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User talk:Rob/WADs and Presentation: How to write a Modification page

From SRB2 Wiki

Good idea

I made some tweaks on the article. Do a diff if you'd like (you know how, right? The feature was pretty obscure, imo. :D)

It's a good idea to regulate the mods, though I'm thinking perhaps the rules themselves may be up for debate? For example, perhaps we should just keep mods to their main page and level pages; other subpages (such as a characters list) would be discouraged and instead content should be put on the main page or something. I'm not sure if the rules are too vague, though they could pass as okay. I hope somebody else has input. --Digiku 21:22, 9 October 2007 (PDT)

I'm not sure how much more specific I can be with these rules here. The reason I have a characters section is because of mods such as SRB2 Riders, which is essentially a mod with an EXE included.

...Also, "I made some tweaks on the article. Do a diff if you'd like (you know how, right? The feature was pretty obscure, imo. :D)" < I've been doing it forever. That's how I check for vandals. :P ~DarkWarrior