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Talk:OpenGL Rendering

From SRB2 Wiki

I have a question- why isn't OpenGL officialy supported anymore?

It never was. (but in the SVN version, it is) By the way, you phail at signing comments.--Kaysakado 13:13, 23 October 2007 (PDT)

It was before 1.09. 1.08 supported it, if I recall. Couldn't tell you why it was downgraded, though. ~DarkWarrior

As far as I know, OpenGL became unsupported when the person responsible for programming the renderer stopped working on it. --Jazz 20:20, 23 October 2007 (PDT)

As of 1.09.4, OpenGL is now unsupported. That doesn't mean we aren't working on it anymore.
What that means is that you shouldn't report any OpenGL bugs.

As seen here --Turtle Man 11:31, 24 October 2007 (PDT)

If it's not supported, why is it still in there? ~ Anon

Because it's still better than Software, in many's opinions. ~ Blue Warrior 19:17, 24 October 2007 (PDT)

Things like the Pitch-blackness of the tunnels in CEZ1 need to be reduced to difficult vision not total vision failure, though. ~Chaos Knux


I don't understand; why is there OpenGL "controversy"? –SonicMaster 20:55, 9 November 2007 (PST)

MD2 Information?

Since MD2s are gaining popularity and fame in the SRB2 community, do you think we should add some miscellaneous MD2 information in the OpenGL article? --Boinciel 18:37, 27 January 2008 (PST)

Sure. But if we mention them here, we're probably going to have to make a whole article. ~Kaysakado  •  Talk  •  14:40, 28 January 2008 (UTC)

MD2s would indeed need their own article. And a basic explanation as to how they would need to be set up in SRB2, something few people have the knowledge of. I think it's a great idea, but I myself can not put it into practice. This is the part where the users are supposed to contribute with their knowledge of SRB2 editing. ~DarkWarrior Talk • Contribs 19:23, 28 January 2008 (PST)

I, for one, actually can't run OpenGL on my computer. It slows the game down to a Crawla crawl, and OpenGL has crashed my computer twice. (Not permanently, thankfully.) My friend Gemini, however, does use OpenGL. I bet he'd like to have MD2 models, so, maybe if we can figure out how to set them up, then I may make an article for MD2 models. What's cool is that they can turn the engine into pure 3D rendering. –SonicMaster 00:19, 14 February 2008 (PST)

Sorta. You still can't look straight down (or straight up) at a MD2 model and see it, but all other angles appear as they should in a true 3D render. Either way, OpenGL is as close to true 3D as SRB2 gets. --Jazz 09:47, 14 February 2008 (PST)

That's dumb. So MD2 models aren't even true 3D. They fake it as well. -_- –SonicMaster 10:23, 14 February 2008 (PST)

EDIT: What else is cool is that MD2 models would turn the game's graphics into something as powerful as the Nintendo 64. This is incredibly impressive for a fangame, don't you think?

I should rephrase what I said. If you're looking even one degree from straight up or down, you still see the MD2s with no distortion. It is only when you look directly up or down that they disappear. Normal sprites are highly distorted (cardboard) long before you're looking straight up or down.--Jazz 12:55, 14 February 2008 (PST)