Trigger Linedef Executor (Pushable Objects)

Sector type 16, Trigger Linedef Executor (Pushable Objects), is a sector type which activates the tagged trigger linedef once a pushable Object, such as a gargoyle or a snowman, touches the floor of the sector. This sector type does not work correctly with "Each Time" trigger linedef types. These include linedef type 301, linedef type 306, linedef type 310 and linedef type 312. Note that pushable Objects with the MF_SCENERY
flag, such as the Eggman Statue and Eggman Disco Statue, cannot activate this trigger.
Type of sector | Behavior |
In-level sector | Activates the tagged trigger linedef once a pushable Object touches the floor of the sector |
Solid FOF control sector | Activates the tagged trigger linedef once a pushable Object touches the FOF top |
Intangible FOF control sector | Activates the tagged trigger linedef once a pushable Object enters the FOF |
Water FOF control sector | Activates the tagged trigger linedef once a pushable Object enters the FOF |
If this special is used on an FOF's control sector, and Check for Linedef Executor on FOFs (sector type 128) is used on the FOF's target sector; this makes almost any Object in the game capable of activating the trigger linedef tagged to the FOF's control sector.
- Example file: ex_st00016_triggerlinedefexecutor_pushableobjects.wad (MAP01)
How to use |
Sector types – Group 2 | [view] | |
Trigger Linedef Executor (Pushable Objects • Anywhere in Sector, All Players • Floor Touch, All Players • Anywhere in Sector • Floor Touch • Emerald Check • NiGHTS Mare) • Check for Linedef Executor on FOFs • Egg Capsule • Special Stage Time/Spheres Parameters • Custom Global Gravity |