User:Monster Iestyn/Source Code Documentation/y_inter.h

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File type C header file
#include guard none

This header file provides the typedefs, variables and function prototypes for handling SRB2's tally screens (formerly known as "intermissions" in Doom).


Name Type Description
intertype_t enum Tally screen types


Value Name Description
0 int_none None
1 int_coop Single Player/Cooperative
2 int_match Match
3 int_teammatch Team Match
4 int_ctf CTF
5 int_spec Special Stage (Old style)
6 int_nights NiGHTS
7 int_nightsspec Special Stage (NiGHTS style)
8 int_race Race
9 int_comp Competition

Function prototypes

Function name Return type Params Defined in Description
Y_IntermissionDrawer void None y_inter.c The tally screen drawer function, called by D_Display if the current game state is GS_INTERMISSION.
Y_Ticker void None y_inter.c The tally screen ticker function, called by G_Ticker if the current game state is GS_INTERMISSION.
Y_StartIntermission void None y_inter.c Initialises data for Y_IntermissionDrawer and Y_Ticker, called by G_DoCompleted (unless skipstats is set to true).
Y_EndIntermission void None y_inter.c Unloads all tally screen data and resets variables to their defaults.
Y_ConsiderScreenBuffer void None y_inter.c Can we copy the current screen to a buffer?
Y_CleanupScreenBuffer void None y_inter.c Free all related memory.


Data name Data type Non-extern location(s) Description
usebuffer boolean y_inter.c If true, the screen buffer (i.e. the last frame of gameplay in the level) will be used as the background of the SP/Coop tally screen. If false, a graphic is used instead – by default this is the INTERSCR graphic, or INTERSCW for wide resolutions.

If the finished level's level header has a graphic set for the InterScreen parameter this graphic will be used instead of either the above, regardless of the value of usebuffer.

intertype intertype_t y_inter.c The tally screen type to be drawn.