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1.09.4:Blue Heaven/Levels/Aero Shrine Zone Act 2

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Blue Heaven levels
MAPCD: Aero Shrine Zone Act 2






MAPCD, Aero Shrine Zone Act 2, abbreviated as ASZ2, is the second act of Aero Shrine Zone, the fifth zone in Blue Heaven. It is similar to the first act, but additionally features solid clouds as platforms. At the end of this act, a teleporter leads to a boss fight against the Egg Mobile.


First section

You start the level on a floating platform, with a castle entrance to your left. Jump to the grassy part of the platform in front of you and from there to a lower platform with a ring monitor across the pit. Turn left and jump across another platform to the cloudy floor surrounding the castle entrance. Walk through the entrance to reach a courtyard with a tower and a cloudy floor in the center. Walk around either side of the tower, but beware of a gap in the floor on the left side. Go through either of the two exits on the other side and walk up the staircase to the right. You will enter another courtyard with a tower in the center and a higher ledge surrounding the room. To reach it, either jump on the moving platform above the pit to your left or walk up the staircase on the other side. Walk through either of the two exits on the left side of the room to reach a cloudy platform floating in the sky. Turn right and walk around the courtyard building to reach a platform with the first Star Post.

Walk across the platform with the Star Post to reach a row of diagonal yellow springs that will propel you to a higher platform leading left, with a large tower behind it. Here you have two options to continue: You can either jump through the opening in the tower or make your way around it across a series of platforms and springs to the left. If you entered the tower, you must walk up two staircase to reach a row of diagonal yellow springs that lead up to the lowest level of a pyramid-like building. If you went around the tower, you will eventually reach the building as well. There are yellow springs on either side of the building that will propel you up to the second level. There, walk around to the middle part, where another row of springs leads up to the top. Walk around the tower at the top to reach a castle entrance with the second Star Post. Continue through the courtyard after the Star Post and walk through either of the two exits on the other side. After walking down a staircase, you will reach a large courtyard with a cloudy floor.

Path split

Walk around the wide pillar in front of you. Here the path splits three ways: You can either walk through the building entrance behind the pillar or turn right towards the pit, where you can make your way forward along the left or the right side of the pit.

Upper path

Enter the building behind the pillar and climb up the steps inside. You will reach a high entrance to the courtyard, with a platform in the pit in front of you. Jump to it and from there to a wooden platform behind it. Enter the passage in the tower in front of you and walk through it. Jump across another platform to reach a balcony with the third Star Post. Walk across the bridge in the next room and turn right on the other side to reach an exit into an outdoor area. Here the paths rejoin.

Lower paths

Turn right towards the pit. You can either jump to the ledge attached to the right wall or walk over to the left side, where you can walk across a similar ledge. In either case, continue forward across the room, jumping over gaps in the floor. On the left side, a part of the floor will crumble, so walk across it quickly. On the other side of the room, you will reach the third Star Post and an entrance to another courtyard. On the other side of this courtyard is a high ledge with an exit to the right. To reach it, either use the yellow springs on the right side of the room or walk up the staircase on the left side. At the exit, the paths rejoin.

Final section and boss

Walk through the exit and jump to the platform in front of you. Follow the U-turn to reach a teleporter to the boss. In Race mode, the teleporter will be replaced by a Level End Sign. The boss fight is a standard fight against the Egg Mobile on a cloudy platform surrounded by a pit. If you lost any rings during the fight, there are some rings around the edge of the platform that you can pick up. After defeating the boss, an Egg Capsule will rise from the center of the platform.

Points of interest

Extra lives

  • An extra life sits on top of the overhang that extends from the castle entrance in the first room. Sonic cannot reach it, but Tails or Knuckles can fly or climb up to it.
  • In the second courtyard, once you've reached the higher ledge surrounding the room, go to the section above the pit and search the outer wall for a cracked section. Spindash through it to find an extra life.
  • In the courtyard after the second Star Post, jump to the grassy platform on the left side and look for a cracked section in the outer wall. Spindash through it to find an extra life.
  • In the passage leading to the emerald token.
  • In the room where the three-way path split rejoins, there is a high platform with an extra life on the left side of the room. To reach it as Sonic, collect a Whirlwind Shield and go up to the high bridge that crosses the room on the upper path. From there you can reach the platform with a Whirlwind jump.


  • In the second courtyard, an Attraction Shield can be found in the far left corner from the entrance.
  • In the outdoor area with the first Star Post, after reaching the pyramid-like building, turn around and look towards the tower in the center of the room. A series of ledges leads around the edge of the tower to an alcove with an Attraction Shield.
  • In the room where the three-way path split starts, search the left wall of the wide pillar opposite from the entrance for a cracked section. Spindash through it to enter an alcove with a Liquid Shield.
  • Take one of the lower paths at the three-way path split. In the courtyard where the path split rejoins, use the yellow springs on the right side to reach a grassy platform. On that platform, look behind the bushes in the right corner to find a small hole in the wall. Spindash through it to enter a small room with a Whirlwind Shield.

Super Sneakers

  • In the first courtyard, a Super Sneakers monitor is in plain sight to the right of the entrance.

Emerald token locations

Token #1
In the room where the three-way path split starts, search the wall to the right of the entrance for a cracked section. Spindash through it to enter a corridor with an extra life. Spindash through another cracked wall to the left of the extra life to enter a passage leading to an outdoor room, where the token sits on a shrine.

Emblem locations

  • Sonic: In the room where the three-way path split rejoins, there is a high platform with an extra life on the left side of the room. To reach it as Sonic, collect a Whirlwind Shield and go up to the high bridge that crosses the room on the upper path. From there you can reach the platform with a Whirlwind jump. On the platform, look behind the bushes for a small hole in the wall. Spindash through the hole to reach a small room with the emblem.
  • Tails: At the three-way path split, enter the building that leads to the upper path. Look up at the ceiling to find a hole in the corner that is covered by a cloud. The cloud is intangible, allowing you to fly up through it and reach an alcove with the emblem.
  • Knuckles: In the emerald token location, look for a cracked section about midway up the right wall. Climb up to it and break it to enter a small passage with the emblem.

Technical data