Linedef type 32

Linedef type 32, PolyObject – Angular Displacement by Front Sector, is a type of linedef special which is used to rotate a tagged PolyObject by changing the heights of the linedef's front sector. It behaves in a similar manner to displacement plane scrollers (linedef types 512, 515, 522, 525, 532 and 535), but instead of scrolling a sector plane, it rotates a PolyObject, carrying any solid Objects standing on it along with it.
This linedef should be given a tag corresponding to the ID of the wanted PolyObject. The PolyObject will be rotated around its PolyObject Anchor.
On its own, this linedef will not rotate the PolyObject. Rather, the PolyObject will rotate whenever either the floor or ceiling of the control sector moves, which can done by using linedef executors. The front X and Y offsets of the control linedef determine how a movement of the control sector planes is translated into a rotation of the PolyObject. The front X offset determines the plane movement factor. If it is set to 0, it defaults to 128. The front Y offset determines the rotation factor. If it is set to 0, it defaults to 90. If the plane movement factor is x and the rotation factor is y, then for every x fracunits that the floor or ceiling moves upwards, the PolyObject rotates counterclockwise by y degrees. Clockwise movement can be achieved by either moving the floor or ceiling downwards or by making either of the two factors negative.
If this linedef is used in conjunction with linedef type 401, the PolyObject will immediately jump to the corresponding angle in its rotation (and any solid Object standing on it will move said distance). If this linedef is used in conjunction with linedef type 404, the PolyObject will rotate continuously until the control sector reaches the given ceiling height. If this linedef is used in conjunction with linedef type 407, the PolyObject will only rotate as long as the linedef executor is being continuously triggered.
By default, only players standing on the PolyObject will have their angle rotated with it; the angle of other Objects that can be carried by the PolyObject will be unaffected. If Solid Midtexture is checked, other Objects will have their angle rotated with the PolyObject as well as players; however, if Not Climbable is checked, this effect is disabled for all Objects including players.
- Example file: ex_ld032_polyobject_angulardisplacementbyfrontsector.wad (MAP01)
How to use |
Linedef types – PolyObjects | [view] | |
First Line • Parameters • Waving Flag • Displacement by Front Sector • Angular Displacement by Front Sector |