User:Monster Iestyn/Source Code Documentation/command.h

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File type C header file
#include guard __COMMAND_H__


Command buffer and command execution


Name Type Description
com_func_t void (*function)(void) A pointer to a function intended to be called by a console command when executed. These kind of functions do not use any parameters.

Function prototypes

Function name Return type Params Defined in Description
COM_AddCommand void const char *name,
com_func_t func
command.c Adds a console command.
COM_AddLuaCommand int const char *name command.c Adds a console command for Lua. This is the same as COM_AddCommand, except no I_Errors are used; a negative value is returned instead. A return value of 1 indicates an existing command was replaced, and a return value of 0 indicates a new command was added (i.e.: no command of the given name existed before).
COM_Argc size_t none command.c Gets a console command argument count.
COM_Argv const char * size_t arg command.c Gets a console command argument.
COM_Args char * none command.c Gets all console command arguments.
COM_CheckParm size_t const char *check command.c Checks if a parameter was passed to a console command.
COM_CheckPartialParm size_t const char *check command.c
COM_FirstOption size_t none command.c
COM_CompleteCommand const char * const char *partial,
INT32 skips
command.c Does command completion for the console.
COM_BufAddTextEx void const char *btext,
int flags
command.c Adds text into the command buffer for later execution.
COM_BufInsertTextEx void const char *btext,
int flags
command.c Adds command text and executes it immediately.
COM_ImmedExecute void const char *ptext command.c Executes a string immediately. Used for skirting around WAIT commands.
COM_BufExecute void none command.c Flushes (executes) console commands in the buffer.
COM_BufTicker void none command.c Progress the wait timer and flush waiting console commands when ready.
COM_Init void none command.c Initializes command buffer and adds basic commands.


Macro Defined as Description
COM_BufAddText(s) COM_BufAddTextEx(s, 0)
COM_BufInsertText(s) COM_BufInsertTextEx(s, 0)

Variable-sized buffers


Name Type Description
struct vsbuf_s
struct A variable size buffer.



Data name Data type Description
allowoverflow boolean
overflowed boolean
*data UINT8
maxsize size_t
cursize size_t

Function prototypes

Function name Return type Params Defined in Description
VS_Alloc void vsbuf_t *buf,
size_t initsize
command.c Initializes a variable size buffer.
VS_Free void vsbuf_t *buf command.c Frees a variable size buffer.
VS_Clear void vsbuf_t *buf command.c Clears a variable size buffer.
VS_GetSpace void * vsbuf_t *buf,
size_t length
command.c Makes sure a variable size buffer has enough space for data of a certain length.
VS_Write void vsbuf_t *buf,
const void *data,
size_t length
command.c Copies data to the end of a variable size buffer.
VS_WriteEx void vsbuf_t *buf,
const void *data,
size_t length,
int flags);
VS_Print void vsbuf_t *buf,
const void *data
command.c Prints text in a variable buffer. Like VS_Write() plus a trailing NULL.

Console variables


Name Type Description
cvflags_t enum Console variable flags.
struct CV_PossibleValue_s
struct A possible value for a console variable, stores both integer and string form.
struct consvar_s
struct The console variable struct.


Lua command registration flags

Value Name Description

=Command buffer flags

Value Name Description


Value Name Description
1 CV_SAVE Variable's value is saved to config.cfg when changed
2 CV_CALL A function is called when the variable is changed
4 CV_NETVAR Variable is synchronised for everyone in netgames; only the server or admin can modify this
8 CV_NOINIT Function isn't called when variable is first registered (should be combined with CV_CALL always)
16 CV_FLOAT Variable takes floating-point values – i.e. non-whole numbers such as 0.5 and 0.45 are accepted). These are then converted to a fixed-point integer value (e.g.: "0.5" becomes FRACUNIT/2)
32 CV_NOTINNET Variable cannot be changed in netgames
64 CV_MODIFIED This flag is set when variable is modified
128 CV_SHOWMODIF Console displays a message when variable is modified
256 CV_SHOWMODIFONETIME Console displays a message when variable is modified, but only once
512 CV_NOSHOWHELP Variable is not shown in the list generated by the help console command
1024 CV_HIDEN Variable is not accessible by the console
2048 CV_CHEAT Variable is a cheat, and can be reset to its default value by using cheats off in the console
4096 CV_NOLUA Variable cannot be called from Lua.



Data name Data type Description
value INT32
*strvalue const char


Data name Data type Description
*name const char
*defaultvalue const char
flags INT32
*PossibleValue CV_PossibleValue_t
(*func)(void) void
value INT32
*string const char
*zstring char
netid UINT16
changed char
*next struct consvar_s


Data name Data type Non-extern location(s) Description
CV_OnOff[] CV_PossibleValue_t command.c The possible values array for "On/Off" console variables.
CV_YesNo[] CV_PossibleValue_t command.c The possible values array for "Yes/No" console variables.
CV_Unsigned[] CV_PossibleValue_t command.c The possible values array for console variables that take only unsigned numbers. The minimum value allowed is 0, the maximum value allowed is 999999999.
CV_Natural[] CV_PossibleValue_t command.c The possible values array for console variables that take only natural numbers. The minimum value allowed is 1, the maximum value allowed is 999999999.
cv_execversion consvar_t command.c

Function prototypes

Function name Return type Params Defined in Description
CV_InitFilterVar void none command.c Filter consvars by version.
CV_ToggleExecVersion void boolean enable Toggles on/off execversion.
CV_RegisterVar void consvar_t *variable command.c Registers a variable for later use from the console.
CV_FindVar consvar_t * const char *name command.c
CV_ClearChangedFlags void none command.c Marks all variables as unchanged, indicating they've not been changed by the user this game.
CV_CompleteVar const char * char *partial,
INT32 skips
command.c Completes the name of a console variable.
CV_Set void consvar_t *var,
const char *value
command.c Sets a value to a variable, performing some checks and calling the callback function if there is one.
CV_SetValue void consvar_t *var,
INT32 value
command.c Sets a numeric value to a variable, performing some checks and calling the callback function if there is one.
CV_StealthSetValue void consvar_t *var,
INT32 value
command.c Sets a numeric value to a variable without calling its callback function.
CV_StealthSet void consvar_t *var,
const char *value
command.c Sets a value to a variable without calling its callback function.
CV_AddValue void consvar_t *var,
INT32 increment
command.c Adds a value to a console variable. Used to increment and decrement variables from the menu. Contains special cases to handle pointlimit in some multiplayer modes, map number for game hosting, etc.
CV_SaveVariables void FILE *f command.c Saves console variables to a file if they have the CV_SAVE flag set.
CV_SaveVars void UINT8 **p,
boolean in_demo
command.c Saves data for all changed netvars (console variables with CV_NETVAR) to the buffer. If in_demo is true, save the string name of the netvar instead of the ID.
CV_LoadDemoVars void UINT8 **p command.c Loads data for all changed netvars from the buffer. (Used for demos)
CV_LoadNetVars void UINT8 **p command.c Loads data for all changed netvars from the buffer. (Used for netgames)
CV_ResetCheatNetVars void none command.c Resets all console variables marked as "cheats" to their default values.
CV_IsSetToDefault boolean consvar_t *v command.c Returns true if the variable's current value is its default value, false if not.
CV_CheatsEnabled UINT8 none command.c Returns true if any console variables marked as "cheats" are not at their default settings, false if not.


Macro Defined as Description
CV_SaveNetVars(p) CV_SaveVars(p, false) Saves data for all changed netvars (console variables with CV_NETVAR) to the buffer. (Used for netgames)
CV_SaveDemoVars(p) CV_SaveVars(p, true) Saves data for all changed netvars (console variables with CV_NETVAR) to the buffer. (Used for demos)