User:Monster Iestyn/Source Code Documentation/doomdef.h

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File type C header file
#include guard __DOOMDEF__


Special macros defined for this file:

Pragma directives

Disabled compiler warnings (Visual C++-only)

All of the below warnings will not be issued by the compiler:

Warning ID Level Description
C4127 Level 4 conditional expression is constant
C4152 Level 4 non standard extension, function/data ptr conversion in expression
C4213 Level 4 nonstandard extension used : cast on l-value
C4514 Level 4 'function' : unreferenced inline function has been removed
C4306 Level 3 Disabled only for Win64

'identifier' : conversion from 'type1' to 'type2' of greater size



Data name Data type Non-extern location(s) Description
numskincolors UINT16 d_main.c
skincolors[MAXSKINCOLORS] skincolor_t info.c
*logstream FILE
  • sdl/i_main.c
  • win32/win_main.c
  • hardware/s_ds3d/s_ds3d.c
  • hardware/s_fmod/s_fmod.c
Declared only if LOGMESSAGES is enabled
logfilename[1024] char sdl/i_main.c Declared only if LOGMESSAGES is enabled
savegamename[256] char d_main.c Savegame file name format string.
liveeventbackup[256] char d_main.c
VERSION int d_main.c Game version number
SUBVERSION int d_main.c Game sub-version number
devparm boolean d_main.c Set to true if the game is launched with -debug in the command line parameters. Otherwise, this will be false.
cv_debug INT32 d_netcmd.c Stores the combined value of the current development mode feature flags applied; see the Debug section.
UINT8 d_main.c Modifier key variables; these indicate whether the left or right Shift, Ctrl and Alt keys are being held down or not, respectively.
capslock boolean d_main.c Indicates whether caps lock is on or not.
const char comptime.c Compilation date, time, revision and branch

Function pointers

Data name Return type Params Attributes Non-extern location(s) Description
M_Memcpy void * void *dest,
const void *src,
size_t n
FUNCNONNULL m_misc.c Pointer to the memory copying function. Depending on the system's CPU (or the command line parameters given), MMX, 3DNow, MMXExt, or SSE may be used internally for optimization.

Function prototypes

Function name Return type Params Defined in Attributes Description/Other notes
I_Error void const char *error,
  • android/i_system.c
  • djgppdos/i_system.c
  • dummy/i_system.c
  • sdl/i_system.c
  • win32/win_sys.c
FUNCIERROR Forces the game to close, displaying a formatted error message in a separate window.
I_OutputMsg void const char *error,
  • android/i_system.c
  • djgppdos/i_system.c
  • dummy/i_system.c
  • sdl/i_system.c
  • win32/win_sys.c
FUNCPRINTF Writes a formatted message to the output device.
CONS_Printf void const char *fmt,
console.c FUNCPRINTF Prints a formatted message to the console.
CONS_Alert void alerttype_t level,
const char *fmt,
console.c FUNCDEBUG Prints a formatted alert message (notice, warning or error) to the console.
CONS_Debug void INT32 debugflags,
const char *fmt,
console.c FUNCDEBUG Prints a formatted debugging message to the console for development mode. debugflags determines the feature flags required for the message to be printed.
M_StartupLocale void none m_misc.c Sets up gettext to translate SRB2's strings.
va char * const char *format,
m_misc.c FUNCPRINTF Returns a temporary string made out of varargs. This allows formatting in string arguments for functions that do not normally support formatting.
M_GetToken char * const char *inputString m_misc.c Token parser function for TEXTURES and ANIMDEFS. Returns a pointer to a string containing the fetched token.
M_UnGetToken void none m_misc.c
M_GetTokenPos UINT32 none m_misc.c
M_SetTokenPos void UINT32 newPos m_misc.c
sizeu1 char * size_t num m_misc.c Function to put a size_t argument in a character buffer, format it with PRIdS, and returning the pointer to the buffer.
sizeu2 char * size_t num m_misc.c Function to put a size_t argument in a character buffer, format it with PRIdS, and returning the pointer to the buffer.
sizeu3 char * size_t num m_misc.c Function to put a size_t argument in a character buffer, format it with PRIdS, and returning the pointer to the buffer.
sizeu4 char * size_t num m_misc.c Function to put a size_t argument in a character buffer, format it with PRIdS, and returning the pointer to the buffer.
sizeu5 char * size_t num m_misc.c Function to put a size_t argument in a character buffer, format it with PRIdS, and returning the pointer to the buffer.
I_GetKey INT32 none
  • android/i_system.c
  • djgppdos/i_system.c
  • dummy/i_system.c
  • sdl/i_system.c
  • win32/win_sys.c
Returns a key that has been pushed, or 0 (replaces getchar() at game startup).


Version macros

Note: VERSION and SUBVERSION are now variables instead of macros; the current SRB2 version now is defined by the SRB2VERSION macro in version.h.

Macro Defined as Description
"Development EXE"

if BETAVERSION is defined:


Version string; this is displayed on the title screen and used by the console command version


VERSIONSTRINGW WSTRING (VERSIONSTRING)code> Wide string version of VERSIONSTRING; used by I_UpdateMumble if HAVE_MUMBLE is defined.
USE_PATCH_DTA 1 (Enabled) Does this version require an added patch file?
USE_KART Disabled Use .kart extension addons

Update alerts

Macro Defined as Description
UPDATE_ALERT 1 (Enabled) If enabled, displays update alerts. Note: This is disabled if BETAVERSION is enabled.
"A new update is available for SRB2.\n"\
"Please visit to download it.\n"\
"You are using version: %s\n"\
"The newest version is: %s\n"\
"This update is required for online\n"\
"play using the Master Server.\n"\
"You will not be able to connect to\n"\
"the Master Server until you update to\n"\
"the newest version of the game.\n"\
"(Press a key)\n"
String used in alert for notifying an update is available
"A new update is available for SRB2.\n"\
"Please visit to download it.\n"\
"You are using version: %s\n"\
"The newest version is: %s\n"\
"This update is required for online play using the Master Server.\n"\
"You will not be able to connect to the Master Server\n"\
"until you update to the newest version of the game.\n"
I_Error version of UPDATE_ALERT_STRING, used when trying to host through command line parameters

Modification details

Note: MODID and MODVERSION are now defined in version.h.

See also: Console/Commands > mod_details
Macro Defined as Description
CODEBASE 220 Version of SRB2 the modification is based on (220 = 2.2)

Exec version

Macro Defined as Description
(v & 0xFFFF)
(v >> 16)
(major + (minor << 16))

In-game constants

Macro Defined as Description
MAXPLAYERS 32 Maximum possible number of players
MAXSKINS MAXPLAYERS (32) Maximum possible number of character skins
PLAYERSMASK (MAXPLAYERS-1) (31) Used to limit integers representing player numbers to values between 0 and 31. In particular, some functions that search for players (such as P_LookForPlayers) use this macro to limit actor->lastlook to an integer that can be used in the players and playeringame arrays when looking for a new player.


MAXPLAYERNAME 21 Maximum possible player name length
Skin colors
Tic rate
OLDTICRATE 35 Number of tics in a second ("Old" value) – this is the "base" tic rate macro. NEWTICRATERATIO is used to convert this to the "new" tic-rate value.
TICRATE (OLDTICRATE*NEWTICRATERATIO) (35) Number of tics in a second ("New" value) – this is the main tic rate macro used throughout the source code.
MUSICRATE 1000 The music playback rate, or the number of milliseconds in a second, i.e., anything multiplied by this value is a measurement in seconds (in the context of music playback).
RING_DIST 512*FRACUNIT Attraction Shield's ring-attraction radius – how close a player with the shield needs to be to a ring to attract it. Also used by the Homing Attack character ability, as the maximum distance a player can be from their targeted object.
PUSHACCEL (2*FRACUNIT) Acceleration for MF2_SLIDEPUSH items.
MAX_JOYSTICK 4 Max gamepad/joysticks that can be detected/used


See also: Development mode
Decimal Hexadecimal Name Description
1 0x0001 DBG_BASIC Basic
2 0x0002 DBG_DETAILED Detailed
4 0x0004 DBG_PLAYER Player
8 0x0008 DBG_RENDER Render
64 0x0040 DBG_POLYOBJ PolyObj
128 0x0080 DBG_GAMELOGIC Gamelogic
256 0x0100 DBG_NETPLAY Netplay
512 0x0200 DBG_MEMORY Memory
1024 0x0400 DBG_SETUP Setup
2048 0x0800 DBG_LUA Lua
4096 0x1000 DBG_RANDOMIZER Randomizer
8192 0x2000 DBG_VIEWMORPH Viewmorph

Disabled code and code under testing

Macro Status Description
NETGAME_DEVMODE Disabled Allows the use of development mode in multiplayer.
NETGAME_GRAVITY Disabled Allows the use of gravity in netgames.
DUMPCONSISTENCY Disabled Dumps the contents of a network save game upon consistency failure for debugging.
SEENAMES Enabled See name of player in your crosshair.
WEIGHTEDRECYCLER Disabled Code for weighted recyclers. (ported from X-SRB2)
SAVEGAME_OTHERVERSIONS Disabled Allow loading of savegames between different versions of the game. (ported from X-SRB2)
SHUFFLE Enabled Shuffle's incomplete OpenGL sorting code.
ALLOW_RESETDATA Enabled Allows use of ResetData in SOCs. (see MainCfg)
CLIENT_LOADINGSCREEN Enabled Display a connection screen on join attempts.
REDSANALOG Disabled Experimental tweaks to analog mode.
MUSICSLOT_COMPATIBILITY Enabled Backwards compatibility with musicslots.
PAPER_COLLISIONCORRECTION Disabled Experimental attempts at preventing MF_PAPERCOLLISION objects from getting stuck in walls.
NEWCLIP Enabled New clipping code for OpenGL.
GL_SHADERS Enabled OpenGL shaders
SECTORSPECIALSAFTERTHINK Disabled Handles touching sector specials in P_PlayerAfterThink instead of P_PlayerThink. Required for proper collision with moving sloped surfaces that have sector specials on them.
LUA_PATCH_SAFETY Disabled Cache patches in Lua in a way that renderer switching will work flawlessly.
WALLFLATS Enabled Render flats on walls
OLD22DEMOCOMPAT Enabled Maintain compatibility with older 2.2 demos

Sound system

Macro Defined as Description
SOUND_DUMMY 0 Dummy interface
SOUND_SDL 1 Generic SDL interface
SOUND_MIXER 2 Mixer interface
SOUND_FMOD 3 FMOD interface
SOUND Any of the above, depends on compilation settings Macro for determining the sound interface to use

Function macros

Macro Defined as Description
Calls gettext to find an alternative translation for the string given. If none are available, this just returns the original string given.

This macro's normal definition requires GETTEXT to be enabled; otherwise, this macro is just defined as the string originally given.

Z_Malloc(x, PU_STATIC, NULL)
Z_Calloc(x, PU_STATIC, NULL)
min(x, y)
(((x) < (y)) ? (x) : (y))
This definition of min is used only if the function is not already defined.
max(x, y)
(((x) > (y)) ? (x) : (y))
This definition of max is used only if the function is not already defined.
I_Assert(e) if PARANOIA is defined:
((e) ? (void)0 : I_Error("assert failed: %s, file %s, line %d", #e, __FILE__, __LINE__))
If the assert given fails, the game calls I_Error giving the file and line where the assert failed in.

This macro's definition requires PARANOIA to be enabled (note: it is undefined in normal SRB2 builds); otherwise, this function does nothing.

Floating point constants

Macro Defined as Description
M_PIl 3.1415926535897932384626433832795029L
FLT_EPSILON 1.1920928955078125e-7f Epsilon for single-precision floating point numbers.
DBL_EPSILON 2.2204460492503131e-16l Epsilon for double-precision floating point numbers.

Sprite rotation

Macro Defined as Description
ROTSPRITE 1 (Enabled)


Macro Defined as Description
LOGMESSAGES 1 (Enabled) Win32/Unix (non-MS-DOS)/Apple/Mac OS-only

If enabled, writes messages in log.txt

DEFAULTDIR Unix (except MS-DOS, Cygwin or Apple systems):


Name of local directory for config files and savegames.
CONS_Alert(CONS_WARNING, "(%s:%d) Unused code appears to be used.\n", __FILE__, __LINE__)
Give a warning message in the console if any function (or part of one) containing this macro is called. Currently unused in SRB2's source code.
SAVEGAMENAME "srb2sav" Default file name (without numbers or .ssg extension) for SRB2's savegame files
"\\" (backslash)

"/" (slash)

The character that separates pathnames
PUNCTUATION "!\"#$%&'()*+,-./:;<=>?@[\\]^_`{|}~"
NO_PNG_LUMPS 0 (Disabled) Defined only if HAVE_PNG is not defined
MASTERSERVER 1 (Enabled) Defined only if HAVE_CURL is defined, and NONET is not defined


Name Type Description
struct skincolor_s
struct The skin color struct.
skincolornum_t enum The skin colors enum. Includes the translations for super colors.
alerttype_t enum Alert types for CONS_Alert.



Main article: List of skin colors

Reserved linedef tags

Main article: Reserved tags


Value Name Description
0 CONS_NOTICE Low-importance alert; e.g.: incorrect input
1 CONS_WARNING Medium-importance alert; e.g.: minor issue in WAD detected on load
2 CONS_ERROR High-importance alert; e.g.: maximum WAD files reached, or WAD file not found



Data name Data type Description
name[MAXCOLORNAME+1] char Skincolor name
ramp[COLORRAMPSIZE] UINT8 Colormap ramp
invcolor UINT16 Signpost color
invshade UINT8 Signpost color shade
chatcolor UINT16 Chat color
accessible boolean Accessible by the color command + setup menu