User:Monster Iestyn/Source Code Documentation/p_pspr.h

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File type C header file
#include guard __P_PSPR__

This header file contains the frame flag macros for states, as well as the typedef for translucency maps. Note: In Doom's source code this was also the header file for player weapon sprites, or "psprites" for short.


Frame flag macros

Macro Defined as Description
FF_FRAMEMASK 0x3fff (16383) Bit mask for the frame number
FF_ANIMATE 0x4000 (16384) Simple stateless animation
FF_FULLBRIGHT 0x8000 (32768) Full brightness
FF_TRANSMASK 0xf0000 (983040) Bit mask for translucency flags
FF_TRANSSHIFT 16 Number of bits to shift up to convert tr_transxx to TR_TRANSxx

Note: This is also used by the software renderer to convert tr_transxx to an offset in bytes to transtables to get the corresponding transluency table array, as each table happens to be 256 × 256 bytes (65536, 0x10000, or 1<<FF_TRANSSHIFT bytes) in size; e.g.: transtables + ((tr_trans50-1)<<FF_TRANSSHIFT) (or transtables + 262144) points to the translucency table generated using the contents of the TRANS50 lump from srb2.srb.

FF_TRANS10 (tr_trans10<<FF_TRANSSHIFT) (65536) 10% translucency
FF_TRANS20 (tr_trans20<<FF_TRANSSHIFT) (131072) 20% translucency
FF_TRANS30 (tr_trans30<<FF_TRANSSHIFT) (196608) 30% translucency
FF_TRANS40 (tr_trans40<<FF_TRANSSHIFT) (262144) 40% translucency
FF_TRANS50 (tr_trans50<<FF_TRANSSHIFT) (327680) 50% translucency
FF_TRANS60 (tr_trans60<<FF_TRANSSHIFT) (393216) 60% translucency
FF_TRANS70 (tr_trans70<<FF_TRANSSHIFT) (458752) 70% translucency
FF_TRANS80 (tr_trans80<<FF_TRANSSHIFT) (524288) 80% translucency
FF_TRANS90 (tr_trans90<<FF_TRANSSHIFT) (589824) 90% translucency


Name Type Description
transnum_t enum Translucency maps


Value Name Description
1 tr_trans10 10% translucency
2 tr_trans20 20% translucency
3 tr_trans30 30% translucency
4 tr_trans40 40% translucency
5 tr_trans50 50% translucency
6 tr_trans60 60% translucency
7 tr_trans70 70% translucency
8 tr_trans80 80% translucency
9 tr_trans90 90% translucency
10 NUMTRANSMAPS Number of translucency maps