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SRB2Kart/Actions/A SPBChase

From SRB2 Wiki

A_SPBChase is an action exclusive to SRB2Kart. It is used by the Self Propelled Bomb. It causes the actor to target and chase the player with the best rank at the time of spawning and collide with the target if they slow down for too long. If the target is turning, on a conveyor, or in current, the actor will slow down to compensate. If the target dies, the actor will wait in place for a moment before chasing the target. If the target is not in first place for 7 seconds, the actor will set its target to the player that is now in first place.

  SRB2Kart Actions [view]
A_BallhogExplodeA_FlameParticleA_FZBoomFlashA_FZBoomSmokeA_ItemPopA_JawzChaseA_JawzExplodeA_LightningFollowPlayerA_MayonakaArrowA_MementosTPParticlesA_MineExplodeA_RandomShadowFrameA_ReaperThinker A_RoamingShadowThinkerA_SPBChase