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2.0:Emblem guide

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This is a guide describing the locations of all the emblems in SRB2 v2.0. There are 40 emblems in total. It is suggested that you attempt to find them on your own before using this document, as you can only find things for the first time once. Use this document at your own discretion.

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Emblem locations

Greenflower Zone Act 1

Once you reach the row of spikes, turn around and look to your right. You should see a small opening that leads to a side area of the lake. In front of you is a ledge with a diagonal yellow spring. Jump across the pillars in the lake to reach it. The spring will propel you to a cliff above the corridor area. After landing on the cliff, turn around to see another cliff with a house on it. Walk onto the bridge extending from this cliff and turn left from there. In the distance, you should see a high-up area near the first Star Post with a pool of water. To reach it, charge a spindash and jump immediately after releasing the spindash. The emblem is located on top of the red brick house in this area.

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Jump into the lake in the last area of the level. To the left is an underwater cave that contains a red spring. When standing in front of the spring, turn right and walk into the small corner. Fly up there to reach the emblem.

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After leaving the small starting area, you will see a ring-shaped formation of rings floating in the sky to your left. The emblem is in the center of it. Climb up the high wall on the left side of the room and then jump off and glide towards the emblem to reach it.

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Greenflower Zone Act 2

In the large valley near the end of the level, take the upper path and look to your left from the first cliff. You should see an opening in the wall below you. Jump and thok to this opening to reach a cave. The emblem is in a corner to the right.

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In the hidden cave, there is a hole in the ceiling above the Armageddon Shield Monitor. Fly up there to get the emblem.

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Look behind the platforms to your left at the starting point to see a diagonal yellow spring. Take this spring to be propelled up to a small ledge with another diagonal yellow spring, which is the first in a chain of springs. Take them but avoid the last spring and land on the ledge holding the spring instead. Climb up the ledge to your right and turn left to reach a Super Ring Monitor surrounded by fences. The emblem is in a corner behind it.

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Techno Hill Zone Act 1

In the grassy area after the large slime lake on the right path, there is a large platform floating overhead. On the far side of the room is a red spring leading up to it. Instead of getting up to the platform, however, face towards the cliff to the right of the entrance to the room and spindash into the spring. You will be propelled to the top of the cliff. Continue walking along the cliff until you reach a ledge made out of metal that is too high to jump over. Instead, jump around it and use your thok to reach the other side. Alternately, turn around and look to your left to see a ledge with a Whirlwind Shield behind you, which you can use to jump over the metal ledge. After passing it, keep going until you the emblem at the end of the cliff.

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After the first Star Post, you will reach a bridge crossing a pool of slime. The emblem floats directly under the middle of the bridge. Fly under the bridge to reach it, but careful to avoid the slime.

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Take the underground tunnel path and continue until you reach the yellow springs leading to the exit. Instead of taking them, climb up the walls to the side. The emblem is floating near the ceiling behind you. Glide to reach it.

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Techno Hill Zone Act 2

At the very beginning of the stage, turn left towards the conveyor belt with the crusher and look for a slightly discolored tile in the floor next to the wall. This tile is intangible and hides a spring that will lead you into a hidden room. Turn left in this room to enter a conveyor belt. After following it for a bit, you will come across a room to your left that contains an Elemental Shield. Carry the Elemental Shield to the final room with the large slime pit. To the right of the entrance from the lower path, there is a large tube. Near the ledge with the Attraction Shield is a hole in the slime pool with a current going upwards. Face towards the large tube on the other side of the ledge and jump into the hole. The current will propel you upwards. If you land in the hole again without touching the floor, you will be propelled even higher. Once you're high enough to reach the ceiling, thok to the top of the large tube to reach the emblem.

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At the very beginning of the stage, turn left towards the conveyor belt with the crusher and look for a slightly discolored tile in the floor next to the wall. This tile is intangible and hides a spring that will lead you into a hidden room. Turn left in this room to enter a conveyor belt. After following it for a bit, you will come across a room to your left that contains an Elemental Shield. Carry the Elemental Shield into the lower path of the second path split. After passing under the crusher, you will come across a conveyor belt going to the right. Jump into the slime to the left of the conveyor belt and look for a hole in the wall with a slime current pushing into the room. Use a fully charged spindash to move against the current and reach the other side, where you will find the emblem at the bottom of the slimefall.

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Take the upper path with the Detons at the second path split and continue until you reach the slime river. Turn left and climb up one of the walls next to the slimefall. Once you've reached the ceiling, turn around and glide to the wall opposite from the slimefall to reach the emblem.

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Deep Sea Zone Act 1

Take the left path at the beginning and then the upper route in the large flooded room afterwards. Proceed normally until you get to a waterslide. At the end of the waterslide, jump off, turn left and thok to reach a ledge with the emblem.

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Take the left path at the beginning and then the lower route with the gargoyle puzzles in the next room. At the end of it, you will reach a waterslide with pillars blocking the exit. The emblem is at the end of the waterslide.

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This emblem is hidden in Knuckles' route. In the part where you have to climb through a maze on the wall, you will come across a point where you can climb either to your left or upwards. Climb to your left and continue until you reach a ledge. In the center of the ledge there is a small part protruding from the wall. The ceiling above this part is breakable, so climb through it to enter a passage leading to a room with an extra life and two ring monitors. There are four pillars next to the wall in this room. The bottom of the second pillar from the left is breakable and leads through a cave into an area with several waterfalls. In front of you, behind the bars, you should see a ledge with the emblem. To reach it, you must glide around the bars while avoiding the waterfalls, which will push you down into the water.

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Deep Sea Zone Act 2

After the underwater slide and the room with the rising water, you will reach a room with a Star Post and a green dragon symbol on the floor. The eye of the dragon is a red button that you can push to open a door to your left. You will reach a pool of water with four gargoyles next to it. To your right is a corridor blocked by a large crusher. The emblem is behind this corridor, but the crusher prevents you from reaching it normally. Instead, push the gargoyles into the diagonal yellow springs in the water. They will land in a corner next to the crusher, forming a stack. Push this stack under the crusher to prevent it from reaching the floor. This allows you to walk through the corridor safely and reach the emblem after passing under another, much shorter crusher.

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Take the left path at the beginning and follow it until you reach the large cave with the waterslide ramp. When entering the room, jump off to your left and fly up the waterfall that falls into the platform with the Star Post. At the top, you will reach the opening to a tunnel that the river feeding the waterfall comes out of. Land on the edge of the basin attached to the opening and then fly into the tunnel to find the emblem at the back of it. Note that the river has a strong current that will push you out of the tunnel, so avoid making contact with the water as much as possible.

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Take the right path at the beginning and follow it until you reach the bustable block maze. After reaching the other side, turn around and walk up to the right wall. Run through the blocks next to the wall until you reach a solid block. Now climb up and glide to the left to reach the emblem, which floats near the ceiling.

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Castle Eggman Zone Act 1

In the lake room where the two paths merge, instead of jumping into the lake, continue across the bridges above it until you reach the emblem next to the fence blocking off the area with the next Star Post.

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Take the right path at the beginning and head back down underneath the bridge that you entered from. The emblem is below the entrance.

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Climb to the top of the castle in the final room and enter it through one of the windows. You will reach a hallway that contains the emblem.

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Castle Eggman Zone Act 2

Take the upper path at the path and follow it until you reach the corridor with the spinning chain. The emblem is next to the ceiling on the wall behind you. Use the chain to propel you up to the ceiling and forward, and then thok to reach the emblem.

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In the dungeon with the swinging maces, fly up at the point where the bridge crossing the room turns right. Turn around to find a small alcove with the emblem in the wall above the maces.

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At the start, there are two pillars in front of you with a Super Ring Monitor on top of each. Don't break them, but instead climb onto one of the outer walls and line yourself up with one of the monitors. Climb all the way to the top until you can't climb any further and then jump off. Keep holding down the jump button and try to bounce off the monitor. This will give you enough height to glide onto the outer rim that blocked your path. From there, climb onto the ledge at the top of the castle. The emblem lies on top of Sonikku's signature.
Instead of bouncing off the monitors, you can also reach the emblem via the secret room that can be accessed from the dungeon. Climb to the top of the room and glide through the opening lined with spikeballs to reach the top of the starting area.

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Arid Canyon Zone Act 1

Get a Whirlwind Shield and enter the left path of the second path split (there is one in plain sight on this path). After the cave with the two rope pulleys, you will pass by a fence with a small hole in it. Jump through it and press spin to reach the ledge directly to your your left. Double jump to the ledge on the other side of the valley and turn left to see a high ledge next to the path after the bridge that you crossed before. Spindash and double jump to it. Walk forward and turn right to see a ledge with the emblem on the other side of the room. Use another spindash and double jump to reach it.

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At the second path split, instead of taking one of the paths, fly up to the balcony on the right-hand side and exit through the door leading right. In the next room, fly up to the highest pillar in the center of the room. The emblem is on top.

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First, find a Whirlwind Shield and don't lose it. Then, take the forward path at the second path split and follow it until you enter a cave with an oil pit and a large machine in front of you. In the center of the machine is a crate with an Eggman logo. From the small ledges to your right you can jump to the machine and push back the crate. This will cause the machine to start draining the oil in the pit, revealing a secret passage. Enter the passage and follow it. After walking over a wooden bridge with a partially crumbling floor and turning right, there should be a pool of water in front of you. Jump into it, go forward and use the Whirlwind Shield to jump up several ledges. You will reach an area with a Special Stage Token and the emblem.

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Red Volcano Zone Act 1

In the room with the rising and falling lava on the lower path, go to the second safe platform and drop down to the left once the lava is at the lowest point. A diagonal red spring attached to the bottom of the platform will propel you to a platform with a Force Shield on your left. From there, jump to another platform with a red spring to reach a high ledge. Now go to the left to reach the emblem.

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If you take the upper path at the beginning, you will come across two rooms with crumbling platforms. In the second room, fly up towards the ceiling just after the room makes a U-turn to reach the emblem.

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After exiting the room with the lava wave at the end, turn around and climb up the entrance to find the emblem floating near the ceiling.

Egg Rock Zone Act 1

In the room with the crumbling red-striped platforms on the right path, there is a ledge with the emblem below the rocks to your left. Stand on the second platform and let it crumble, then jump off shortly before you fall into the pit.

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On the left path, where the character-specific paths merge before the outer space room, backtrack through Knuckles' path. Fly through the room with the scrolling walls without touching the damaging electric walls. If you move quickly, your flight lasts just long enough to reach the other side. Take the zoom tube into the lava room and turn right there to find the emblem floating near the lava wall.

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On the left path, where the character-specific paths merge before the outer space room, backtrack through Sonic's and Tails' path until you get to the exit of the crusher gauntlet that Sonic goes through. The emblem floats above the exit.

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Egg Rock Zone Act 2

In the first outer space area of the right path, jump towards the lava fall attached to the wall on the left side of the room. The lava fall has an opening that leads into a cave. Try to get through the opening and into the cave without dying. If you go further inside, you will reach an altar with the emblem.

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After the air current that pushes you like a waterslide, you must go through an air duct. Instead of jumping down the hole in the floor to reach the next room, jump over it and continue along the air duct until you reach a Special Stage Token. Fly upwards from there to reach the emblem.

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Take the right path at the first Star Post and follow it until you get to the elevator that you have to supply with electricity. In the elevator shaft, climb onto the elevator and then climb up the pole that holds it. The emblem is near the ceiling.

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Extra emblems

Extra Emblem #1
Complete the Single Player campaign with any character, with or without Chaos Emeralds.
Extra Emblem #2
Complete the Single Player campaign with any character after collecting all Chaos Emeralds.
Extra Emblem #3
Get a combined time of less than 23 minutes on the Single Player levels in Time Attack.
Extra Emblem #4
Get a perfect bonus in any level. A perfect bonus is obtained by collecting every ring in a level and carrying them all to the end sign. Using an Attraction Shield makes this emblem easier. The easiest level to achieve this in is GFZ1, which contains 245 rings.
Spoilers end here.