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1.09.4:Blue Heaven/Levels/Burning Cavern Zone Act 2

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Blue Heaven levels
MAPC7: Burning Cavern Zone Act 2






MAPC7, Burning Cavern Zone Act 2, abbreviated as BCZ2, is the second act of Burning Cavern Zone, the third zone in Blue Heaven. In addition to lava, this act features bouncing fireballs as obstacles. At the end of this act, a teleporter leads to a boss fight against the Egg Mobile.


First section

You start the level in front of a broken bridge, with two fireballs jumping up through a gap in the middle. Walk over the bridge and jump over the gap while dodging the fireballs. On the other side, jump up a series of platforms to reach a passage into another cave. Here, turn left and pass underneath the low ceiling. You will reach a pool of lava with several small platforms floating in it. The platforms will sink into the lava when stood on, so jump across them quickly to avoid damage. After a few turns, you will reach a tunnel with the first Star Post.

From the Star Post, turn left and walk up to the edge of another pool of lava. Jump to the platform with the Crawla while dogding the bouncing fireball. From there, you can reach a narrow strip of land. After jumping across a series of platforms with fireballs between them, you will pass underneath a rocky bridge. Jump up the steps to your right to reach the top of the bridge and then jump to a ledge guarded by two Crawlas in front of you. From here you can reach the top of a large cliff in the center of the room.

First path split

Now you have two options to continue: You can either turn left and exit through the tunnel, or you can turn around and jump through the passage in the wall across the lava.

Left path

Walk through the tunnel to your left. After walking up a staircase, you will enter another tunnel with two rows of spikes, one on the ceiling and one on the floor. Jump between them and take the yellow springs afterwards to reach a higher ledge. Turn right and walk across the bridge that winds around the edge of the room. Here the paths rejoin.

Right path

Jump through the passage across the lava to enter the bottom of a room filled with lava. Turn right and jump to the platform in the lava. Jump across two crumbling platforms to reach a higher platform and then across two more crumbling platforms to reach a bridge passing through the room. Here the paths rejoin.

Second path split

Directly after the first path split rejoins, another one starts: You can either continue forward across the bridge or jump to the rocky pillar to your right. Both paths lead upwards through a large circular room with lava at the bottom. If you fall down into the lava in this room, you must make your way back to the beginning of the room via several platforms in the lava and then jump back up to the start of the path split via the crumbling platforms on the right path of the first path split.

Forward path

Continue along the bridge to reach the second Star Post and a row of diagonal yellow springs. Take the springs to reach a higher ledge. The nearest part of the ledge will crumble, so quickly walk forward to the solid part of the ledge. Turn right and use another row of springs to reach an even higher ledge. Again, the nearest part of the ledge will crumble, so walk forward. Continue across the steps leading upwards until you reach a rocky bridge. Here the paths rejoin.

Right path

Jump up across the pillars in the lava until you reach a tunnel with the second Star Post. On the other side, jump up via two ledges leading left around the large cliff in the center. The second ledge has a row of diagonal yellow springs that will propel you up to a rocky bridge, with the path continuing to the right. Here the paths rejoin.

Final section and boss

Continue walking across the bridge until you reach another row of diagonal yellow springs that propel you up to a higher ledge. The path continues through a tunnel filled with Crawlas that leads to another rocky bridge at the top of the room. Walk across it to reach a tunnel leads out of the room. In the following room, continue forward until you reach a broken bridge leading right across the lava. Make your way across the bridge, jumping over the gap in the middle, to reach a tunnel entrance on the other side. Walk through it to reach a cave with a large pool of lava in the center and a series of ledges leading around it. One of these ledges contains the third Star Post and the last one contains a button.

In Race mode, there will be an alcove with a Level End Sign next to the button. In Single Player mode, you must press the button to drain the lava, revealing a series of platforms at the bottom that lead into a tunnel. Walk through the tunnel to find a teleporter leading to the boss. The boss fight is a standard fight against the Egg Mobile on a large platform surrounded by lava. If you lost any rings during the fight, there are some rings around the edge of the platform that you can pick up. After defeating the boss, an Egg Capsule will rise from the center of the platform.

Points of interest

Extra lives

  • In the near right corner of the first room, there is a passage underneath the lava that leads to an extra life. This section of the lava is not damaging, so you can reach it without an Inferno Shield, but you will need one to get out safely.


  • Turn around from the starting point. To your left is a platform with a Liquid Shield.
  • From the starting point, look to your right to see a high pillar with an Inferno Shield. You can reach it via a pillar next to it that moves up and down.
  • Take the forward path at the second path split. After the second Star Post, take the diagonal yellow springs. On the platform you land on, look for a small hole in the wall that you can spindash through. It leads to a small passage with an Inferno Shield.
  • In the room with the second broken bridge near the end, there is a high ledge with an Inferno Shield next to the bridge. Jump up to it via the lower ledge nearby.

Super Sneakers

  • After crossing the broken bridge in the first room, look to your left to see a narrow ledge with a Super Sneakers monitor on the other side of a lava river.

Emerald token locations

Token #1
After draining the lava at the end, go back to the room with the second broken bridge. To the right of the exit, a passage has been uncovered that leads to the token. The passage is covered in lava, so to reach the token safely, you need an Inferno Shield.

Emblem locations

  • Sonic: After the second path split rejoins, don't take the next row of diagonal yellow springs and instead jump down into the gap between the platforms. You will land on a low platform next to the wall. The wall has a small hole that you can spindash through to reach the emblem.
  • Tails: In the large circular room with the second path split, fly underneath the bridge where the paths rejoin to find the emblem floating beneath it.
  • Knuckles: In the large circular room with the second path split, there is a large platform with a lava fall in the center. Climb up that platform to reach a lava lake at the top and then climb up the pillar in the center of the lava lake. At the top, jump off and glide around the pillar. The emblem floats near the ceiling, close to the ring-shaped wall that surrounds the pillar.

Technical data