Fan Sector

Sector type 20480, Fan Sector, is a sector type which slowly lifts players towards the ceiling of the affected sector in their falling frames. It works identically to the Fan Thing type, but it is easier to apply to larger areas. To adjust the maximum height that the player can be pushed to, the effect must be applied to an intangible FOF. The maximum height is then represented by the ceiling height of the control sector. Because the fan sector accelerates the vertical speed of the player until it reaches a fixed value, it is possible for the player to fall through thin intangible FOFs using this effect if their falling speed is high enough.
Type of sector | Behavior |
In-level sector | Pushes the player towards the ceiling of the sector as long as the player is inside the sector |
Solid FOF control sector | Using this effect on a solid FOF is not recommended. Because the fan effect only works inside the FOF (which is solid and therefore not accessible), it will only cause the player to slightly bounce on the top of the FOF. |
Intangible FOF control sector | Pushes the player towards the top of the FOF as long as the player is inside the FOF |
Water FOF control sector | Pushes the player towards the top of the FOF as long as the player is inside the FOF |
- Example file: ex_st20480_fansector.wad (MAP01)
How to use |