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A Sprite2 is a special type of sprite that changes based on a player's skin. They are primarily used by the Player object, but they are also used by Signposts and Extra Life Monitors.


Sprite2s are specified within the character's skin, after the S_SKIN lump. They are called by using the frame attribute of a state that uses the sprite SPR_PLAY. The name of any given Sprite2 is SPR2_ followed by the prefix of the Sprite2 in the files (see Sprite).

Each consecutive time a Sprite2 is called, it progresses one frame through the animation. This allows scripts to control how fast a Sprite2 animates by repeatedly calling the Sprite2 at regular intervals.


If a Sprite2 is called, but it is not specified within the current skin, SRB2 will instead display a default Sprite2. The state will still be called as usual, but the Sprite2 will not. The only Sprite2 not to have such a default is SPR2_STND; any other Sprite2 will point to another graphic. This default graphic is often another Sprite2 within the skin; if this is the case and the default Sprite2 is also not specified, that Sprite2's default will be used instead, repeating until a valid Sprite2 is reached. For example, if SPR2_FRUN is not specified within a skin, the default graphic SPR2_RUN will be used instead. If SPR2_RUN is not present, then SPR2_WALK will be used, and if SPR2_WALK is not present, then SPR2_STND will be used.

List of Sprite2s
Sprite2 Number Sprite2 Name Default Associated State(s) Usage Example Frame
0 SPR2_STND None* S_PLAY_STND Used when the player is standing still on the ground. If this Sprite2 is not specified, the skin will fail to load.
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1 SPR2_WAIT SPR2_STND S_PLAY_WAIT Used when the player has been idle for approximately 3 seconds.
2 SPR2_WALK SPR2_STND S_PLAY_WALK Used when the player is moving on the ground below running speed.
3 SPR2_SKID SPR2_WALK S_PLAY_SKID Used when the player is stopping or turning sharply. Not specified by any character in unmodified SRB2.
4 SPR2_RUN SPR2_WALK S_PLAY_RUN Used when the player is moving on the ground at or above running speed.
5 SPR2_DASH SPR2_RUN S_PLAY_DASH Used when the player is in Boost Mode.
6 SPR2_PAIN SPR2_STND S_PLAY_PAIN Used when the player is being knocked back, typically from losing rings or a shield. Also used by certain stage mechanics.
7 SPR2_STUN SPR2_PAIN S_PLAY_STUN Used when getting combo'd by Fang's popgun attack. Not specified by any character in unmodified SRB2.
8 SPR2_DEAD SPR2_STND S_PLAY_DEAD Used when the player has died.
9 SPR2_DRWN SPR2_DEAD S_PLAY_DRWN Used when the player has died from drowning.
10 SPR2_ROLL SPR2_STND S_PLAY_ROLL Used when the player is spinning, usually from jumping or the Spindash secondary ability.
11 SPR2_GASP SPR2_SPNG S_PLAY_GASP Used when the player is gasping for air from an air bubble.
12 SPR2_JUMP SPR2_ROLL* S_PLAY_JUMP Used when the player jumps, regardless of whether or not the skin flag SF_NOJUMPSPIN is set; if unspecified, falls back to SPR2_ROLL if SF_NOJUMPSPIN is not set; otherwise, falls back to SPR2_SPNG when going up, and SPR2_FALL when going down. Not specified by any character in unmodified SRB2.
13 SPR2_SPNG SPR2_FALL S_PLAY_SPRING Used when the player has been launched off the ground by a spring.
14 SPR2_FALL SPR2_WALK S_PLAY_FALL Used when the player is falling. Note that walking off of a ledge will not call this state.
15 SPR2_EDGE SPR2_STND S_PLAY_EDGE Used when a player is teetering on a ledge.
16 SPR2_RIDE SPR2_FALL S_PLAY_RIDE Used when the player is hanging onto a character using the Fly primary ability. Also used by certain stage mechanics.
17 SPR2_SPIN SPR2_ROLL S_PLAY_SPINDASH Used when charging up the Spindash secondary ability. Not to be confused with SPR2_ROLL, which is used when the player releases this ability.
18 SPR2_FLY SPR2_SPNG S_PLAY_FLY Used when using the Fly primary ability.
19 SPR2_SWIM SPR2_FLY* S_PLAY_SWIM Used when using the Fly, Glide and Climb, or Swim primary abilities while underwater. Falls back to SPR2_FLY if using Fly, or SPR2_GLID if using Glide and Climb.
20 SPR2_TIRE SPR2_FLY S_PLAY_FLY_TIRED Used when the flight timer has expired for Fly or Swim primary abilities.
21 SPR2_GLID SPR2_FLY S_PLAY_GLIDE Used when gliding with the Glide and Climb primary ability.
22 SPR2_LAND SPR2_ROLL S_PLAY_GLIDE_LANDING, S_PLAY_BOUNCE_LANDING Used when landing with the Glide and Climb or Bounce primary abilities.
23 SPR2_CLNG SPR2_CLMB S_PLAY_CLING Used when clinging to a wall (not moving) with the Glide and Climb primary ability.
24 SPR2_CLMB SPR2_ROLL S_PLAY_CLIMB Used when climbing a wall (moving) with the Glide and Climb primary ability.
25 SPR2_FLT SPR2_WALK S_PLAY_FLOAT Used when moving slowly with the Float or Slow Fall primary abilities.
26 SPR2_FRUN SPR2_RUN S_PLAY_FLOAT_RUN Used when moving quickly with the Float or Slow Fall primary abilities. Not specified by any character in unmodified SRB2.
27 SPR2_BNCE SPR2_FALL S_PLAY_BOUNCE Used when using the Bounce primary ability.
28 SPR2_FIRE SPR2_STND S_PLAY_FIRE, S_PLAY_FIRE_FINISH Used when using the Gunslinger secondary ability.
29 SPR2_TWIN SPR2_ROLL S_PLAY_TWINSPIN Used when using the Twinspin primary ability.
30 SPR2_MLEE SPR2_TWIN S_PLAY_MELEE, S_PLAY_MELEE_FINISH Used during the hop portion of the Melee secondary ability.
31 SPR2_MLEL SPR2_STND S_PLAY_MELEE_LANDING Used during the landing portion of the Melee secondary ability.
32 SPR2_TRNS SPR2_STND S_PLAY_SUPER_TRANS1-6 Used when transforming into Super or NiGHTS form.
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Used when the player is sitting still on the ground in NiGHTS form. Not specified by any character in unmodified SRB2.
34 SPR2_NFLT SPR2_FALL Used when the player is sitting still in midair NiGHTS form.
35 SPR2_NFLY SPR2_NFLY* Used when the player is moving in NiGHTS form. If unspecified, reverts all NiGHTS sprites to those of Sonic.
36 SPR2_NDRL SPR2_NFLY Used when the player is using the Drill Dash in NiGHTS form.
37 SPR2_NSTN SPR2_STUN Used when the player gets hit in NiGHTS mode.
38 SPR2_NPUL SPR2_NSTN Used when a player in NiGHTS form is automatically being pulled into an Ideya Capture. This Sprite2 is identical to SPR2_NFLY for all characters in unmodified SRB2.
39 SPR2_NATK SPR2_ROLL Used when a player in NiGHTS form is destroying an Ideya Capture. Not specified by any character in unmodified SRB2.
40-52 SPR2_TAL1-9, SPR2_TALA-C See below S_INVISIBLE[confirm? – discuss] Used by Tails' tails.
53 SPR2_CNT1 SPR2_WAIT* N/A Used on the continue screen, during the countdown. The angle it is drawn at depends on the contangle argument in the S_SKIN lump.
54 SPR2_CNT2 SPR2_FALL Used on the continue screen, as the character is rising. Only specified by Tails in the unmodified game.
56 SPR2_CNT4 SPR2_CNT1 Used on the continue screen if the character using it is a bot.
57 SPR2_SIGN Special* S_PLAY_SIGN Used on the Signpost when the player has cleared the level. Also used on the File Select screen. If unspecified, Signposts that would otherwise depict this character display a default graphic depicting the word "CLEAR!", and they will display no icon on the File Select.
58 SPR2_LIFE Special* S_PLAY_BOX1 Used on Extra Life Monitors. If unspecified, Extra Life Monitors that would otherwise depict this character display a default graphic depicting the word "1up."
59 SPR2_XTRA Special* N/A Contains the lives counter icon for the HUD, the character select portrait, the continue icon, and graphics for the good ending.

If unspecified, the good ending graphic is replaced with a star, and everything else is replaced with a question mark.

Tail Sprite2s
Sprite2 Number Sprite2 Name Default Usage Example Frame
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See above table

Additionally, Amy's skin in the vanilla game specifies a TPOS sprite, showing her T-posing with an unsettling, blank expression; however, SPR2_TPOS does not exist.[confirm? – discuss] It is likely left in the game as an easter egg.

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