User:Monster Iestyn/Source Code Documentation/hardware/hw_main.h

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File type C header file
#include guard __HWR_MAIN_H__


Function prototypes

Function name Return type Params Defined in Attributes Description
HWR_Startup void none hw_main.c Initalises the hardware renderer.
HWR_Shutdown void none hw_main.c Frees resources allocated by the hardware renderer.
HWR_drawAMline void const fline_t *fl,
INT32 color
hw_draw.c Draws a line on the automap to the screen.
HWR_FadeScreenMenuBack void UINT32 color,
INT32 height
hw_draw.c Hardware version of V_DrawFadeScreen.
HWR_DrawConsoleBack void UINT32 color,
INT32 height
hw_draw.c Hardware version of V_DrawFadeConsBack.
HWR_RenderSkyboxView void INT32 viewnumber,
player_t *player
hw_main.c Renders the skybox view. Called only by HWR_RenderPlayerView.
HWR_RenderPlayerView void INT32 viewnumber,
player_t *player
hw_main.c Hardware version of R_RenderPlayerView.
HWR_DrawViewBorder void INT32 clearlines hw_draw.c Hardware version of R_DrawViewBorder. (Note: R_DrawViewBorder is disabled as of v2.1, so this function is unused)
HWR_DrawFlatFill void INT32 x,
INT32 y,
INT32 w,
INT32 h,
lumpnum_t flatlumpnum
hw_draw.c Hardware version of V_DrawFlatFill.
HWR_InitTextureMapping void none hw_main.c Hardware version of R_InitTextureMapping.
HWR_SetViewSize void none hw_main.c
HWR_DrawPatch void GLPatch_t *gpatch,
INT32 x,
INT32 y,
INT32 option
HWR_DrawFixedPatch void GLPatch_t *gpatch,
fixed_t x,
fixed_t y,
INT32 option,
fixed_t scale,
const UINT8 *colormap
hw_draw.c Hardware version of V_DrawFixedPatch.
HWR_DrawCroppedPatch void GLPatch_t *gpatch,
fixed_t x,
fixed_t y,
fixed_t scale,
INT32 option,
fixed_t sx,
fixed_t sy,
fixed_t w,
fixed_t h
hw_draw.c Hardware version of V_DrawCroppedPatch.
HWR_DrawCroppedPatch void GLPatch_t *gpatch,
fixed_t x,
fixed_t y,
INT32 option,
fixed_t scale,
fixed_t sx,
fixed_t sy,
fixed_t w,
fixed_t h
hw_draw.c Hardware version of V_DrawCroppedPatch. (Duplicate prototype)
HWR_MakePatch void const patch_t *patch,
GLPatch_t *grPatch,
GLMipmap_t *grMipmap,
boolean makebitmap
HWR_CreatePlanePolygons void INT32 bspnum hw_bsp.c
HWR_CreateStaticLightmaps void INT32 bspnum hw_light.c
HWR_PrepLevelCache void size_t pnumtextures hw_cache.c
HWR_DrawFill void INT32 x,
INT32 y,
INT32 w,
INT32 h,
INT32 color
hw_draw.c Hardware version of V_DrawFill.
HWR_DrawConsoleFill void INT32 x,
INT32 y,
INT32 w,
INT32 h,
INT32 color,
INT32 options
hw_draw.c Hardware version of V_DrawConsoleFill.
HWR_DrawPic void INT32 x,
INT32 y,
lumpnum_t flatlumpnum
hw_draw.c Hardware version of V_DrawScaledPic.
HWR_GetScreenshot UINT8 * none hw_draw.c Saves the screen to a buffer, and returns the buffer. Returns NULL if the buffer could not be made. Called by M_SaveFrame to save a frame for an APNG movie if using OpenGL.
HWR_Screenshot boolean const char *pathname hw_draw.c Saves the screen to a buffer, and saves the buffer to a PNG file which is created in the chosen screenshot folder. pathname is the file name (including file path) to write the PNG to. Returns true if successful, returns false if the buffer could not be made or the PNG file could not be created. Called by M_DoScreenShot to take a screenshot if using OpenGL.
HWR_AddCommands void none hw_main.c Registers OpenGL-exclusive console variables.
HWR_CorrectSWTricks void none hw_trick.c Corrects Software mode tricks in the current map to look okay in the OpenGL renderer, if gr_correcttricks is enabled. This function is only called during level setup.
transform void float *cx,
float *cy,
float *cz
HWR_TranstableToAlpha FBITFIELD INT32 transtablenum,
FSurfaceInfo *pSurf
hw_main.c Converts a translucency map number (tr_trans10 through tr_trans90) to a byte alpha value, where 0 is invisible and 255 is opaque. This alpha is then applied to the surface info supplied. Returns PF_Translucent.
HWR_SetPaletteColor void INT32 palcolor hw_main.c Sets a palette color, using an RGB color code. If non-zero, this palette color can then be used to tint the colors of drawn polygons by another color. (?) Note that this function is currently called only with the value 0 in SRB2's source code, so no palette color is ever set.
HWR_GetTextureUsed INT32 none hw_main.c
HWR_DoPostProcessor void player_t *player hw_main.c
HWR_StartScreenWipe void none hw_main.c
HWR_EndScreenWipe void none hw_main.c
HWR_DrawIntermissionBG void none hw_main.c
HWR_DoWipe void UINT8 wipenum,
UINT8 scrnnum
hw_main.c Hardware version of f_wipe.c's F_DoWipe.
HWR_MakeScreenFinalTexture void none hw_main.c
HWR_DrawScreenFinalTexture void int width,
int height
HWR_Lighting UINT32 INT32 light,
UINT32 color,
UINT32 fadecolor,
boolean fogblockpoly,
boolean plane
hw_main.c Calculates and returns the needed lighting from the arguments given as an RGBA color code. (fogblockpoly is unused)
LightLevelToLum UINT8 INT32 l hw_main.c FUNCMATH


Data name Data type Non-extern location(s) Description
granisotropicmode_cons_t[] CV_PossibleValue_t hw_main.c Possible values for cv_granisotropicmode
cv_grdynamiclighting consvar_t ../v_video.c Declared only if ALAM_LIGHTING is defined

gr_dynamiclighting console variable struct

cv_grstaticlighting consvar_t ../v_video.c Declared only if ALAM_LIGHTING is defined

gr_staticlighting console variable struct

cv_grcoronas consvar_t ../v_video.c Declared only if ALAM_LIGHTING is defined

gr_coronas console variable struct

cv_grcoronasize consvar_t ../v_video.c Declared only if ALAM_LIGHTING is defined

gr_coronasize console variable struct

cv_grfov consvar_t hw_main.c gr_fov console variable struct
cv_grmd2 consvar_t ../v_video.c gr_md2 console variable struct
cv_grfog consvar_t ../v_video.c gr_fog console variable struct
cv_grfogcolor consvar_t ../v_video.c gr_fogcolor console variable struct
cv_grfogdensity consvar_t hw_main.c gr_fogdensity console variable struct
cv_grsoftwarefog consvar_t ../v_video.c gr_softwarefog console variable struct
cv_grgammared consvar_t ../v_video.c gr_gammared console variable struct
cv_grgammagreen consvar_t ../v_video.c gr_gammagreen console variable struct
cv_grgammablue consvar_t ../v_video.c gr_gammablue console variable struct
cv_grfiltermode consvar_t hw_main.c gr_filtermode console variable struct
cv_granisotropicmode consvar_t hw_main.c gr_anisotropicmode console variable struct
cv_grcorrecttricks consvar_t hw_main.c gr_correcttricks console variable struct
cv_voodoocompatibility consvar_t ../v_video.c gr_voodoocompatibility console variable struct
cv_grfovchange consvar_t ../v_video.c gr_fovchange console variable struct
cv_grsolvetjoin consvar_t hw_main.c gr_solvetjoin console variable struct
cv_grspritebillboarding consvar_t ../v_video.c gr_spritebillboarding console variable struct
float hw_main.c gr_viewwidth: The width of the view window in the OpenGL renderer. In SRB2 this should always be vid.width converted to a float.

gr_viewheight: The height of the view window in the OpenGL renderer. In SRB2 this should always be vid.height converted to a float.

gr_baseviewwindowy: The Y screen coordinate of the view window's top left corner in the OpenGL renderer. In SRB2 this should always be 0; however, if gr_viewwidth and vid.width were not the same somehow, this would be (vid.height-gr_viewheight) / 2 instead.

float hw_main.c gr_viewwindowx: The X screen coordinate of the view window's top left corner in the OpenGL renderer. In SRB2 this should always be 0; however, if gr_viewwidth and vid.width were not the same somehow, this would be (vid.width - gr_viewwidth) / 2 instead.

gr_basewindowcentery: The Y screen coordinate of the view window's center in the OpenGL renderer. In SRB2 this should always be gr_viewheight / 2; however, if gr_viewwidth and vid.width were not the same somehow, this would be (vid.height / 2) converted to a float instead.

*hwbbox fixed_t hw_main.c A pointer to the bbox of the current BSP node being rendered in HWR_RenderBSPNode. This is currently used only by HWR_PlaneLighting, if the macro ALAM_LIGHTING is defined.
atransform FTransform hw_main.c


Name Type Description
floorinfo_t struct Unused


Data name Data type Description
floorVerts[4] wallVert3D
Surf FSurfaceInfo
texnum INT32
blend INT32
drawcount INT32