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This is a list of all levels in SRB2 v2.0, along with small preview screenshots of each stage.

Single Player levels

Greenflower Zone

MAP01: Greenflower Zone Act 1

MAP02: Greenflower Zone Act 2

MAP03: Greenflower Zone Act 3

Techno Hill Zone

MAP04: Techno Hill Zone Act 1

MAP05: Techno Hill Zone Act 2

MAP06: Techno Hill Zone Act 3

Deep Sea Zone

MAP07: Deep Sea Zone Act 1

MAP08: Deep Sea Zone Act 2

MAP09: Deep Sea Zone Act 3

Castle Eggman Zone

MAP10: Castle Eggman Zone Act 1

MAP11: Castle Eggman Zone Act 2

Arid Canyon Zone

MAP13: Arid Canyon Zone Act 1

Red Volcano Zone

MAP16: Red Volcano Zone Act 1

MAP17: Blue Mountain Zone Act 2

Egg Rock Zone

MAP22: Egg Rock Zone Act 1

MAP23: Egg Rock Zone Act 2

MAP24: Egg Rock Zone Act 3

Secret levels

Sonic Into Dreams

MAP29: Spring Hill Zone

Mario Koopa Blast

MAP30: Mario Koopa Blast Zone Act 1

MAP31: Mario Koopa Blast Zone Act 2

MAP32: Mario Koopa Blast Zone Act 3

Neo Aerial Garden Zone

MAP40: Neo Aerial Garden Zone

Special Stages

MAP50: Special Stage 1

MAP51: Special Stage 2

MAP52: Special Stage 3

MAP53: Special Stage 4

MAP54: Special Stage 5

MAP55: Special Stage 6

MAP56: Special Stage 7

MAP57: Special Stage 8

Circuit stages

MAP70: Burning Sands Zone

MAP71: Race Alley Zone

MAP72: Emerald Coast Zone

MAP73: Toxic Citadel Zone

MAP74: Frozen Night Zone

MAP75: Metallic Hall Zone

MAP76: Heaven Pass Zone

MAP77: Warped Woods Zone

MAP78: Corrupt Shrine Zone

MAP79: Slumber Circuit Zone

Capture the Flag stages

MAP80: Lime Forest Zone

MAP81: Cloud Palace Zone

MAP82: Silver Cascade Zone

MAP83: Icicle Falls Zone

MAP84: Twisted Terminal Zone

MAP85: Nimbus Ruins Zone

Match stages

MAP90: Jade Valley Zone

MAP91: Noxious Factory Zone

MAP92: Tidal Palace Zone

MAP93: Thunder Citadel Zone

MAP94: Desolate Twilight Zone

MAP95: Infernal Cavern Zone

MAP96: Frost Columns Zone

MAP98: Sapphire Falls Zone

MAP99: Meadow Match Zone

SRB1 Remake

Main article: SRB1 Remake

Knothole Base Zone

MAPA1: Knothole Base Zone Act 1

MAPA2: Knothole Base Zone Act 2

Great Forest Zone

MAPA3: Great Forest Zone Act 1

MAPA4: Great Forest Zone Act 2

Lake Zone

MAPA5: Lake Zone Act 1

MAPA6: Lake Zone Act 2

Ice Palace Zone

MAPA7: Ice Palace Zone Act 1

MAPA8: Ice Palace Zone Act 2

Volcano Zone

MAPA9: Volcano Zone Act 1

MAPAA: Volcano Zone Act 2

Echidnapolis Zone

MAPAB: Echidnapolis Zone Act 1

MAPAC: Echidnapolis Zone Act 2

Sky Lab Zone

MAPAD: Sky Lab Zone Act 1

MAPAE: Sky Lab Zone Act 2

Mechanical Madness Zone

MAPAF: Mechanical Madness Zone Act 1

MAPAG: Mechanical Madness Zone Act 2

Robotopolis Zone

MAPAH: Robotopolis Zone Act 1

MAPAI: Robotopolis Zone Act 2

Robo Base Zone

MAPAJ: Robo Base Zone Act 1

MAPAK: Robo Base Zone Act 2

RingSatellite Zone

MAPAN: RingSatellite Zone Act 1

MAPAO: RingSatellite Zone Act 2

Super levels

MAPAR: Athenos Zone

MAPAS: Great Unknown Zone

MAPAT: Void Zone

Hyper levels

MAPAU: Woodland Hill Zone

MAPAV: Rocky Mountain Zone

MAPAW: Hidden Palace Zone