User:Latius/Emerald Hunt Advanced/Emerald Hunt Advanced Tutorial

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Emerald Hunt Advanced might be similar enough to a normal Hunt map that a tutorial may not be needed, but this will go through setting up a map to work with Emerald Hunt Advanced.


As per normal, you will need to create a map in which to hunt the emeralds in. Start with the basics: a thok barrier, some platforms to jump around on, some walls to block line of sight so that you would have to look behind to see if there are any Emeralds behind, and a Player 1 Start. Then, place some Emerald Hunt Spawns around the map, preferably where they can't be seen right away or require some platforming to reach.

Editing the Level Information

While you could keep the default values of the radar range being 2560 map units, the number of emeralds being 3, and the radar (and sound effects) being active, these can be adjusted using the level header.

LUA.radarrange determines the maximum range of the radar - IE how close you need to be to pick up an Emerald on the radar. For big maps, this should be set to about a quarter to a third of the average of the playable area in terms of X and Y. For example, if a map has a playable area of 11264 by 13312 map units, the radarrange should be set to 3072, which is a quarter of the average length of a bounding box which encompasses the playable area.

LUA.numideyas determines the number of Emeralds to spawn. Note that this does not need to be set to 0 in any level which does not include any Emerald Hunt Spawns, as the WAD automatically will not include any - and if you put over 7 (or 25 in the DrEAMS version) as this, the game will soft cap it at 7 (or 25) for you.

LUA.radaroff is a flag which tells if the Radar should be displayed or not. It is best not to include this unless you want to turn the radar off, and leave the players running blind.

Similarly, LUA.soundoff is a flag which tells if the ping of the radar should be turned off. It is recommended that you only have one or the other of the radar and the sound off, so there would still be visual or audible clues.


Example WAD: sce_EHAShowcase.wad