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1.09.4:Blue Heaven/Levels/Burning Cavern Zone Act 1

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Blue Heaven levels
MAPC6: Burning Cavern Zone Act 1






MAPC6, Burning Cavern Zone Act 1, abbreviated as BCZ1, is the first act of Burning Cavern Zone, the third zone in Blue Heaven. It takes place inside a volcano filled with shallow lava.


First section

You start the level in a small cave with a pool of lava to your left and a set of platforms to the right. Jump up the platforms to reach the entrance to a larger cave. From there, jump across the lava to the platform to your left, which is next to a pit filled with lava. Try jumping across the pit; if you fall in, there is a series of platforms that will lead you up. On the other side, continue along the platform leading left, which eventually brings you to a passage leading into another cave.

In this cave, you have two options to continue: You can either jump to the pillar standing in the lava to your right, or you can jump up the steps leading around the edge of the cave to your left. In either case, continue making your way across the room until you reach a bridge that leads into a corridor and into another cave. If you fall into the lava at any point, there is a ledge with yellow springs that will get you back up next to the platform with the entrance.

In the next room, turn left and jump to the platform across the lava. Walk to the end of it and jump to a legdge with the first Star Post. Continue across the platforms until you reach one with a Super Ring Monitor. Across the lava you should see a platform with a lava lake in the middle and a passage leading left. Jump to the platform and take the exit. If you fall down into the lava at any point in this room, use the platforms in the lava to make your way back towards the beginning of the room, where you will find a platform with two diagonal yellow springs. Use the springs to reach a series of crumbling platforms that lead back to the ledge with the Star Post.

After reaching the end of the room and walking through the passage, you will reach the edge of a pool of lava with two small platforms in the middle. Jump to one of the platforms and then to the strip of land to the right. In front of you is a large pool of periodically rising and falling lava, which covers and uncovers a series of platforms leading downwards. Here the path splits: You can either continue forward across the platforms or jump on the first one and then into the tunnel entrance to the left.

Path split

Left path

The tunnel leads to a circular room with a large pool of lava in the middle. Walk around the edge of the pool to reach a pit of rising and falling lava with a series of lava falls. Jump between the lava falls to a platform in front of you and walk up to the other side of it. As the lava lowers, it will reveal a lower platform in front of you. Jump to it and quickly walk across the platform to the left before the lava rises again. After jumping across two more platforms, you will land on a safe platform across the lava. To your left is a tunnel entrance with the second Star Post. After walking through the tunnel, you will enter another cave via a high rocky bridge. Here the paths rejoin.

Forward path

Wait until the lava starts receding and make your way across the platforms as they are uncovered by the lava. By the time you reach a passage into a different room, the lava will probably start rising again. Jump across the platforms in front of you to reach another passage. You can either take this passage or continue across the platforms to your left, which will take you to the second Star Post on the left path. If you went through the passage, jump up the step on the other side, which will put out of reach from the lava. Continue to your left to reach the second Star Post and then jump to the rocky bridge behind it. A crumbling platform will take you to a second, higher bridge, where the paths rejoin. If you fall down, there are platforms on both ends of the room that allow you to get back up.

Final section

Walk across the bridge and the following tunnel to reach a large cave with a lava river leading left. Jump to the platform across the lava and continue to your left, jumping down several steps. After crossing a pool of lava via a few platforms, you will reach a ledge on the far end of the room. If you're playing in Race mode, the level ends here, with a tunnel leading to the Level End Sign. In Single Player mode, the level continues through a final section where you have to race against rising lava.

Walk through the tunnel in front of you and the automatically opening door to reach a cave with the third Star Post and several floating platforms above a lava pit. Once you pass over the lava, it will start rising. The lava is shallow even as it rises, so if you fall into it, let it carry you upwards until you can reach another platform. Jump across the floating platforms to reach a passage into the next room. Jump across the steps to your right and then continue across another series of floating platforms to reach a safe ledge that the lava cannot reach. From there, continue to your right and jump up two steps to reach the Level End Sign.

Points of interest

Extra lives

  • In the third room of the level, there is a hidden passage with an extra life behind the lava fall on the opposite wall from the entrance. To pass through it safely, you will need an Inferno Shield.
  • Take the forward path at the path split. In the room with the second Star Post where the path split rejoins, there is a high ledge with an extra life to the right of the entrance. Jump up to it via the two platforms next to it.
  • In Sonic's emblem location.
  • In the room after the path split rejoins and before the third Star Post, an extra life sits on a high ledge in the middle of the room. You can reach it via two crumbling platforms.


  • In the first room of the level, a Liquid Shield is in plain sight on the platform with the exit.
  • In the second room of the level, there is a platform with a Liquid Shield in the lava pit near the entrance.
  • In the second room of the level, jump to the platform to your left from the entrance. On this platform, a trail of three rings points towards the wall. This wall is bustable, revealing a passage to a cave with two ring monitors and an Inferno Shield. On the opposite side of this cave, another passage covered by a bustable wall leads to the other side of the second room.
  • In the third room of the level, look down to your right from the entrance to see a platform in the lava. An Attraction Shield sits on top of a pillar extending from that platform.
  • In the third room of the level, to the right of the rocky bridge that leads to the exit, there is a platform with an Inferno Shield in the lava.
  • In the room where the path split rejoins, a Liquid Shield is in plain sight next to the exit.
  • In the room after the path split rejoins and before the third Star Post, there is an alcove with an Inferno Shield in the left wall about midway through.


  • Take the left path at the path split. In the circular room with the lava lake in the center, jump up to the platform to the right of the entrance. From there, jump across the two pillars in front of you to a high ledge at the top of the room. A trail of rings points towards the wall. This wall is bustable, revealing a cave with an invincibility monitor.

Super Sneakers

  • In the second room of the level, jump to the ledge in front of you from the entrance. Next to the lava pit, a Super Sneakers monitor sits on top of a pillar.
  • Take the left path at the path split. In the circular room with the lava lake in the center, a Super Sneakers monitor sits on top of a platform to the right of the entrance.

Emblem locations

  • Sonic: In the room where the path split rejoins, there is a hidden passage with an extra life and the emblem behind the lava fall, which you can reach from the lower of the two rocky bridge. To pass through it safely, you will need an Inferno Shield
  • Tails: In the second room of the level, look to your left from the exit. Behind a lava fall, you should see a rocky beam that connects the outer wall to a pillar. The emblem sits on top of that beam.
  • Knuckles: In the cave with the invincibility monitor, search the walls for a cracked section. This section is bustable, revealing a small passage with the emblem.

Technical data