Linedef type 605

Linedef type 605, Adjustable Blinking Light (Synchronized), is a type of linedef special which causes the light level of every tagged sector to switch between two brightness levels at an adjustable regular interval. Unlike linedef type 604, two sectors with this effect will always go on and off at the same time.
The control linedef's X distance determines the time (in tics) for the light to be at the lower level. The control linedef's Y distance determines the time (also in tics) for the light to be at the higher level. Both the control sector's and the target sector's brightness levels affect between which brightnesses the light switches. The lesser brightness level between the two determines the minimum light level for this effect, while the greater brightness level determines the maximum.
- Example file: ex_ld605_adjustableblinkinglight_synchronized.wad (MAP01)
How to use |