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User talk:JEV3

From SRB2 Wiki

Mystic Realm contributions

Wow. You wrote some pretty remarkable stuff on the Wiki about Mystic Realm. It's seriously good! :)

Mystic Realm is a good examples of mods that could use more coverage here. Walkthroughs are certainly worthy for largely used content like this. I was initially against it on the Wiki, myself, but this is persuading me the other way around; honestly.

Kuja's helped, too. You should get recognition or something. --Digiku 03:49, 14 October 2007 (PDT)

I'd love to, but I don't know who he is on SRB2Fun. If I did, well, he'd have that voice already. :\ ~DarkWarrior

I appreciate the compliments. Mystic Realm has some of my favorite levels and considering the emerald stages are some of the most unique stages, I decided to work on those. I actually don't go on IRC much because I never really got around to going on there and registering a nickname and etc. The fact that these pages will be useful is enough for me. :D --JEV3 09:34, 14 October 2007 (PDT)


"This still troubles me to this day where my work associated with Sonic is ridiculed and passed off as childish by my mother and sometimes by my brothers and sisters."

Why would they ridicule your preferences of Sonic? There are plenty of Sonic fans that are adults, and many of these "older-people" games have really stupid concepts and are overrated *coughGTAcough*. Plus, my sister and I together have over 20 Sonic games, too. –SonicMaster 21:26, 7 November 2007 (PST)

I think a lot of people are against games for various reasons. My family is because they are a waste of time and childish. Its just something I have to put up with. JEV3 13:13, 8 November 2007 (PST)

Points of Interest Sections

Please do not put the image link inside the headings. It will not appear. You cannot do this:

===1. Point of Interest #1 {{click|blahblahblah}}===

You must do this instead:

===1. Point of Interest #1===

It really does take me some effort to go and fix that. And as a side note, it doesn't look great—well, to me, it doesn't—to see that 1. in the heading like that; it already has a 1 listed like that in the article's table of contents.

I was just mimicking the way the other articles were set up, I don't like the numbering either in the table of contents... Maybe this should be brought up on the talk page before the wiki team. JEV3 21:53, 10 November 2007 (PST)

Actually, I like the numbering in the table of contents, but not in the actual headings themselves. –SonicMaster 12:59, 10 November 2007 (PST)

I'll cover for him: That was a markup trick I tried to employ, so the camera icon would appear on the same line as the header. 'cept it wouldn't work, so I kept it that way. --Digiku talk 13:12, 10 November 2007 (PST)


One of the reasons why I started hating forums is an incident that happened on the Sonic Vegemite Message Board. I was thoroughly flamed for the fact that I support Bush. And get this, one of the moderators said it to me. Not to mention that at the time, flaming wasn't even against the rules... At least SRB2MB has that fixed.

Another reason is the fact that forums tend to be highly addictive for me. Twenty posts a day is too many. I already am making a crapload of edits on the Wiki (roughly 30 a day); I don't need to add SRB2MB to this.

Another reason is that people say things that they shouldn't. Some of it includes cursing, which, honestly, I wish I wouldn't tolerate so much in netgames. So far, I feel that if an f-word is said twice in a netgame, I'll leave (I give a warning for the first one). Basically a lot of the conversations on forums are allowed on television, but it still ticks me off. This is one reason why I would even more hate going to IRC. (By the way, I've never gone to IRC in my life.) Here's another example of what shouldn't have been said: I did happen to see the "How do I jump?" thread. I was far more annoyed by Mystic than by Scorchia. If he's gonna bleep out the f-word, he needs to bleep out more than just the letter u. That's really pushing it, and such behavior ticks me off. And the "How do I play with myself?" comment that Mystic made was immature. I honestly thought it was a dumber comment than the "How do I jump?" question. If you're reading this, Mystic, I'm not trying to offend you, but I honestly think that really was dumber than "How do I jump?"

I'd also, yes, rather want to shy away from the idiocy of some beginning mappers who think their levels are nigh flawless and get offended at criticism. They should be welcoming it. Applying the criticism of my levels for the contest, most of the levels being awful (especially Cosmic Failhouse), really helped me improve the quality of some of the new maps I've been making, including my new 1P NiGHTS level. But the thing is that new members will continue to not welcome it. And I don't want to see people taking noobish offense.

Prime 2.0 said in a netgame with me that I would be a "freaking commodity" because of my ability to be receptive of criticism, saying that it is a reason for me to join the forums. But I don't need to. I can release betas of my levels on the Wiki, and I don't need to really be an active SRB2MBer to submit levels to the contest.

Even this new Mystic Realm Zone music I'm composing can be composed, critiqued, and OGGified without having to touch the SRB2MB.

I really only visit it to see any more comments on the NovDec07 topic, if a JanFeb08 topic has been made, and to PM SSNTails to fix a nasty glitch on my new 1P NiGHTS map that is unexplained on the Wiki. If you've noticed, I've only posted in an OLDC topic. And I expect it to stay that way. –SonicMaster 12:22, 30 January 2008 (PST)

I understand that, though politics is bound to end up with somebody flaming somebody else if your not careful. As for the "how do I jump" topic, (I don't remember seeing that comment when I briefly looked at it via a link), I don't think it was a very mature response, but it isn't my place to criticize the leadership of the boards and it was so long ago that it may be best forgotten aside from perhaps slight 'oldbie' references. When I see a post going a direction I don't like, or an entire topic, I just skip the post or leave the topic. I pretty much said just that and more on your talk page already though so I'm not going to go there again. =P

And I can agree that forums are addictive provided they have something worth talking about. (SRB2 Forums do 60% of the time, but some get like two or three additional posts a day just because there isn't much to talk about or people to say it)

Still visiting it occasionally for certain things can't be too bad a problem, such as the suggestion for SRB2Riders... Maybe just consider visiting the forums for things like that which may be better off there than here. ;) JEV3 13:45, 30 January 2008 (PST)

The uber-big project here

...aka User:SonicMaster/SRB2 Doom Builder Tutorial.

I think I should explain water blocks and other special FOFs a little later in this tutorial, actually. Anyway, it will have images. Don't you even worry about that. ^_^ Can't right now, I shouldn't have to repeat the reason why.

I changed the method of connecting sectors to what you said. (I usually drag linedefs to connect together, not the vertices.) But I used your method anyway, since I do think it is better to mention "your" method than to drag linedefs.

A bit later, I will add an explanation of all the other features in the sector attributes menu, rather than what I have. I still want to keep that section there, though.

The idea of this tutorial is to...

  1. Make something that is desperately needed for the Wiki.
  2. Outdo ST218's tutorial.

Thanks for your comments for this tutorial.

On a side note

I know I'm going off the subject, but I took your "too monotone" comment for Arctic Dewpoint very seriously. I'm making sure that it does not happen for my next 1P NiGHTS level. I put the advice in Level Design under Sector Layout > NiGHTS. And don't worry, the object placement is better, too.

SonicMaster 15:33, 14 February 2008 (PST)