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1.09.4:Emblem guide

From SRB2 Wiki

This is a guide describing the locations of all the emblems in SRB2 v1.09.4. There are 20 emblems in total. It is suggested that you attempt to find them on your own before using this document, as you can only find things for the first time once. Use this document at your own discretion.

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Emblem locations

Greenflower Zone Act 1

Once you reach the row of spikes, turn around and look to your right. You should see a small opening that leads to a side area of the lake. In front of you is a ledge with a diagonal yellow spring. Jump across the pillars in the lake to reach it. The spring will propel you to a cliff above the corridor area. After landing on the cliff, turn around to see another cliff with a house on it. Walk onto the bridge extending from this cliff and turn left from there. In the distance, you should see a high-up area near the first Star Post with a pool of water. To reach it, charge a spindash and jump immediately after releasing the spindash. The emblem is located on top of the red brick house in this area.

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To the right of the first bridge, there is an entrance to a cave. In the cave, look at the floor to find a hole in the ground in the middle of the room. Drop down the hole and follow the underwater corridor to an area with an Armageddon Shield. Look up to see a small hole in the ceiling. Fly up there with Tails to reach a small alcove with three ring monitors and the emblem.

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Between the first Star Post and the lake area, there's a high ledge to the right. Climb up there to find the emblem.

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Greenflower Zone Act 2

In the outdoor area before the cave with the second Star Post, you can see a waterfall coming down in front of you. Jump into the pool and use the yellow spring to propel yourself up the waterfall. Now follow the river against the current until you reach an area with three floating platforms. The emblem rests on the highest platform.

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In the outdoor area before the cave with the second Star Post, you can see a waterfall coming down in front of you. Jump into the pool and use the yellow spring to propel yourself up the waterfall. Now follow the river against the current until you reach an area with three floating platforms. If you turn left, you will enter the large valley near the end from above. Fly up the wall to your left until you reach a small opening at the top. You will reach a corridor containing an extra life and the emblem.

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From the starting area, climb up the wall to your right. You will reach an open field with a large platform in the middle. Climb up two more walls in front of you to reach a ledge with the emblem.

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Techno Hill Zone Act 1

Take the right path at the path split. Before you reach the third Star Post, look to your right to see a hole in the floor covered by a metallic rim. Jump down the hole to enter an underground tunnel that leads to an Invincibility Monitor and then back outside to the beginning of the right path. Instead of jumping back on the path, jump to the beam in front of you. Walk to the other end and jump to another beam. The emblem is on the other end of this beam.

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At the path split, take the left path and follow it until you get to the slime river that leads into the large slime lake. Fly up the slimefall that feeds the river to find the emblem hovering slightly above the top of it.

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At the entrance to the large factory at the end, there are several white beams hanging from the ceiling. Climb up the second one to the right to find an emeblem hovering at the top.

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Techno Hill Zone Act 2

At the very beginning of the stage, turn left towards the conveyor belt with the crusher and look for a slightly discolored tile in the floor next to the wall. This tile is intangible and hides a spring that will lead you into a hidden room. Turn left in this room to enter a conveyor belt. After following it for a bit, you will come across a room to your left that contains a Liquid Shield and the emblem.

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Take the lower path at the second path split. After passing under the crusher, you will come across a conveyor belt going to the right. There is a hole in the ceiling above the start of the conveyor belt. Fly up there to find the emblem.

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In the final room with the large slime pit, to the right of the entrance from the lower path, there is a large tube. The emblem sits on top of the tube, so climb up to reach it.

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Castle Eggman Zone Act 1

Go into the cave at the second path split and take the right path. The cave will end with a row of red springs and a wall in front of you. Spindash into these springs and aim at the wall. You will fly up to the opening of a cave containing an Attraction Shield, an Invincibility Monitor, two extra lives and Sonic's emblem.

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Jump to the balcony at the left edge of the castle. There is a red button containing four ring monitors. Pressing it will release four Detons and reveal Tails' emblem behind one of the opened doors.

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In the first room, there is a high ledge directly in front of you containing an extra life and Knuckles' emblem.

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Castle Eggman Zone Act 2

Walk up the staircase of the leftmost opening in the central courtyard and then jump down into the large pool from the bridge. All but one of the sides of the pool have a gargoyle in the middle. Go to the middle of the side that is missing a gargoyle and you will drop down into the water. After a short corridor, you will reach a room with several steps that lead above the water surface. Look to the left to see a small hole in the floor. Drop down there to reach an Armageddon Shield and a ring monitor. The passage to the right leads to a ledge with Sonic's emblem.

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In the dungeon of the third opening, set off the trap by pushing a button and then go into the far right cell to find the emblem.

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In the dungeon of the fourth opening, jump into the water and turn right. You should see an opening in the wall. Go through it and climb up the ledge in the room it leads to.

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Extra emblems

Extra Emblem #1
Complete the Single Player campaign with any character, with or without Chaos Emeralds, on any difficulty level.
Extra Emblem #2
Complete the Single Player campaign with any character after collecting all Chaos Emeralds in Normal difficulty or higher.
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