User:Monster Iestyn/Source Code Documentation/d_netcmd.h

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File type C header file
#include guard __D_NETCMD__



Data name Data type Non-extern location(s) Description
cv_playername consvar_t d_netcmd.c name console variable struct
cv_playercolor consvar_t d_netcmd.c color console variable struct
cv_skin consvar_t d_netcmd.c skin console variable struct
cv_playername2 consvar_t d_netcmd.c name2 console variable struct
cv_playercolor2 consvar_t d_netcmd.c color2 console variable struct
cv_skin2 consvar_t d_netcmd.c skin2 console variable struct
consvar_t d_netcmd.c Declared only if SEENAMES is defined

seenames and allowseenames console variable structs

cv_usemouse consvar_t d_netcmd.c usemouse console variable struct
cv_usejoystick consvar_t d_netcmd.c usejoystick console variable struct
cv_usejoystick2 consvar_t d_netcmd.c usejoystick2 console variable struct
cv_joyport consvar_t d_netcmd.c Declared only if LJOYSTICK is defined1

joyport console variable struct

cv_joyport2 consvar_t d_netcmd.c Declared only if LJOYSTICK is defined1

joyport2 console variable struct

cv_joyscale consvar_t d_netcmd.c joyscale console variable struct
cv_joyscale2 consvar_t d_netcmd.c joyscale2 console variable struct
cv_mouse2port consvar_t d_netcmd.c mouse2port console variable struct
cv_usemouse2 consvar_t d_netcmd.c usemouse2 console variable struct
cv_mouse2opt consvar_t d_netcmd.c Unix-only

mouse2opt console variable struct

cv_itemrespawntime consvar_t p_mobj.c respawnitemtime console variable struct
cv_itemrespawn consvar_t p_mobj.c respawnitem console variable struct
cv_flagtime consvar_t p_mobj.c flagtime console variable struct
cv_suddendeath consvar_t p_mobj.c suddendeath console variable struct
cv_touchtag consvar_t d_netcmd.c touchtag console variable struct
cv_hidetime consvar_t d_netcmd.c hidetime console variable struct
cv_pointlimit consvar_t d_netcmd.c pointlimit console variable struct
cv_timelimit consvar_t d_netcmd.c timelimit console variable struct
cv_numlaps consvar_t d_netcmd.c numlaps console variable struct
cv_usemapnumlaps consvar_t d_netcmd.c usemaplaps console variable struct
timelimitintics UINT32 d_netcmd.c
cv_allowexitlevel consvar_t d_netcmd.c allowexitlevel console variable struct
cv_hazardlog consvar_t d_netcmd.c hazardlog console variable struct
cv_autobalance consvar_t d_netcmd.c autobalance console variable struct
cv_teamscramble consvar_t d_netcmd.c teamscramble console variable struct
cv_scrambleonchange consvar_t d_netcmd.c scrambleonchange console variable struct
cv_netstat consvar_t d_netcmd.c netstat console variable struct
cv_splats consvar_t p_mobj.c Declared only if WALLSPLATS is defined

splats console variable struct

cv_countdowntime consvar_t d_netcmd.c countdowntime console variable struct
cv_runscripts consvar_t d_netcmd.c runscripts console variable struct
cv_mute consvar_t d_netcmd.c mute console variable struct
cv_killingdead consvar_t d_netcmd.c killingdead console variable struct
cv_pause consvar_t d_netcmd.c pausepermission console variable struct
consvar_t d_netcmd.c restrictskinchange, allowteamchange and respawndelay console variable structs
consvar_t d_netcmd.c tv_teleporter, tv_superring, tv_supersneaker and tv_invincibility console variable structs
consvar_t d_netcmd.c tv_jumpshield, tv_watershield, tv_ringshield, tv_forceshield and tv_bombshield console variable structs
consvar_t d_netcmd.c tv_1up and tv_eggman console variable structs
cv_recycler consvar_t d_netcmd.c tv_recycler console variable struct
cv_itemfinder consvar_t d_netcmd.c itemfinder console variable struct
consvar_t d_netcmd.c inttime, advancemap and playersforexit console variable structs
cv_soniccd consvar_t r_main.c soniccd console variable struct
cv_match_scoring consvar_t d_netcmd.c matchscoring console variable struct
cv_overtime consvar_t d_netcmd.c overtime console variable struct
cv_startinglives consvar_t d_netcmd.c startinglives console variable struct
cv_rollingdemos consvar_t d_netcmd.c rollingdemos console variable struct
consvar_t d_netcmd.c ringslinger and soundtest console variable structs
consvar_t d_netcmd.c specialrings, powerstones, matchboxes and competitionboxes console variable structs
cv_maxping consvar_t d_netcmd.c Declared only if NEWPING is defined

maxping console variable struct

cv_skipmapcheck consvar_t d_netcmd.c skipmapcheck console variable struct
cv_sleep consvar_t d_netcmd.c cpusleep console variable struct
*netxcmdnames[MAXNETXCMD - 1] const char d_netcmd.c The array storing string names for all net command types

1 LJOYSTICK appears to be a macro Doom Legacy used for experimental Linux joystick 1.x code (?). It is normally undefined and therefore the relevant code is unused by SRB2.


Name Type Attributes Description
netxcmd_t enum
changeteam_packet_t struct ATTRPACK
changeteam_value_t struct ATTRPACK
changeteam_union_t union ATTRPACK



See also: Net commands
Value Name Description
1 XD_NAMEANDCOLOR Sends a player's current name, color and skin.
2 XD_WEAPONPREF Sends other player preferences.
3 XD_KICK Sent by the server or admin to kick a player from the server.
4 XD_NETVAR Sent by the server or admin when a networked console variable is changed.
5 XD_SAY Sends a say command.
6 XD_MAP Sent by the server or admin when the map is changed.
7 XD_EXITLEVEL Sent by the server or admin to finish the level.
8 XD_ADDFILE Sent by the server to add a file to the netgame.
9 XD_PAUSE Sends a pause command.
10 XD_ADDPLAYER Sent by the server or admin(?) to add a joining player to the netgame.
11 XD_TEAMCHANGE Sends a team change command.
12 XD_CLEARSCORES Sent by the server or admin to clear all players' scores.
13 XD_LOGIN Sends a login request to the server.
14 XD_VERIFIED Sent by the server to give admin privileges to a player.
16 XD_RUNSOC Sent by the server or admin to run a SOC file.
17 XD_REQADDFILE Sent by an admin to request the server to add a file to the game.
18 XD_DELFILE Sent by the server or admin to delete a file from the game.
19 XD_SETMOTD Sent by the server or admin to set the Message of the day.
20 XD_SUICIDE Sends a suicide command.
21 XD_DEMOTED Sent by the server to remove admin privileges from a player.
22 XD_LUACMD Declared only if HAVE_BLUA is defined

Sent by the server when a networked Lua-defined console command is used.

23 XD_LUAVAR Declared only if HAVE_BLUA is defined


241 MAXNETXCMD Number of net command types.

1 This is the value of the constant only if HAVE_BLUA is defined; otherwise, it is 22.






Function prototypes

Function name Return type Params Defined in Description
D_RegisterServerCommands void none d_netcmd.c Registers server commands and variables. Anything required by a dedicated server should probably go here.
D_RegisterClientCommands void none d_netcmd.c Registers client commands and variables. Nothing needed for a dedicated server should be registered here.
D_SendPlayerConfig void none d_netcmd.c Sends the local player's preferences to the other clients. If splitscreen is enabled locally or a bot is present (neither are possible in netplay for public releases of SRB2 currently), this also sends player 2's preferences.
Command_ExitGame_f void none d_netcmd.c Function called by the console command exitgame when executed.
Command_Retry_f void none d_netcmd.c Function called by the console command retry when executed.
D_GameTypeChanged void INT32 lastgametype d_netcmd.c Adjusts certain settings to match a changed gametype.
D_MapChange void INT32 pmapnum,
INT32 pgametype,
boolean pultmode,
boolean presetplayers,
INT32 pdelay,
boolean pskipprecutscene,
boolean pfromlevelselect
d_netcmd.c Runs a map change. If the local player is the server, this will also call SV_SpawnServer to start up a server (if one is not already running) and add any players waiting to join.

Note that this function's behaviour can be split into two main steps: the first step is setting up a buffer using the function's arguments, and the second step sending the buffer via a XD_MAP net command (and calling SV_SpawnServer if you are the server). However, due to complications these two steps must not be run at the same time when D_MapChange is called from a menu (such as when a Single Player game is being started up). pdelay determines which of these two parts the D_MapChange function call should run:

  • 0: Run both parts immediately (this must not be done from a menu)
  • 1: Run the first step only. Note that the buffer is statically allocated, so it will be unchanged for the next D_MapChange call, if a delay value of 2 is used next time.
  • 2: Run the second step only. The buffer from step one is sent here, if it was previously prepared by a D_MapChange call with a delay value of 1.

Note that if SV_SpawnServer is called and fails to start a server (if one is not already running), this function will not send a XD_MAP net command.

IsPlayerAdmin boolean INT32 playernum d_netcmd.c Checks if the player is an admin locally.
SetAdminPlayer void INT32 playernum d_netcmd.c Gives admin privileges to the player locally.
ClearAdminPlayers void none d_netcmd.c Removes admin privileges from all players locally.
RemoveAdminPlayer void INT32 playernum d_netcmd.c Removes admin privileges from the player locally.
ItemFinder_OnChange void none d_netcmd.c Function called by the console variable itemfinder (cv_itemfinder) when modified.
D_SetPassword void const char *pw d_netcmd.c Sets the password for granting admin status.
CanChangeSkin UINT8 INT32 playernum d_netcmd.c Returns 1 if the player has permission to change skin (does not include movement-based checks). Otherwise, returns 0.