simply using Midi's. And most programs that remixes MP3's are merely DJ programs that just add sounds. There's also no point in suggesting to have a different music if you know that the average person can't do it on his own. It'll have to be someone like RedXVI or Arrow, and it's not like they'll be happy do to it for me.

User:Chaos Zero 64 09:06, 29 January 2008 (EST)

Since my little brother has Sonic Riders anyway and therefore the music, I can feel fine getting the Sonic Riders MP3s for myself; then I can figure out the music and transcribe it to MIDI (which would be the purpose of getting it). Then I can remix it. And then...what stops me is converting the MIDI into an MP3. I've tried Google to find a good MIDI to MP3 converter...and I cannot find one. By the way, I do have Yamaha XG as well; when extracting the Starlit Warehouse MIDI, I found that the thing was entirely 100% Yamaha XG. I can write my own music, too, and I have done so. But if only I could find a good MIDI to MP3 converter. Could you tell me where to get one?

As for motivation, I hope I can manage to do them all. It doesn't matter if I figure out the entire real thing perfectly; as long as the remix, the final product, is good, I'm good.

You want to hear the quality of my remixes? Some of my best are the Orchestrated Sonic 3D Blast (for Genesis) Final Fight XG MIDI and the Hidden Palace Zone from Sonic and Knuckles Dream Remix XG MIDI. Both are available exclusively on VGMusic. Course you'll want XG synth *shot for being Captain Obvious*

I consider myself almost as good as Arrow and RedXVI, actually. In fact, I wanna make my own composition of that Mystic Realm Zone music. I hate it. Many of the intervals sound malformed, and I know that using I-VI-VIII intervals would make that sound much better. But it just plain needs recomposed. Ecch... Maybe I should start doing that now... –SonicMaster 18:36, 29 January 2008 (PST)

Then just give me the Midis when you're done with them. I can turn it into an MP3. If I can't find a program, I can just connect my computer with my laptop and let it record. I've done it before, and it's real easy. I'll try to look for the Sonic 3D Blast one on VGMusic.

User:Chaos Zero 64 10:05, 29 January 2008 (EST)

MIDI to OGG conversion

-_- I wish I could properly do so. But the best thing I can do so far is have the microphone record what comes out the speaker. It lowers the quality...but it's the best I have so far that I can do by myself... –SonicMaster 15:48, 30 January 2008 (PST)

Well like I said, I can connect my computer to my laptop. From the Speakers slot to the Microphone slot. That way, it won't lower the quality. I've recorded Midis of up to 4 minutes months ago.

User:Chaos Zero 64 10:05, 29 January 2008 (EST)

Zoom Tube Tutorial

Honestly, I'm sorry, but I had to put the "needs rewritten" tag on it. I seriously think it needs further explanation. Anyway, only Zoom Tube 0 would break down all the time for me. The other ones were my best friend. –SonicMaster 13:47, 9 April 2008 (PDT)

The Dark Plan

Chaos,plz test my WAD Callled as Dark Plan(history can be found here) and how can you see,i never make a Register on SRB2 Mensage Board Because... I´m Brazilian.

Seelkadoom the Hedgehog ^_^.