Reserved tags
There are certain reserved tags that have special hardcoded properties, often when used in conjunction with certain Things. They should not be used for regular tagging in maps that contain the Things that use them. Otherwise, most of these tags can be used without negative effect, however.
Many of the reserved tags can be represented by constants which can be used in Lua or SOC; they are listed alongside their corresponding tag numbers in the table below. Note that the tag numbers 65530 to 65535 can also be represented by the negative numbers -6 to -1, and the constants for them (if they exist) always use the latter set of values.
Tag | SOC/Lua Constant | Description |
649 | LE_AXE
This tag is used in conjunction with the Axe. Upon being touched, the Axe searches for a FOF whose control sector has tag 649 and lowers it so that its floor height matches the next lowest floor height of any sector adjacent to the FOF's control sector. In v2.0, this effect was used in Mario Koopa Blast Zone Act 3 to lower the bridge that King Bowser stood on, which made him fall into the pit below. This tag can be used normally in maps that do not have the Axe in them. |
650 | LE_KOOPA
This tag is used in conjunction with King Bowser. Upon being destroyed, King Bowser searches for a sector with tag 650 and raises its ceiling to the highest ceiling height of any adjacent sector. In v2.0, this effect was used in Mario Koopa Blast Zone Act 3 to open the door to the exit after King Bowser was destroyed. This tag can be used normally in maps that do not have King Bowser in them. |
These tags are used for raising Egg Capsules from the ground after a boss is defeated (when the action A_BossDeath is used), and for opening an Egg Capsule when its button is pressed by a player. Specifically, tag 680 is used for the Egg Capsule's button parts, tag 681 is for the top half of the capsule's cage, and tag 682 for the bottom half. They can also be used to trigger other events like opening doors when a boss is defeated, although tags 65532 and 65533 are more appropriate for this. These tags can be used normally in maps that do not have bosses or Egg Capsules in them.
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This tag is used in conjunction with Brak Eggman (Old). After six hits, the boss calls a trigger linedef with tag 4200, if such a linedef exists. In v2.0, this was used in Egg Rock Zone Act 3 to destroy the middle platform, but it can be used for other linedef executor effects in custom levels. This tag can be used normally in maps that do not have the old version of Brak Eggman in them. |
32000 | LE_TURRET
This tag is used in conjunction with Turrets. Upon being destroyed, a Turret calls a trigger linedef with tag 32000, if such a linedef exists. In v2.0, this was used in Castle Eggman Zone Act 2 to open a door, but it can be used for other linedef executor effects in custom levels. This tag can be used normally in maps that do not have Turrets in them. |
32001 upwards | n/a | Trigger linedefs with these tags will activate linedef executors whenever the player lands on a PolyObject of the corresponding ID. See PolyObject > Actions for details. Avoid using these tags for other purposes if your map contains PolyObjects. |
Trigger linedefs with this tag will activate linedef executors when Brak Eggman starts his line-of-sight attack. In v2.1, it was used in Egg Rock Core Zone to raise the crates that the player could hide behind. This tag can be used normally in maps that do not have Brak Eggman in them. |
65531 (-5) | LE_BOSS4DROP
Trigger linedefs with this tag will activate linedef executors whenever Eggscalibur drops his cage. It is used in Castle Eggman Zone Act 3 to create an earthquake effect and play a sound whenever the cage is dropped. This tag can be used normally in maps that do not have Eggscalibur in them. |
65532 (-4) | LE_BOSSDEAD
Trigger linedefs with this tag will activate linedef executors whenever a boss has been defeated. Note that for custom bosses, A_BossDeath is usually needed in order to call this tag; otherwise, it has to be added manually to the boss thinker if desired. Do not use this tag for other purposes if your map contains a boss.
Trigger linedefs with this tag will activate linedef executors when all bosses in the map have been defeated. Note that for custom bosses, A_BossDeath is usually needed in order to call this tag; otherwise, it has to be added manually to the boss thinker if desired. Do not use this tag for other purposes if your map contains a boss.
65534 (-2) | LE_PINCHPHASE
Trigger linedefs with this tag will activate linedef executors whenever a boss enters its pinch phase (usually after five hits for SRB2's official bosses). It can be used to dynamically change the boss arena for the pinch phase. Note that custom bosses will not automatically call this tag, it has to be added to the boss thinker manually if desired. Do not use this tag for other purposes if your map contains a boss. |
65535 (-1) | n/a | This tag is used to make a specific linedef special affect every sector in a map. Most commonly, it is used for a global colormap. In some map editors, it may also be written as -1, which will then be translated into 65535. Do not use this tag for any other purposes. |
Not a true reserved tag, but when bosses have a non-zero Parameter, then the reserved tags that they normally execute will be modified by Parameter * -100 . This feature makes it possible for multiple boss fights to coexist in the same map.