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Ceiling Spike Workaround

Technically, spikes can be placed on ceilings/moving ceilings and simulate spike damage. I believe I have found a workaround, but I have yet to actually test it.

Workaround for cieling sector-based spikes with "spike" damage:

  • Linedef_Type_115 Plays sound upon execution.
  • Linedef_Type_58 Intangible invisible block with Sector_Type_11 for a damaging effect.

Basically, you have an area on the ceiling using either sector ceilings or FOFs to create physical spikes. Naturally, having solid ceiling spikes would be easier and less laggy than using FOFs and can still be moved using linedef executors.

In this area, you would have three different FOFs covering the area with spikes:

  • Linedef_Type_58 Intangible invisible block with Sector_Type_11 for a damaging effect.
  • Linedef_Type_58 Intangible invisible block with Sector_Type_974 which will execute the spike damage sound by executing Linedef_Type_115.
  • Linedef_Type_57 Invisible solid block to act as a fake ceiling to buffer the player from being stuck or otherwise jarred by colliding with individual spikes. This would not extend as far downward as the damage or executor sector.

In execution, player hits a spring and strikes the ceiling where the spikes are.

  • Hits the invisible area and takes normal damage, no matter what shield.
  • Hits the other invisible area and triggers the linedef executor, which plays the sound effect for taking damage from spikes.
  • Is blocked by the invisible block from getting stuck in the spikes.
  • Falls to the ground in a rain of his or her own lost rings. =P

Now that I think of it, this gives me an awesome idea for a new map...

Currently working on said map and trying to figure out how to get the spikes to really hang from the ceiling. I forgot to take into account that the Fake Floor was used in their construction. Attempting to find a workaround... --Jazz 22:11, 10 October 2008 (UTC)

Alright, after messing with the Fake Floor special and importing the spike patches flipped upside down into my test WAD, I now have ceiling sector spikes. Problem is, they don't do spike damage yet. Also found out that I can chop out the center sector of each spike and save 25% CPU during run-time and hard disk space for said map. Plus, it still looks 90% as good, so I'm not going to miss the extra sectors too much. Tomorrow, I should be able to get those sector based floor and ceiling spike crushers. =D --Jazz 05:33, 11 October 2008 (UTC)

Ceiling Spikes Screenshot

Issue is, you have to add the SPIKE textures flipped upside down to said WAD to make them look right, which means these can't be included in contest multiplayer maps. Sorry for the delay, I am still working on getting the spike damage to simulate properly. --Jazz 02:26, 13 October 2008 (UTC)


Its funny, you have a game version thats out for more than two years, yet you still can figure out how to do new things with it. --Jazz 16:49, 6 October 2008 (UTC)

Another thought with 1.1: Double-sided sector spike polyobject platforms. Just imagine the potential fear invoking power! (Thats of course if pegged textures will work properly and move with polyobjects.) --Jazz 16:54, 15 October 2008 (UTC)

Do these work yet? ~Kaysakado  •  Talk  •  15:51, 5 September 2009 (UTC)

Retractable Spikes

Blue Warrior implies that my retractable spikes work correctly in OpenGL in Red Desert. I know what I did differently in Poison Palace that caused the errors; some of the spike linedefs were connected to the sector they were enclosed in, and OpenGL seems to render Fake Floor differently when on the edge of a sector (I managed to make an OpenGL-invisible railing O_O). Wish I could see for myself. X_X –SonicMaster 20:39, 6 October 2008 (UTC)

Does this work properly in OpenGL Rendering? I know it works in Software. –SonicMaster 17:04, 15 October 2008 (UTC)

Odd black spots appear on the floor depending on what angle you look at it, as though containing compound broken sectors. Strange thing is, when I attempted retractable spikes using the "four triangle" method, there was no such glitching in either rendering mode. Maybe the fact that none of your spike linedefs are in their own sector is causing this problem? --Jazz 20:07, 15 October 2008 (UTC)

Thanks for letting me know. Interestingly enough, they're actually all part of the same sector. I first learned one could do this while loading up Botanic Serenity in High-End. Personally, I'm not willing to fix them up for Red Desert Zone, not to mention that the linedef count for the level is already above 11,700 because of these buggers. –SonicMaster 23:53, 15 October 2008 (UTC)

Yes, I realize that the invisible FOF served as a collision buffer. I am currently looking for a workaround. Either way, retractable spikes have the ability of looking fine in both render modes. --Jazz 00:47, 16 October 2008 (UTC)

Workaround found. Just change the Invisible FOF to a normal non-shadowcasting FOF and give it the flat properties of the ground around it. Still has the same collision and looks fine in both modes. --Jazz 00:53, 16 October 2008 (UTC)