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Talk:Mystic Realm

From SRB2 Wiki

This is a exact copy of Wikipedia's MR page, I can recognize my little thing about Warp Zone anywhere.

By Blah2, a Wikipedian also known as FSX (SRB2 whatever, short version) and blah (GMG forums)

"AGZ1 can be completed in 14 seconds by Mecha Knuckles, a Character WAD by Chaos Zero 64." WHAT?! I doubt thats possible! -- 14:19, 13 May 2006 (CDT)

I (FSX) did it by using the old G/C version and gliding across the whole stage, quite easy because it is U shaped, and finished in 14 seconds. -- 20:45, 22 September 2006 (PDT)

Hehe, you don't "instantly" die when entering Mystic Realm without all the emeralds. If you move fast and collect some rings, you'll just lose them, making it possible to complete the entire level albeit with a challenge. Furyhunter 11:26, 6 July 2006 (CDT)

Unused enemies in Mystic Realm?

http://dl.dropbox.com/u/4799936/SRB2/MysticRealm/images/F005A1.PNG http://dl.dropbox.com/u/4799936/SRB2/MysticRealm/images/F006A1.PNG

Among MR enemies, I found two that don't appear (or at least I didn't find) in the game: Jetty-Syn Cannoneer (Blue Jetty-Syn) and Jetty-Syn Striker (Red Jetty-Syn). The only way I found to "see" them was by using ObjectPlace. They were created to be used in Second Quest.

I'd like to know if they were even used in MR (I can't find them in SRB2DB) or they were created but never used. --Ezer'Arch|עֶזֶר'AρχTalk 03:00, 7 November 2010 (UTC)

<EzerArch>	Back to the business, I still wonder about these unused MR enemies: http://wiki.srb2.org/wiki/Talk:The_Mystic_Realm
<EzerArch>	weren't they even used?
<Mystic>	nope, they weren't

Thank you.--Ezer'Arch|עֶזֶר'AρχTalk 23:48, 9 November 2010 (UTC)

Emblems and tokens localizations screenshots: I have them all! (mostly)

Just posting beforehand. I have taken screenshots from emblems and tokens localizations. Until now, I have 85 screens, but still need some few ones for a complete set. Every pic follows a naming convention (e.g "MAPA4-mysticrealm_emblemT.png"), which is already being used in MR levels articles. I'm going to upload the package somewhere; then, if someone wants to help uploading the images on the wiki, just need to download the package, sort the files by name, and upload.

Deal? --Ezer'Arch|עֶזֶר'AρχTalk 22:31, 8 December 2010 (UTC)

Mystic Realms Comunnity Edition and V6 page

Should there be a page about Mystic Realms CE?

I am talking about this since I feel that it would be interesting to talk about this mod, although it is still very unfinished