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SRB2Kart/Actions/A RoamingShadowThinker

From SRB2 Wiki

A_RoamingShadowThinker is an action exclusive to SRB2Kart. It sets the actor's scale to be 3/2 and thrusts them forward at a rate of 8 fracunits/second. It will continue to do this it will continue to this for 5 seconds resulting in a total distance moved of up to about 1600 fracunits. The actor will then perform a U-Turn and move the same distance. Players that are that are not flashing, spun out, or affected by growth or invincibility and are targeted by the actor will be damaged. Damaged players will be flung upward and a green wind effect will spawn at the player's position with an accompanying sound effect. This action is used by MC Roaming Shadow.

  SRB2Kart Actions [view]
A_BallhogExplodeA_FlameParticleA_FZBoomFlashA_FZBoomSmokeA_ItemPopA_JawzChaseA_JawzExplodeA_LightningFollowPlayerA_MayonakaArrowA_MementosTPParticlesA_MineExplodeA_RandomShadowFrameA_ReaperThinker A_RoamingShadowThinkerA_SPBChase