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Finishing Mystic Realm v2.0 port

First off, Hi. :D

"One project I'm working on is a few graphic conversions of Mystic Realm" -- You

Simple (sometimes stately) and clean scenery, MR is one of mods I most enjoyed and still enjoy playing. Speaking of versions, there were some unofficial ports floating on Master Server, the MR20v4 is the most recent, it has, say, 60% of gfx converted. Just saying so you have a picture of what's done and what's not done so far.

BTW, are you ".Henix." from SRB2MB?--Ezer'Arch|עֶזֶר'AρχTalk 05:00, 15 July 2010 (UTC)

Yessir, I am. (Problem is I lost teh account D:) And those are some awesome conversions. I've never seen Aerial Garden look so awesome. I'll look at it, maybe do some color remapping with XWE. (Never had something so useful!) For those who don't understand the color remapping, all the MR GFX had their colors screwed up due to the new pallette of 2.0. --Henix879, Graphics Expert and Soccer in Training 14:34, 15 July 2010 (UTC)

Sorry, I forgot to make clear that MR20v4.zip above (which is hosted in my personal fileshare) is an unnoficial port. You shouldn't have added it to The Mystic Realm article, LOL XD. (Response: Oops...)

Since you're working on color remapping (THATS GREAT!), I'd like you to have a look into MainCFG of the wad. There's a, say, a porting log. Who has ported the wad noticed that some textures were corrupted, which were causing sigsegv if a player looks at them. Plus, I opened the ported MR and the original version (get it here or here) on XWE to see how the sprites are. The original has 94 sprites and the ported one has 64 sprites, then remaining 30 sprites to be ported (see F005A1-F006D5, original MR) which belong to Jetty-Syn Cannoneer and Jetty-Syn Striker (kinda harder-mode version of current Jetties). I'm telling you these stuffs so you don't get lost. =P

Besides the sprites, the SOC is broken. Then all MR object are "unknown" for 2.0 engine (fun fact: who ported the wad was forced to replace the MR bosses with generic GFZ ones. Play Mystic Realm Zone to face Egg Mobile... so epic ¬¬*).

Hope I was of some help to you. I believe MR lovers (like me) will be thankful if you take care of something, even the minor ones :) --Ezer'Arch|עֶזֶר'AρχTalk 00:52, 16 July 2010 (UTC)

About the egg mobile, I can probably fix it... Once I figure out how to SOC bosses. I actually figured that out the hard way when I added skyserv.wad and got to Prismatic Angel Zone 3. Guess who was waiting for me? A pain in the arse egg mobile from GFZ3. >.< I'll work on porting the Jetty-syns, but someone may have to fix the egg mobile themselves. I'm definitely not putting those souped-up eggmobiles in their respective levels myself, considering I have no good level editor available. (I don't try to use XWE. Why? Because I have no SRB2 configuration for the mapmaker. >.<)

Also, I'm thinking about adding a few special... secrets to MR when It's fully ported, like say a palette for Mystic Realm (Zone) that makes it look epicer. I also think someone should make "clouds" in Aerial Garden to make it seem more aerial. And maybe a better background. That's most of my ideas.--Henix879, Graphics Expert and Soccer in Training 01:25, 16 July 2010 (UTC)

Regarding adding the port to the article, you don't have to feel bad because you did or anything. It's clear that you just wanted to benefit the article, but because of the vast number of ports available, I'd rather not mention all of them. Keep up the good work :) --SpiritCrusherTalkContribs 06:52, 16 July 2010 (UTC)

Sometimes I'm just as oblivious as my sister's friend, and that's saying alot. Right now I'm having difficulty porting the jettys to 2.0 because XWE doesn't like to save multiple files at once. I'm also thinking about updating the Black Crawla to 2.0 standards. Hell, I might even decide to update the GFX for ALL the custom enemies in some way, shape or form. (EX: Giving the Jetty-syn Cannoneer (the one that shoots bomb rings) a little mark on it's "head" that looks like a bomb ring, and maybe redesigning the gun.)

That's pretty much all the ideas I have for this at the moment. --Henix879, Graphics Expert and Soccer in Training 13:38, 16 July 2010 (UTC)

Please, keep in mind that we are trying to do a straight port. To give you a better figure, let's say we are dealing with a historical monument that needs to be recovered and preserved so we can show people how it was before. I think your ideas are quite interesting (a 2.0 black Crawla would be a blast). New content is most welcome if come apart as an "especial version" (but still worthy trying, sure). A "standard version" keeping the originality as possible as we can it's a way of preserving the creator's work. I believe that Mystic will be interested in giving it a try if we keep the things as good as it was.

"I'm definitely not putting those souped-up eggmobiles in their respective levels myself, considering I have no good level editor available."

XD... putting them back in the level is the easiest part of the whole stuff, I think. We/I use SRB2 Doom Buider to make maps (the 2.0 config is here). The problem is that, if we try to put the original MR bosses/object back as they are now, they will overwrite the v2.0 objects or will not work (because their SOCs aren't ported) or even will crash the game. If we want them working fine on SRB2 2.0 we'll need to give them new Thing Type/Object numbers (so they won't overwrite 2.0 objects) and fix the SOC. I could edit the SRB2DoomBuilder config making Mystic Realm easier to be edited. It won't hurt :D. --Ezer'Arch|עֶזֶר'AρχTalk 02:03, 17 July 2010 (UTC)

Okay, if I'm going to be helping with the maps in any way, someone needs to give me a config for XWE, as it's my only mapmaker. Presently all I can work with is SOCing and making GFX. That's it. And about the 2.0 config, there's one in extras if you extract the source. Actually, there's 2, but I believe one is 1.09.4. Go into "extras" then into the folder inside and there are your configs. What the two non-.cfg config files are for I have no clue. (They're definitely NOT for XWE!) Also, does SRB2 Doom Builder really need to be installed? That's all that's holding me back from using it. >.< (I don't have admin privilieges on my computer. Curse my dad for that.) --Henix879, Graphics Expert and Soccer in Training 15:11, 17 July 2010 (UTC)

First, sorry for delaying. SOCing and GFX are the only things that actually needs to be ported. The level architecture (the sector lay-out, the map itself) is entirely ported and working perfectly: no crashes, no red walls, one missing texture in PAZ, all Linedef Executors working pretty well (see error log); then, we won't need necessarily the SRB2DoomBuilder since we aren't going to deal with map editing unless to check if a thing is misplaced, to erase some things that aren't meant to be there and for testings.

About those two DoomBuilder CFGs you found in "extras", forget them, they are outdated. If you want to use a map editor other than SRB2DB to open and test the maps, I'd recommend the SRB2Workbench (screenshot, download from my filesharing), and the most updated CFGs are here: SRB2DB and SRB2WB.

I'm not used to use XWE that much, so I don't know if XWE needs any CFG. AFAIK, you need to install it, choose an IWAD (srb2.srb), open up the srb2.srb and set a "current palette" to work with. The Mystic Realm Thing SOCs can be ported in XWE (they are in MainCFG).

And, about the map editing, once the MR things are ported (both their GFX and SOCs), I'd like to open the maps to check the Thing placement in every map myself. I'd be glad doing it. So, I made a MR friendly CFG for my SRB2DoomBuilder (screenshot, download). I wouldn't mind doing the same for SRB2Workbench. Then the port is finished. --Ezer'Arch|עֶזֶר'AρχTalk 02:16, 26 July 2010 (UTC)

I'm not interested in this anymore, sorry. :( --Henix879, Graphics Expert and Soccer in Training 22:21, 1 August 2010 (UTC)

No problem. Do what you think is right for you :)--Ezer'Arch|עֶזֶר'AρχTalk 22:33, 1 August 2010 (UTC)