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Talk:Directional Effects

From SRB2 Wiki

Can't we just say: Linedefs facing outward go counterclockwise, while linedefs facing inward go clockwise? –SonicMaster 17:51, 7 December 2007 (PST)

Proposal: Renaming this Article

"Directional Effects" is not an intuitive name for an article which a beginner level designer would be looking for, not even I had found this article until someone had edited the article about Level design. I'd propose to rename this article to "Pushers and Scroll Effects"; or, split this article into two: "Pushers Effects" (explains how to use Linedefs 540 - 547), and "Scroll Effects" (LD 500-535). --Ezer'Arch|עֶזֶר'AρχTalk 17:30, 2 January 2010 (UTC)

We should expand the Conveyor belt tutorial to a scroller tutorial and make a separate Pusher tutorial that covers Winds, Currents and Push/Pull. Whatever way, this article is so godawfully useless that it needs to go. --SpiritCrusherTalkContribs 12:43, 18 May 2010 (UTC)