User:Monster Iestyn/SOC Lists/SRB2 Riders

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List of Objects

Object Number Object Name Description Map Thing Number
446 MT_SPEEDMONITOR Speed Monitor 1465
447 MT_FLYMONITOR Fly Monitor 1466
448 MT_POWERMONITOR Power Monitor 1467
449 MT_AIRTANKBOX Air Tank Capsule 1468
450 MT_AIRICO Air Tank Capsule Icon None
451 MT_RSUPERRINGBOX10 Super Ring Capsule 10 1469
452 MT_RSUPERICO10 Super Ring Capsule 10 Icon None
453 MT_RSUPERRINGBOX20 Super Ring Capsule 20 1470
454 MT_RSUPERICO20 Super Ring Capsule 20 Icon None
455 MT_RSUPERRINGBOX30 Super Ring Capsule 30 1471
456 MT_RSUPERICO30 Super Ring Capsule 30 Icon None
457 MT_RINV Invincibility Capsule None
458 MT_RINVCICO Invincibility Capsule Icon None
459 MT_RYELLOWCAPSULE Attraction Shield Capsule None
460 MT_YSHIELDCAPICO Attraction Shield Capsule Icon None
461 MT_QUESTIONBOX3 Random Capsule 1472
462 MT_CAPSULEEXPLOSION Capsule Explosion None
463 MT_BLUEDIAG Diagonal Blue Spring 1473
464 MT_SIDESPRING Side Spring 1474
465 MT_SHELLSHIELD Green Shell orbiting Player None
466 MT_SHELLITEM Green Shell being fired None
467 MT_REDSHELLSHIELD Red Shell orbiting Player None
468 MT_REDSHELLITEM Red Shell being fired None
469 MT_REDSHELLITEM2 Red Shell (Dud) being fired None
470 MT_BANANASHIELD Banana orbiting Player None
471 MT_BANANAITEM Banana being fired None
472 MT_FAKESHIELD Fake Item orbiting Player None
473 MT_FAKEITEM Fake Item being fired None
474 MT_BOMBSHIELD Bob-omb orbiting Player None
475 MT_BOMBITEM Bob-omb being fired None
476 MT_EXPLOSION Bob-omb Explosion None
477 MT_THUNDERSHIELD Thunder Explosion None
478 MT_LAKITU Lakitu None
479 MT_DRIFT Drift flames None
480 MT_POKEY Pokey 1475
481 MT_FIREPOINT Fire Chain Spawn Point 1477
482 MT_FIRECHAIN Fire Chain Link None
483 MT_QUESTIONBOX2 Mario Kart Item Box 1478
484 MT_ITEMEXPLOSION Mario Kart Item Box Explosion None
485 MT_FLAYM Opaque Flame 1479
486 MT_DEVIL Bad Gargoyle 1480
487 MT_ANGEL Good Gargoyle 1481
488 MT_PALMTREE Palm Tree 1482
489 MT_FLAG Peach's Flag 1483
490 MT_HEDGEHOG Peach's Hedge 1484
491 MT_TALLBUSH Peach's Tall Bush 1485
492 MT_TWEE Azure City Tree 1486
493 MT_HYDRANT Azure City Fire Hydrant 1487
494 MT_SMOK2 Drift Smoke #1 None
495 MT_SMOK3 Drift Smoke #2 None
496 MT_CHEESE Cheese None
497 MT_CHIP Chip None
498 MT_BIRDIE Birdie None
499 MT_RANDOMAUDIENCE Random Mario Audience 1488
500 MT_ENEMYFLIP Enemy Flip 1489
501 MT_WAYPOINT Riders Waypoint 1492
502 MT_SKYANIMATION Sky Animation 1493

List of States

State Number State Name Description
2560 S_PLAY_STND Player Riders Mode standing
2561 - 2568 S_PLAY_RUN1 - S_PLAY_RUN8 Player Riders Mode running
2569 - 2572 S_PLAY_SPD1 - S_PLAY_SPD4 Player Riders Mode using Ex-Gear
2573 - 2576 S_PLAY_ATK1 - S_PLAY_ATK4 Player Riders Mode using ability
2577 S_PLAY_JUMP Player Riders Mode jumping
2578 S_PLAY_PLG Player Riders Mode bouncing off a spring
2579 - 2586 S_PLAY_ABL1 - S_PLAY_ABL8 Player Riders Mode trick animation
2587 S_PLAY_PAIN Player Riders Mode hurt
2588 - 2590 S_PLAY_DIE1 - S_PLAY_DIE3 Player Riders Mode dying
2591 - 2592 S_PLAY_KARTSTND1 - S_PLAY_KARTSTND2 Player Mario Kart standing
2593 - 2596 S_PLAY_KARTWALK1 - S_PLAY_KARTWALK4 Player Mario Kart moving slowly
2597 - 2598 S_PLAY_KARTRUN1 - S_PLAY_KARTRUN2 Player Mario Kart moving quickly
2599 S_PLAY_KARTATK Player Mario Kart jumping
2600 S_PLAY_KARTPLG Player Mario Kart bouncing off a spring
2601 S_PLAY_KARTPAIN Player Mario Kart hurt
2602 - 2604 S_PLAY_KARTDIE1 - S_PLAY_KARTDIE3 Player Mario Kart dying
2605 S_PLAY_KARTSSTND Player Mario Kart standing (squished)
2606 - 2609 S_PLAY_KARTSWALK1 - S_PLAY_KARTSWALK4 Player Mario Kart moving slowly (squished)
2610 - 2611 S_PLAY_KARTSRUN1 - S_PLAY_KARTSRUN2 Player Mario Kart moving quickly (squished)
2612 S_PLAY_KARTSATK Player Mario Kart jumping (squished)
2613 S_PLAY_KARTSPLG Player Mario Kart bouncing off a spring (squished)
2614 S_PLAY_KARTSPAIN Player Mario Kart hurt (squished)
2615 - 2617 S_PLAY_KARTSDIE1 - S_PLAY_KARTSDIE3 Player Mario Kart dying (squished)
2618 S_PLAY_RSTND Player Normal Race standing
2619 - 2626 S_PLAY_RRUN1 - S_PLAY_RRUN8 Player Normal Race walking
2627 - 2630 S_PLAY_RSPD1 - S_PLAY_RSPD4 Player Normal Race running (runframe = 0 - Default)
2631 - 2640 S_PLAY_SKATE1 - S_PLAY_SKATE10 Player Normal Race running (runframe = 1 - Shadow's)
2641 - 2648 S_PLAY_CRUN1 - S_PLAY_CRUN8 Player Normal Race running (runframe = 2 - Cream's)
2649 - 2652 S_PLAY_RATK1 - S_PLAY_RATK4 Player Normal Race jumping/spinning
2653 S_PLAY_SLIDE Player Normal Race sliding
2654 S_PLAY_RPLG1 Player Normal Race bouncing off a spring
2655 S_PLAY_SILV1 Player Normal Race Special Ability - Super Sonic Floating (Slow)
2656 S_PLAY_SILV2 Player Normal Race Special Ability - Super Sonic Floating (Fast)
2657 - 2658 S_PLAY_RABL1 - S_PLAY_RABL2 Player Normal Race Special Ability - Slow Fall/Gliding
2659 S_PLAY_CLIMB1 Player Normal Race Special Ability - Climbing (idle)
2660 - 2663 S_PLAY_CLIMB2 - S_PLAY_CLIMB5 Player Normal Race Special Ability - Climbing (moving)
2664 - 2667 S_PLAY_FLY1 - S_PLAY_FLY4 Player Normal Race Special Ability - Fly/Swim
2668 - 2675 S_PLAY_CFLY1 - S_PLAY_CFLY8 Player Normal Race Special Ability - Cream's Fly/Swim
2676 S_PLAY_RPAIN Player Normal Race hurt
2677 - 2679 S_PLAY_RDIE1 - S_PLAY_RDIE3 Player Normal Race dying
2680 - 2681 S_PLAY_FALL1 - S_PLAY_FALL2 Player Normal Race falling
2682 S_PLAY_CARRY Player Normal Race being carried
2683 - 2684 S_PLAY_DRONE1 - S_PLAY_DRONE2 Player NiGHTS standing
2685 - 2686 S_PLAY_FLY1A - S_PLAY_FLY1B Player NiGHTS flying (facing directly sideways)
2687 - 2688 S_PLAY_FLY2A - S_PLAY_FLY2B Player NiGHTS flying (facing 22.5° upwards)
2689 - 2690 S_PLAY_FLY3A - S_PLAY_FLY3B Player NiGHTS flying (facing 45° upwards)
2691 - 2692 S_PLAY_FLY4A - S_PLAY_FLY4B Player NiGHTS flying (facing 67.5° upwards)
2693 - 2694 S_PLAY_FLY5A - S_PLAY_FLY5B Player NiGHTS flying (facing directly upwards)
2695 - 2696 S_PLAY_FLY6A - S_PLAY_FLY6B Player NiGHTS flying (facing 22.5° downwards)
2697 - 2698 S_PLAY_FLY7A - S_PLAY_FLY7B Player NiGHTS flying (facing 45° downwards)
2699 - 2700 S_PLAY_FLY8A - S_PLAY_FLY8B Player NiGHTS flying (facing 67.5° downwards)
2701 - 2702 S_PLAY_FLY9A - S_PLAY_FLY9B Player NiGHTS flying (facing directly downwards)
2703 S_SPEEDMONITOR Speed Monitor
2704 S_FLYMONITOR Fly Monitor
2705 S_POWERMONITOR Power Monitor
2706 S_AIRTANKBOX Air Tank Capsule displaying icon
2707 S_AIRTANKBOX1 Air Tank Capsule icon facing away
2708 - 2709 S_AIRTANKBOX2 - S_AIRTANKBOX3 Air Tank Capsule icon floating
2710 S_SUPERRINGBOX4 Super Ring Capsule 10 displaying icon
2711 S_SUPERRINGBOX5 Super Ring Capsule 10 icon facing away
2712 - 2713 S_SUPERRINGBOX6 - S_SUPERRINGBOX7 Super Ring Capsule 10 icon floating
2714 S_SUPERRINGBOX8 Super Ring Capsule 20 displaying icon
2715 S_SUPERRINGBOX9 Super Ring Capsule 20 icon facing away
2716 - 2717 S_SUPERRINGBOX10 - S_SUPERRINGBOX11 Super Ring Capsule 20 icon floating
2718 S_SUPERRINGBOX12 Super Ring Capsule 30 displaying icon
2719 S_SUPERRINGBOX13 Super Ring Capsule 30 icon facing away
2720 - 2721 S_SUPERRINGBOX14 - S_SUPERRINGBOX15 Super Ring Capsule 30 icon floating
2722 S_PINV5 Invincibility Capsule displaying icon
2723 S_PINV6 Invincibility Capsule icon facing away
2724 - 2725 S_PINV7 - S_PINV8 Invincibility Capsule icon floating
2726 S_SHBX Attraction Shield Capsule displaying icon
2727 S_SHBX1 Attraction Shield Capsule icon facing away
2728 - 2729 S_SHBX2 - S_SHBX3 Attraction Shield Capsule icon floating
2730 S_RANDOMCAPSULE1 Random Capsule displaying icon
2731 S_RANDOMCAPSULE2 Random Capsule icon facing away
2732 S_RANDOMCAPSULE3 Random Capsule popping
2735 S_BDIAG1 Diagonal Blue Spring idle
2736 - 2739 S_BDIAG2 - S_BDIAG5 Diagonal Blue Spring launching
2740 S_SIDESPRING1 Side Spring idle
2741 - 2744 S_SIDESPRING2 - S_SIDESPRING5 Side Spring launching
2745 - 2748 S_SHELLSHIELD1 - S_SHELLSHIELD4 Green Shell orbiting a Player
2749 - 2752 S_SHELLITEM1 - S_SHELLITEM4 Green Shell/Red Shell (Dud) being fired
2753 - 2756 S_REDSHELLSHIELD1 - S_REDSHELLSHIELD4 Red Shell orbiting a Player
2757 - 2760 S_REDSHELLITEM1 - S_REDSHELLITEM4 Red Shell being fired
2761 S_BANANASHIELD Banana orbiting a Player
2762 S_BANANAITEM Banana being fired
2763 S_FAKESHIELD Fake Item orbiting a Player
2764 S_FAKEITEM Fake Item being fired
2765 S_BOMBSHIELD Bob-omb orbiting a Player
2766 - 2767 S_BOMBITEM1 - S_BOMBITEM2 Bob-omb being fired
2768 - 2771 S_THUNDERSHIELD1 - S_THUNDERSHIELD4 Thunder Explosion
2772 - 2784 S_LAKITUSL1 - S_LAKITUSL13 Lakitu Race Start animation
2785 - 2786 S_LAKITUFSH1 - S_LAKITUFSH2 Lakitu Carrying player animation
2787 - 2788 S_LAKITULAP1A - S_LAKITULAP1B Lakitu "Lap 1" animation
2789 - 2790 S_LAKITULAP2A - S_LAKITULAP2B Lakitu "Lap 2" animation
2791 - 2792 S_LAKITULAP3A - S_LAKITULAP3B Lakitu "Lap 3" animation
2793 - 2794 S_LAKITULAP4A - S_LAKITULAP4B Lakitu "Lap 4" animation
2795 - 2796 S_LAKITULAP5A - S_LAKITULAP5B Lakitu "Lap 5" animation
2797 - 2798 S_LAKITULAP6A - S_LAKITULAP6B Lakitu "Lap 6" animation
2799 - 2800 S_LAKITULAP7A - S_LAKITULAP7B Lakitu "Lap 7" animation
2801 - 2802 S_LAKITULAP8A - S_LAKITULAP8B Lakitu "Lap 8" animation
2803 - 2804 S_LAKITULAPFA - S_LAKITULAPFB Lakitu "Final Lap" animation
2805 - 2812 S_LAKITUFLG1 - S_LAKITUFLG8 Lakitu Race Finish animation
2813 - 2815 S_DRIFT1 - S_DRIFT3 Drift Flames (Blue)
2816 - 2818 S_DRIFT4 - S_DRIFT6 Drift Flames (Orange)
2819 - 2822 S_POKEY1 - S_POKEY4 Pokey moving forwards
2823 - 2826 S_POKEY5 - S_POKEY8 Pokey moving backwards
2827 S_POKEYIDLE Pokey idle (after being hurt)
2828 - 2830 S_FIRECHAIN1 - S_FIRECHAIN4 Fire Chain Link
2832 - 2863 S_RANDOMITEM1 - S_RANDOMITEM32 Mario Kart Item Box
2864 S_RANDOMITEM33 Mario Kart Item Box being collected
2865 - 2869 S_ITEMEXPLOSION1 - S_ITEMEXPLOSION5 Mario Kart Item Box Pickup Spark
2870 - 2873 S_FLAYM1 - S_FLAYM4 Opaque Flame
2874 S_DEVIL Bad Gargoyle
2875 S_ANGEL Good Gargoyle
2876 S_PALMTREE Palm Tree
2877 S_FLAG Peach's Flag
2878 S_HEDGEHOG Peach's Hedge
2879 S_BUSH1 Peach's Tall Bush
2880 S_TWEE Azure City Tree
2881 S_HYDRANT Azure City Fire Hydrant
2882 - 2886 S_SMOK6 - S_SMOK10 Drift Smoke (#1 and #2)
2887 - 2888 S_CHEESE1 - S_CHEESE2 Cheese (when Player is standing/walking)
2889 - 2890 S_CHEESE3 - S_CHEESE4 Cheese (when Player is running)
2891 - 2892 S_CHIP1 - S_CHIP2 Chip (when Player is standing/walking)
2893 - 2894 S_CHIP3 - S_CHIP4 Chip (when Player is running)
2895 - 2896 S_BIRDIE1 - S_BIRDIE2 Birdie (when Player is standing/walking)
2897 - 2898 S_BIRDIE3 - S_BIRDE4 Birdie (when Player is running)
2899 S_RANDOMAUDIENCE Random Mario Audience
2900 S_TOAD1 Toad Audience idle
2901 S_BOO1 Boo Audience idle
2902 S_GMBA1 Goomba Audience idle
2903 S_SHYG1 Shy Guy Audience idle
2904 S_SNIF1 Snifit Audience idle
2905 S_TOAD2 Toad Audience jumping
2906 S_BOO2 Boo Audience jumping
2907 S_GMBA2 Goomba Audience jumping
2908 S_SHYG2 Shy Guy Audience jumping
2909 S_SNIF2 Snifit Audience jumping
2910 S_SKYANIMATION Sky Animation

List of Sprites

Sprite Number Sprite Name Description
371 SPR_SPED Speed Monitor
372 SPR_FLYM Fly Monitor
373 SPR_POWR Power Monitor
374 SPR_DEVL Bad Gargoyle
375 SPR_ANGE Good Gargoyle
376 SPR_ATTV Air Tank Capsule
377 SPR_RNDM Mario Kart Item Box
378 SPR_BSPR Diagonal Blue Spring
379 SPR_MSTR Invincibility Star HUD Icon
380 SPR_SHEL Green Shell HUD Icon
381 SPR_RSHL Red Shell HUD Icon
382 SPR_NANA Banana HUD Icon
383 SPR_PEEL Banana
384 SPR_FAKE Fake Item HUD Icon
385 SPR_FAIK Fake Item
386 SPR_BOOM Bob-omb HUD Icon
387 SPR_BOMB Bob-omb
388 SPR_THUN Thunder (HUD Icon and Explosion)
389 SPR_SRTV Super Ring Capsules (10, 20 and 30)
391 SPR_RINV Invinicibility Capsule
392 SPR_YLBX Attraction Shield Capsule
393 SPR_TION Random Capsule
394 SPR_RTEX Miscellaneous capsule sprites
395 SPR_LAKI Lakitu
396 SPR_DRFT Drift Flames
397 SPR_POKE Pokey
398 SPR_FLAG Peach's Flag
399 SPR_PALM Palm Tree
400 SPR_CHES Cheese
401 SPR_CHIP Chip
402 SPR_BRDY Birdie
403 SPR_HEDG Peach's Hedge
405 SPR_SPRZ Side Spring
406 SPR_TWEE Azure City Tree
407 SPR_HYDR Azure City Fire Hydrant
408 SPR_BBOO Boo Audience
409 SPR_GMBA Goomba Audience
410 SPR_SHYG Shy Guy Audience
411 SPR_SNIF Snifit Audience

List of Sounds

Sound Number Sound Name Description
291 sfx_board
292 sfx_start
293 sfx_rwin
294 sfx_rlose
295 sfx_ramp
296 sfx_rmpc
297 sfx_rmpx
298 sfx_slow
299 - 1098 sfx_fre001 - sfx_fre800 Free slots
1099 sfx_boop
1100 sfx_beep
1101 sfx_menu2
1102 sfx_swtchx
1103 sfx_rgrind
1104 sfx_boost
1105 sfx_lvlup
1106 sfx_rdrift
1107 sfx_land
1108 sfx_lkt1
1109 sfx_lkt2
1110 sfx_lkt3
1111 sfx_kart1
1112 sfx_kart2
1113 sfx_kart3
1114 sfx_jump2
1115 sfx_skate
1116 sfx_sfloat
1117 sfx_sfall
1118 sfx_popr
1119 sfx_bmper2
1120 sfx_pulpul
1121 sfx_mlap
1122 sfx_mush
1123 sfx_bomb
1124 sfx_bomb2
1125 sfx_grnshl
1126 sfx_redshl
1127 sfx_shbrk
1128 sfx_peel
1129 sfx_slip
1130 sfx_fake
1131 sfx_mkdrft
1132 sfx_mkslid
1133 sfx_mkitem
1134 sfx_mkitem1
1135 sfx_mkitem2
1136 sfx_mkitem3
1137 sfx_mkitem4
1138 sfx_mkitem5
1139 sfx_mkitem6
1140 sfx_mkitem7
1141 sfx_mkitem8
1142 sfx_mkitemF