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User:Glaber/Grave Yard Hill Act 1

From SRB2 Wiki

MAP01, GraveYard Zone Act 1, formerly old Halloween Act 1, this Zone is a modified version of the first level from the Halloween tech demo so as to function in SRB2 1.09. This level is now part of Glaber's Halloween Modification.



Points of Interest

Cave of Rings

There is a Cave of Rings near the start with rings that spell out the name SONIC. Originally unaccessible in the tech demo.

Sonic's Emblem

Found in the Cave of Rings.

Tails's Emblem

Found behind a ghost wall

Time Attack


Shortcuts and Tricks

  • In the first water section, at the fork in the river, take the left fork.
  • In the fence maze at the graves, you can jump on top of a gravestone and jump over the fence.
  • At the pond after the maze you can jump over it at either the north or south side without much problem, or you can thok over it completely.

Technical Data

Map Data

Linedefs 792
Sidedefs 1560
Vertices 702
Sectors 130
Things 308


Player Starts Easy Normal Hard (and above)
Player Start 1 1 1 1
Player Start 2 1 1 1
Player Start 3 1 1 1
Player Start 4 1 1 1
Player Start 5 1 1 1
Player Start 6 1 1 1
Player Start 7 1 1 1
Player Start 8 1 1 1
Enemies Easy Normal Hard (and above)
Ghost 9 14 24
Specter 4 5 9
Rings Easy Normal Hard (and above)
Ring (single) 255 255 255
Total Rings 255 255 255
Springs and Such Easy Normal Hard (and above)
Yellow Spring (Up) 1 1 1
Scenery Easy Normal Hard (and above)
Tech Demo Rock 5 5 5
Orange Flower (sprite replaced) 2 2 2
Emeralds and Related Items Easy Normal Hard (and above)
Special Stage Token 2 2 2
Miscellaneous Easy Normal Hard (and above)
End Level Sign 1 1 1
Star Post 1 1 1

Level Header

Level 1
levelname = Graveyard Hill
act = 1
typeoflevel = 4099
nextlevel = 2
musicslot = 1
skynum = 7
LevelSelect = 1
Level Name Graveyard Zone Act 1
Music Slot O_MAP01M (Modified) - Halloween Teck demo music
Next Level MAP02 - Grave Yard Zone Act 2
Type of Level Single Player; Cooperative; Race
Skynum SKY7 - CEZ Sky