User:Monster Iestyn/Source Code Documentation/g_state.h

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File type C header file
#include guard __G_STATE__

This header file provides the typedefs and variables for handling the game's general state.



Name Type Description
gamestate_t enum Game states
gameaction_t enum Game actions



Value Name Description
0 GS_NULL The "blank" game state. This is the initial value for the gamestate variable on game startup.
1 GS_LEVEL A level is currently being played.
2 GS_INTERMISSION The tally screen displayed after completing a level.
3 GS_CONTINUING The continue screen.
4 GS_TITLESCREEN The title screen.
5 GS_TIMEATTACK The Record Attack menu.
6 GS_CREDITS The credits screen (unless a custom cutscene is used).
7 GS_EVALUATION The evaluation screen displayed after the credits.
8 GS_GAMEEND The "end of game" state following the credits and evaluation, Does nothing for a second before returning to the title screen.
9 GS_INTRO The intro cutscene (unless a custom cutscene is used).
10 GS_CUTSCENE A custom cutscene is running.
11 GS_DEDICATEDSERVER Dedicated server (Unused).
12 GS_WAITINGPLAYERS Waiting for players in a netgame, after joining a server.


Value Name Description
0 ga_nothing Do nothing.
1 ga_completed The level is complete, display tally screen and determine the next map to go to. Runs G_DoCompleted.
2 ga_worlddone Warp to the next map. Runs G_DoWorldDone.
3 ga_startcont Starts the continue screen game state. Runs G_DoStartContinue.
4 ga_continued Returns to the level from the continue screen. Runs G_DoContinued.


Data name Data type Non-extern location(s) Description
gamestate gamestate_t g_game.c The current state of the game.
ultimatemode UINT8 g_game.c Determines whether the game is running with ultimate mode or not.
gameaction gameaction_t g_game.c The current game action to be used. This is used to change the game state, if not set to ga_nothing.
botingame boolean g_game.c Determines whether a bot is present in-game or not.
botskin UINT8 g_game.c The bot player's skin number plus one (1 = Sonic, 2 = Tails, 3 = Knuckles). If a bot is not present in-game, this will have a value of 0.
botcolor UINT8 g_game.c The bot player's skin color.